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Everything posted by caribbeanLover

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by ewok I fell real sorry about your endometriosis, and I agree with your FI, not everything can have the "perfect" timing. I'm much older than you (32), and I sure wish we had started trying for kids when I was only 25! As of now, we've been trying for over 4 years, and got nothing but many problems (PCOS, probable tube problems on my right), physical suffering (5 miscarriages, increasing period pains), and sadness. Time is running out on me, I never thought I'd have my first child at 33... that is if I ever have one (and not thinking about 2 anymore). Right now I've stopped trying since December, wanted to have fun on this trip (aka Drink and Not worry about possible miscarriage while I'm in Jamaica), we'll resume the active trying (temperature, ovulation tests, timed intercourse) on next cycle, depending on when ovulation fall. BTW, did you have an hysterosalpingography to check on your tubes, and a laparoscopy exam where they burn some of your endo? Since your period is so painfull and you won't be able to try many times, they should do this to help you I think. (Yeah, I know way too much about anything fertility related...) Your boudoir pic is great... P.S. thank for the number, I should call tomorrow (don't exactly know how, since I work in very open cubicles, and this wedding is secret! LOL ) I also posted dress pics on the knock-off thread: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ml#post1186735 Call me selfish, especially after your story.. I really wanted another year or 2 to get my carer started as I've been on medical leave for 2 years. But we start now, I wont be 'stable' in my mind. But like you said and FI said no perfect planning, and this is all for health reason. I know I'll be ecstatic when I get pregnant (if I get pregnant) I am soo sorry to hear about your problem. I know it doesn't help, but now and days with the technology woman can have kids safely up until 40. who knows, maybe since you wont be 'trying' you'll get pregnant.. I've heard the stress of 'trying' can be a real big factor in things. I have my fingers and toes crossed for you and your FI. You deserve it so much. Would you ever consider adopting? We've talked about it, but it's a long and very expensive procedure, not sure I'd be up for the stress. So if your having problems with only the right side, could they do something to try and make it easier for the left side? I have a endo specialist, and he wanted to treat me (put me into menapause)for endo but not burn them away. So I am currently waiting to see another doctor who will burn them away. I don't see how endo and being pregnant can help. They should be burned before that. I definitely want a second opinion. My crohn's doctor aggress. But she also (crohn's doc)said I should start trying like yesterday lol. and then stop my period for good. Again I am so sorry for your situation, We're here anytime if you want to vent or just talk (well I am) I LOVE YOUR DRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I see how it's a 'little' toooo big lol. Let me know if and when you contact the seamstress what she said. Good luck.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by ManoCujo Nice thanks so much - much nicer then the daisies and carnations I once saw online included in the package. You know, I didn't think I cared too much about the flowers until I saw those as my original options! I totally agree, they are so much nicer then what is included with the package.I was like that too,didn't care to much about what bouquet I had. But I spent to much time on here, made me care lol!! By the way, Welcome to the thread!! and congrats... where are you from in Ontario? do you have a date picked for your wedding?
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by ManoCujo I would love to see what pics you guys are referring to - do you mind sharing? Appreciated! I'm sorry, should have thought about posting so everyone could see. Warning, files are big.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Nonnie I just got back a few weeks ago from my DW in Punta Cana and we did some excursions segway tour of Playa Blanco: $60 each, 3 hrs. If you have ever wanted to try a segway, this is the way to do it. You get to see a pretty neat beach/celebrity hotspot and an ecological reserve. One word of caution though, when they tell you how NOT to use a segway/ get off a segway, listen. My Father in Law tried to step off the side and ended up in the Bavaro Hospital for 3 days with broken ribs. Missed his flight home, fortunatly has good travel insurance Trip to Santo Domingo: Ok, I will make this short and say if you want to go to the capital arrange a trip for just you and your group with a knowledgeable driver through the hotel. There is lots to see and if you charter your own driver you won't have to waste time seeing things that don't intrest you (ie the very dirty boring financial district) and spend more time on this worth while (the old city and cave of the 3 eyes). I believe that there was a way to have an 8 passanger van for $400 usd. We used Hotel Bed's tour and it was terrible Manati Park, $30 pp: a fun way to spend 3 hours, but any more then that and you will be bored it's a zoo with some great seal, dolphin, parrot and dancing horse shows. The Taino village they have though can only be described as politically incorrect. Thanks so much for the info, I like the sounds of the segway, minus your father in law getting hurt. Sorry again!! very helpful, and reasonable price. Where did you get this excursion from? any website?
