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Everything posted by caribbeanLover
OMG I'm chatty!!! I have over a 1000 post lol!!! just noticed. BTW I can't see the attachments anymore for your hair peice Meghan I tried to look at them again
Quote: Originally Posted by hoyt75 Hi all. I'm just now finding this thread and am getting married April 3 at the Valentin Imperial Maya in Mexico. Haven't taken the time to look all the way through it yet, but thought I would introduce myself. Jenna Welcome to the thread, and congrats!!! Happy planning!
Quote: Originally Posted by MilitaryMrs.s-to be OMG!!! I'm really starting to freak out, I really don't know where to send my documents because I called WEDO and there telling me to send them to Texas.....I don't want to send them to texas! Thats bull!! Urghhhhhhhhh....................Carolina still isn't emailing me back, I need to know a estimate time of the ceremony, my boss is staying at the dreams and is coming over to do hair and for the wedding!! But she won't tell me, How is god's name am I going to get ahold of her down there? I want to cry, I think I just might. I need to get my docs done right now, like yesterday now and I'm freaking out hard core........I want to go on vacation from my wedding plans I am waiting for someone reply back right now,she is also sending her papers to WEDO tomorrow (She is getting married the day after us at another resort) I will find out exactly the address she is sending it to. If it is Texas and you don't want that, why don't you send it to Montreal Or Toronto? I know for a fact, you send it to Montreal and they do it in their office. That could be an option for you.. only problem is, it's a little more $$ then WEDO, Montreal charges $360US (with the money order, it came up to $400) Let me know, I'll get all their info for ya. Try and not stress it all work at and you'll be married April 13th
I totally feel you with how to use the tax return, we are only lucky in one way because I don't work so the FI gets to put me as a depended so we get $1000 just because of that (not that it's even close on how much $$ he spends on me a year with all my medications) 1 medication is 1,500$ a month!!!!!!!!! (which is cheap since the last one i was on was 3,400$ a month) so odd how each province has different rules or ways of doing things, espically with the whole tax thing ugh- I hate money!!!
Meghan, Your work doesn't give you your tax papers before xmas? I know in MTL we get all of our papers before xmas so we are able to file them right after the holidays. I always do my tax around this time of year. We are waiting to use it for the wedding lol. taraappl I am so sorry to hear about your MOH issues, I just had almost the same issue with a BM, spacey like yours lol.. ugh they are so frustrating. I had that talk with her, and everything has been cleared since then, and it feels amazing. about the booking, my moh is only booking March 10th and we leave April 10th. I just have to have faith she will come through (and so will the resort packages) I hope so as her bf is the bestman as well. I am sure once you have that talk with her you'll feel better. If she is anything like my BM then you should have that talk with her before she spends all the tax return money.. that's exactly how my girl is... I had to take money away from you and said this is for your trip. I even had to take the dress from her or she would have worn it!!! Meghan, your not alone with the horrible 24 hours. I've had some problems as well yesterday and today.. makes me need a vacation from wedding planning 'cry' I hope everything you need comes in real fast (pants, mugs) I booked my trip on line back in Sept.. we booked for 1 week in the upgraded royal suites, but on top of that we upgraded again and got a 'delux suite'.. everything is fine until I call the travel agent and ask to add another week for our honeymoon. I made it clear it was for the delux suite, he was aware and had no problem.. he 'booked' the second week for the same room. Sunday he calls me and ask me if was ok to pay the remaining balance Monday (yesterday) as suppose today (Tuesday when it was orginally to be paid) I said it was no problem, and made it clear AGAIN for the delux suit. he said 'yes ma'am no problem it's definitely for the delux' ok great. Yesterday I woke up to my new invoice, so I was going through it and saw the room type as 'junior suite' which is the undergrade of what I paid for So I call him, and he has enough balls to tell me I was wrong and I never orginally booked the Delux (ooops for him I kept my old invoice for the 1 week trip) and sure enough it says 'delux suite' and now it's all about 'we are working it out' UH- NO!!! No one needs more then 24 hours to work it out, I want my invoive with what I paid for.. but it's not that easy and I am still fighting with the... STUPID ITRAVEL2000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ugh sorry girls Btw-I love your hair pieces!!! they are so beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote: Originally Posted by shellk its now the night b4 i leave listen to kittenheart enjoy it i cant wait for best man to give fi the bd book xx Good luck!!!! have fun and enjoy your trip. Can't wait to hear all about it.
La senza has special going on for the canadian girls , I'l also post pic when DBW is working better for me.Can't wait to see all your teaser's. I've finally confirmed my date, Feb 17th!!!
