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Everything posted by caribbeanLover

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by chell44 I have a question related to music.. I plan on having the beach party with the dj but making my cd's how does it work out, as far as certain songs being played at certain times? ie: bouquet/garter toss, entrance. Do I just number all the cd's? I feel like I'm going to have to keep telling the dj when to play things and I don't want to be bothered, I just want to enjoy my night. I ended up #ing all my cd's (#1 bouquet toss, #2 father/daughter dance, #3 garter toss, ect....) however, I completely forgot to mention it to Carolina for her to explain to the DJ so once it was time to play them he just played a song from one of my 3 mixed cd's, ended up being just as much fun anyway. As he ended up picking real good songs for whatever we were doing, really worked out perfect (the only thing I was a little disappointed about was I picked kung fu fighting for the bouquet toss since it was just my MOH and BM and I knew they would fight to their deaths for it...which they did!, it would have been so funny but really no one remembers the songs lol you get way to drunk!!! especially at an all inclusive resort) So if your real strict on having specific songs for certain things, just remember to explain it all to Carolina at your meeting.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by shanelle I really hope you will see this post! lol How long did it take for you to receive your marriage certificate after you were married?! Im getting nervous because its coming up on two months & I havent received anything... I also got married in Punta Cana, I recieved my M-Certificate 3 weeks after returning home, so did most of the girls. I suggest contacting your WC at your resort that you got married at. Good luck!!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by richarsd Ah so the restaurants DO play music?? I wondered if maybe they did. That would probably suffice assuming it's not loud and obnoxious music, lol, which I can't imagine. And I definitely would be open to trying to persude a waiter to play a CD...who could turn down a bride on her wedding day (especially if I threw in a tip ) So glad I asked...thanks Tracey! Yes, they play music I didn't know either until that night of my wedding LOL. Tho granted I wasn't really worried about music for dinner since I know people end up talking, then other people so the back round noise ends up being people talking lol. but yeah for sure if you give it to Carolina she'll make sure it'll get played!!! My pleasure... anything else comes up just ask away!!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Chicago Hi Ladies, I am sorry to just barge in on your discussion. My question does not have anything to do with your current topic. I am thinking that I have seen someone post a link to a script for wedding ceremony on this thread. I might be mistaken. I cannot find it or I am just running through it too fast. Please if any of you have posted it or know on which page the link is on I would very much appreciate it. Also its nice reading your posts. I will also be getting married at Grand Palladium January 5th. I dont have much time to chime in but would like to soon. Based on what I have read and seen from your pics it looks beautiful!! Alma I'm not sure of what your talking about?! Are you talking about the symbolic ceremony scripts, or the legal one? Or are you speaking of the script for the sand ceremony? congrats on your engagment and upcoming wedding date...it'll fly by!!! Quote: Originally Posted by richarsd Ladies, I can't decide what do for music for the reception so thought I'd throw it out to the group. We're getting the trio band for the ceremony so don't have to worry about that at least. For the reception, we decided to shell out for the private restaurant for dinner...we get it for 4 or 5 hours (haven't settled on times yet) so we're just gonna have the party and reception there too following dinner. We figured we'd hire the DJ for the party because I don't wanna have to bother anyone with flipping CDs over or me worrying about it myself (it's only like an extra $50 more than renting the sounds equipment anyway). But I'm not sure what do for the dinner portion of the night. I definitely would like music to be played then too but we only get the Dj for 3 hours (unless we pay extra). So, I guess the options are to pay extra for the DJ to be there for the dinner too (although it kinda seems like a waste to just him him sit there as we eat for another $100). Or does anyone know if it's possible to just have the sound system (no Dj) available for the first part and the DJ come later? We will have an MC to announce our entrance into the restaurant and get everyone seated...I suppose he could just press "play" on the machine, lol. What did you ladies do?? Thanks for your help!! Hi!!! You'll have a blast with the restuarant all to yourself. I personally don't think you should spend any extra for the DJ for longer hours, your paying enough (especially for a DW) I say just listen to the restuatant music during dinner (or you can even ask nicely if you can throw a cd into their player.. you could make a cd for a 2 hour period) which would be easy to do, there are tons of ideas/list on the net for kinds of music for this type of setting. Hope this helps!!