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by shortnsweet7675 I will definitely miss them while I am gone (like I am right now). We are doing two weeks. Just recently decided to add one extra week. Since we will have 13 people going on our week-long cruise with us, it will not be a "true" honeymoon. So, we've decided to spend a week alone in Orlando, Florida at our timeshare resort when we return from the cruise. That's so true , I keep forgetting your not home. I am so sorry you must miss the FI too!!! hope your not to lonely. I know FI does when he travels (which is a lot, not as often as you tho!!) We did the same, booked 1, then a few months later booked the second week. Like you feeling like the first week wont feel like a honeymoon. That'll be so nice in Orlando. Will you do Wilt Disney? lol I love that place and is dying to go again, especially universal studio's
  6. I also have very slow response now, I learned to deal with it (I was giving myself ulcers) and I just tried to remember this is the reason I am planning a DW and why I am huge member of this form, I actually saw a thread for your resort, I am sure you can get some answer's there. Have you put a deposit and have an actually contract? I never had to put one down. like everyone said, just take a deep breath and try not worry to much, it'll all come together and we'll all be looking and your pretty wedding pictures!! :)
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 That's perfect! thanks for sending that! I LOVE the 6th picutre, I agree!! how much is that one? Did she tell you? I don't love the colours they have for the chair covers -- the yellow is not great and the other one is really dark!! hmm, I wonder if I should bring my own. my pleasure, thanks to Mrs Miltar! If I am not mistaken the 6th pic is $40US, not to bad,considering how much I'd pay for a bouquet like that here in Montreal... tho I am spending $1300US for the wedding package, I just like it more. Who knows, maybe she has different ones now and i may change my mind again lol (I am so bad for that, changing my mind to many times) chair covers,or the sash? They are both $$ to buy, if it's in your budged and you really don't like what they have, go ahead!! if not (like me) I'm just going to pick something they have, hopefully aqua/pool kinda colour, I can also go with yellow (BM bouquets, but if I go with yellow, the BM dress colour will get lost since everything else will be yellow, aaaahhh decisions,decisions)
  8. seriously, i can't believe I missed this. They are sooo beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tototally jealous lol. wow!!! great!!! did you do them yourself?
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 Hi! That would be great if you could send the pics! I just tried to send you a pm, but it says you have exceeded your space and cannot receive more messages until some are deleted? I'm not sure! You must have a lot of messages! lol lol sorry, yes my msg box was full, as I never have deleted them since I've been a member,sorry about that, it's all empty now, you can go ahead and send it, you wont have a problem anymore.
  10. Thanks guys so much for your kind kind words!!! the body well I definitely saw some results from working out since Oct. also it help's to stay thin with the crohn's, as I am always sick and hardle every able to keep food down (not such a good diet) no need to be jealous anyone! I second all your opinion, the black was def my fav, and I couldn't agree more how good of a job my hair and make-up turned out. Thanks again!! katie424, so glad to hear you don't have to worry about being hung over and flying!!! ShortNSweet, That is so cute you dog moves things to have your attention, truly like a child!!! to adorable, you all will miss the puppy's so much when your gone for the wedding, who's doing 1, who's doing 2 weeks. I know we are leaving in a month and 17 days and all I can think about is how much I am going to miss my 4 cats, and their usually sleeping, so I know it'll be worse for you guys with the dogs, as they are usually always around you guys.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by RonNMel Nice teaser picture Carribeanlover!! Yeah, my friend has endometriosis and has been incapable of getting pregnant. :-( Hope you have more luck than her!! Have fun in Mexico Heidylynn! aww so you know all about it, I also have crohn's disease which doesn't help matters at all, I may not be any luckier trying to keep positive for now! Have fun Heidylynn, let us know how it goes and how your vaca is!