Quote: Originally Posted by Emmers Very cute. I like how you say "they looked easy enough," because I looked at the ones you did and they still seem like they could take a bit of time. I guess it's all relative, right? Very nice work! They are actually pretty simple, just cut and fold. Especially since all the fold marks are already included. Hasn't taken me anytime to cut and fold them.. it's getting the ribbon into a bow, that is my problem but I've never been good at bows, so probabaly only my issue lol. Good luck, have fun!
Oh wow!!! I didn't realize you lived so far up! I can't imagine how cold it is for you guys, how is the summer weather up there?
ah MB lol got it.. yeah real cold up there. I feel lucky I guess usually don't even have to ear long johns lol
Where are you Michele in Canada?
Meghan, We have something in common, I am from a huge family of twins, we are actually hoping to have twins are first time around as I'd love nothing more to give the Fi what he wnats (2 kids) but it'll definitely have to be the first time around lol. I'm actually doing some research now to see what I can do to higher my chances of twins because I'll have a hysterectomy right after the baby. I found out Quebec will do certen things for free (Invetro) if you have illness like me! So I am hopeful. Lets just get the wedding done first lol . Good luck to everyone on the note. It'll be amazing to see down the road and have something else to talk about lol
Kimmy, I love your cake topper, it's so cute!!! I just love that you put your dog on it. I totally had the same idea about putting my cats (but I have 4) so it wouldn't have worked lol. speak of cake toppers I bought mine yesterday too. I'll post pic later (just woke up lol) And no problem for the confusion, happens to me more often then I'd like to admit lol. Michele, I love the bowl, what an adorable idea!!!! I may steal it if you don't mind!! are you also having a flower girl? I can see the problem with 1 child, but I grew up an only child and I loved it, yes of course I had my moments where I begged for my mom for a brother or sister. But my parents both had lost their jobs at one point or another while I was growing up, so lucky they just had me to worry about. Especially with the economy now and days.I just want 1 lol (FI wants to, too bad for him, cause of my health issues) ShortnSweet, Us to if things don't go planned concieving a child o-naturel then we will aslo conisder adopting. So many kids need it!! But I am sure everything will get fine for you guys and you'll get what you want, you are deserve it!
Kimm, It was me with the BM issues lol. But I got a handle on things now that I cleared the air. Man it felt good, one less thing to stress about. I am sorry your going through some bridal party stresses too it's just no fun. My MOH is also booking last min which makes me very nervous as the flight 'packages' are getting booked real fast. I originally asked 4 girls, but then when we decided on the DW I asked one girl to step down as it wont be a big event, she had no problem cause she's not even coming. But Now I have 2 BM and 1 MOH and only 1 Bestman. So I wanted to ask 1 girl (SIL) not to walk down the aisle but to read the sand ceremony. Not like she's acting as a BM.. she's acting as a guest she didn't even pay for her dress (when the other girls did) Me too I have to order the brochures (it's our welcome letter/things to do/guest room#) but this will have to be last min It does suck being the care giver,my FI gets stress every once and awhile. But it's not that fun..especially if your use to working (like me) I've gone through some 'crazy' moments. Surprise the FI stuck with it lol. I say, one day it'll be my turn to be the care giver, and I am sure your FI can give you some time off once his done with school. For babies, I on the other hand would have loved to wait a few more years (as I am 25) but the FI is 34 so his a little more ready then me per say. But with the endometriosis the doctors suggest I have a baby right away and then go with either one of my 2 options to stop my period for good. So we will start trying right after the wedding... already started taking all the pre natal stuff. I would have loved to enjoyed married life for a little bit, but I guess it doesn't matter much as we have been together for 6 years and lived together for 5 and half, I guess we had our quiet time lol. Fi wanted me to stay home for the first year with the baby and go back to work. Would be nice to have a job before getting pregnant to get MAT leave, but I don't see it happening. Especially with the endo I am sick every month, so hard to hold a job down Melidell Aww you live far from mom too, I am sorry (at least you guys got the chance to go dress shopping together!!) So do you just want 1, or more then that?
So does anyone plan on trying to have a baby right after the wedding, or there is no plans, just see what happens? It must suck so much for you and your mom Meghan to live so far apart. I am not sure I'd handle that with my mom, I am an only child.. she calls me at least 5 times a day lol!!! At least she lives 20 mins away, not a walk over. But I love her to death! I guess try to tell her as much as possible, which I am sure you already do!