  12. my photographer sent me a teaser last night from the session.
  13. carolina24, Thank you so much!!!! xxo your so kind, $4 was definitely a steal for BM bouquet (dollar store lol)
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by RonNMel Yes, we are seriously thinking about trying soon after the wedding. Though, after all the stress I've had this week and feeling nauseous all the time, I'm thinking I'm not going to have an easy pregnancy... You? I recently found out I have endometrisos, for those who never heard of it, it causes horribe period pain,it's cells that are suppose to be in the uterus, in the case of endo the cells are out of the uterus, normally attached to your intistines. Which causes scares, also cause inferlity.. most periods I end up in the hospital. So the doctors want me to stop my period for good (they want to put me into menapause) since the doc knows were getting married, he'd like me to have a baby right away, and then do a hysterectomy. So we will be trying right after the wedding day. I personally would have loved to wait a few more years, but like the FI said not everything can worked out as planned. I rather have a child now, wether then not and regret it in a few years down the road. maybe we'll get knocked up aroun the same time lol!1
  15. me too I consider myself lucky FI has no kids, neither do I. on a brighter note, I have a 1 teaser's in last night from my photographer. ok ladies, please be brutally honest, I truly need it.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 I am so excited!! I woke up this morning and started making a list of things (what we need to bring, what is available etc.) I'm working on a master wedding list now - carribbeanlover did you ever find those flowers? I'm looking on here and on palladiumaddict and not finding anything! great, hope you get the list done before I have to leave, I am sure it'll be helpful lol. PM your e-mail address, Courtney found some andI'll send it to me!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by RonNMel The surprising thing is, when I asked my FI about me doing a BD shoot, he wasn't that interested. He said it was not his thing. I still want to do it for me though. One thing is for sure, I want to do a sexy/intimate maternity photoshoot the day I do get pregnant. Love those!! maybe his thinking porno like, but I am sure after he see's yours (that would be tastefully and not sulty) he'd go crazy ohh me to, I will be doing that too, probably around 6-7 months pregnant. Does anyone plan on having kids right away?
  18. wow I love all your flowers, makes my look like crap but I am keeping them anyhow. They are the BM bouquet. I did them myself for $4 each. My bouquet that I'll upgrade at the resort.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by btn1091 Just picked up the mugs today... and I absolutely love them!! They are perfect!! I will try and post a pic as soon as I learn how to?! ohhh I am so happy they turned out great for you, can't wait to see a pic. best way to upload a pic, go to photobucket (free account) upload your pic there, once you've done that go to 'share link' and fine the 'img' code, copy and past in here. Good luck!
  20. They look great!!!!!!!!!!!! Where in the world did you find the Tylenol packets? I love the label!!! lol to cute. Great job, and yes!!! stop shopping!
  21. I had the sam experince as you guys, like sungoddes I was turned off by it. So I found HCD, and Arnaud has been amazing about replying to all my e-mails , really giving me a full answer. I've never sent a question and getting a reply feeling more confused. I am so excited to work with him and see our photo's!! especially the TTD!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by RonNMel I'll keep this in mind. I wouldn't be doing it until next year though. :-) The only thing I'd be worried about printing my pictures somewhere else cheap, is they might not want to print those pictures if they are "too revealing". good point! I'm just going to take my cd, and go to the machine and print them myself, no one will see them, unless someone is looking at my screen when selecting the photo's... I'll cover it will my purse lol!! It'll be a funny sight watching me get 'these' photo's printed, let you know how it goes. A lot of people do these session for their first year anniversary as well. So it's a great idea, just pm anytime for the info! I will totally do something like this again for a different occasion as it was a lot of fun.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by RonNMel What was included for 75$? Not to much, guess it's why it's so cheap The motel room, her time for 30 mins and a cd of all the pictures she takes. She said she doesn't touch them up when she gives you the price, but she does, she'll be touching some up for me. If you want to go with her, and want pictures touched up, I know a girl who can do that for less then $20 (for all pics) so you print your pictures at the cheapest place, and make your own book, or can go to walmart and make a calander out of it (not sure I want to do that,since people wil see them, worried someone will keep some for their personally use, yuck lol)
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