Thanks Michele! I think I got my point through to her today, but that would also be a good idea and I'll keep that in mind if she gets out of check again lol I'll get my MOH to talk to her and let you know 'bridesmaid duties' worse of all, I bought a bridesmaid book and gave it to her so she would know what to do and what would fall on her lap as far as responsibility.. and I was still put in this situation with her. But I think in the end she understands it my day and that Ive been planning this for 2 years. It's just so much easier to do what you want when you have great support like your FI. It was a big decision when I had to stop working, I would have never have done it if the FI didn't agree.. but he did agree to support me due to my health issues. I'm very blessed. And don't worry you'll get use to not woking in to time.. the real problem is going back to work. I am not sure how I'll handle it as it's been over 2 years since I worked. I think you mom would rather help you and be a part of anything then to be 'surprised' I know thats how my mom feels.
I couldn't handle it anymore. I just sent her a msg saying ' I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but I've got to know. Would you prefer to attend the wedding as a guest as suppose to a bridesmaid. This way you can wear what you want, do your hair and make- up the way you want and not have any responsibility's and just get to enjoy the day, pls don't get me wrong I'd love to have you by my side but I also want you have a great time and be comfortable so let me know,you definitely wouldn't offend me either way, I'm sorry if I've become bridezilla,I've become stressed weddng wise' I just a msg back from her saying ' Of course I want to be by your side, what would give you that idea' My head spinning lol!!! she doesn't get it the poor poor girl (she's 22 stuck in a 16 years old body who's never been to a wedding before) so I just replyed saying I felt this way because she always trying to change my decisions.. like the hair and how you want to change it after the pictures are taken, and that I didn't plan this whole day for just picture taking but for the whole day and night. how she wants to add a butterfly clip to the dress once the pictures are taken.. again it's not just for pics, it's the whole day. So I feel caught in between what I want and what she wants. I want everyone to be happy. she left me another msg saying she's sorry she made me feel that way and it is my day and I should know how she likes to spicy things up (which is totally true!!) but not to worry she'll do what I want when I want for that whole day after all it's my day Boy and Boy do I feel stupid now. But I guess it's good we got it out in the open. I am sorry girls for this big vent. But thanks for putting up with me. Much appreciation. Ugh I can' wait until this is all over with!!!
Thank for the supportive words! I'll let you all know when it's finally done!
I've never really been a person to ask either. my saying is 'if you want it done right, do it yourself' kind of thing. I guess some girls are different then others when it comes down to BM and MOH some of them are eager to help, and others want to feel part of the guest for surprises. I guess your also right this one BM I am speaking of.. every time I tell her an idea like just now I picked a hairstyle for them and she said 'well after the pictures I'll just put my hair the way I want' or for the dress 'once the pictures are taken I'll add something to my dress' I think I am just going to stop telling her the plan and on the wedding day just tell her she has to do it this way. I mean would it be wrong of me to ask her if she'd prefer to attend as a guest? this way she can put her hair the way she wants, she can wear whatever dress she want. And not have to worry about responsibility. Would it be crazy and rude to ask her that? After all it's how she is making me feel.
oh really!! now maybe I feel bad that I should leave things as a surprised. They all know about the OOT bags. My MOH has been amazing though.. helping me whenever asked. She actually likes seeing all the projects I've done. So maybe I should just leave it and try to understand this BM has never been to a wedding before and she'd like a few surprises. I like it!! if I decided to use the template I'll use those words.. I knew you could come up with something amazing, your so darn talented lol
Thanks suzy, I love yours too!! you guys make a perfect looking couple! So I need your help. I was talking to one of my BM last week and I had done my dinner favours so I brought 1 to show her. She said 'oh so cute, but you have to stop showing me things, I want things to be a suprise' I was really taken back by this comment, as I really haven't ask for any of their help.. but that's what they are there for. There are no surprised for the bridesmaids (am I right?!) So I figured she needed to get more involved in planning this wedding. I came across a template for a bridesmaid newsletter it's really cute way to get them involved. I am now asking for you girls help on the wording. How do I let them know nicely they need to start doing their bridesmaid duty. Thanks guys sooo much!!
why couldn't they just say that!! geeez!!! ShortNSweet. Thank you so much for the view of Las Vegas. What a beauty!! I will definitely have to make a trip down there. What a good idea about the time shares. We have no interest in those so we'd have to problem with 'NO' but more then willing to listn for an hour and half to get great deals. Thanks for the idea!!
sooooooooooo what are they doing for the FI?!?! I want to know now too lol
Now it's Feb 10th lol!!!! ugh-I'm so nervous it doesn't help it keeps get post pond but I am definitely prepare with lingerie and shoes lol.