  5. I know I was a little upset that they charged me $150 for the use of the wheel chair for 6 days. But my dad wouldn't have been able to get by for the week if we didn't have it. So in the end we felt the price of having my dad there was worth it (Last year in the middle of planning the wedding, he got real sick. Went into a coma... He had a lung bleed.The doctors didn't know if he'd make it (live) and this was going on for about 4 months... finally he came around but for 2 months due to all the meds he had no idea who I was. But he made it through all of that, and was able to travel to Punta Cana for me wedding, so $150 was worth it, but still not right they charge) Tipping, I gave her 15%-20% of the total cost of the bill. We tipped the server's (that served us at the ceremony and reception) $200 to split among themselves. We gave the DJ $20-$30 (not sure anymore lol) we had a lot of people trying to crash our beach party, so our BEst man went at got a security gaurd to watch for the rest of our night, we also tipped him. And we tipped the bar tender ($40 but the guest also tipped them)
  6. really!!! what the heck!! ah well I wont worry about it now!! They even charged us another $15 to pay for my dad's wheel chair by credit card. And I didn't get a bottle of champagne! lol Yes!!! My hair was $2000 pesos, we felt rich! lol Ohhh your parents paid for your wedding, that's so amazing and nice of them!!! Our parents gave us money for our RRSP ONLY!!! (we weren't allowed to use it for paying bills or anything, at first I was pissed cause that $$ would have def help us get out of debt.. but then we bought a house so it worked out LOL!!) How are you and the baby doing?!?! feeling better with the moring sickness?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by msredbird51 For those who had the beach party--Did you include the DJ? If you did use the DJ, did you just use his music or provide CDs of your own? It seems like most people mentioned they provided CDs with music that the DJ used. My best friend/MOH is putting together lots of music for us, so I'm wondering if the DJ is worth it. So if you did the beach party, had the DJ and provided the music on CDs of your own, what did the DJ actually do? I mean if we're paying him I want him to actually do something. lol Also, for paying for the wedding, beach party, DJ, photographer (HDC) etc. did you pay in cash, credit card or travelers checks? I know my parents would prefer not to carry that much cash with them, so I'm hoping they can use a credit card. Thanks! Hi!! hows the wedding planning coming along?! I brought my own cd's/music because I was very sure in what I wanted to hear on my wedding night. I also new my guest and what they liked, so I decided to make a list of everyone's fav music (so all the guest felt included) it turned out amazing, I am so happy I did it. Everyone kept telling me how they loved the music. If your not as picky then you really don't need to make any list. I personally hired the DJ for an MC. But it didn't work out that way since he couldn't speak any english (LOL) in the end we got my SIL do to it (she did amazing!!) so consider having someone in your group doing the introduction. But he was still good to have to mix up the music. He helped my SIL plot some games out with music. If we didn't have a DJ we would have had to get someone pretty much sitting next to the player mixing songs. Basically I was worried if I bought a sound player it wouldn't have been loud enough since you can't bring a big thing on the plan. You can just rent the equipment with no DJ but that's $200, so for the extra $50 you can have someone playing if for you. But that'd be all up to you and the future Hubby. We paid everything by credit card, like your parents we didn't feel comfortable carrying such a large sum of money either, the photographer charged us $15 extra (for the fee of the credit card machine) and the wedding was $20 extra. We were ok with this rather be safe then sorry!!! You can also pay by travellers cheque!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by jerzshortstuff Sneaky idea! Thanks! hehe My pleasure to help! lol Quote: Originally Posted by Bella30 Hey for all you brides that just got back. When you used the spa did you book your appointments when you got there or? Just wondering what the services/prices are and how far in advance are we suppose to book. I do have a ways to go...just wanna make sure they can accomate a few of us the day before. ... I made my appointment the day I arrived. But then Monday (wedding on Tuesday) the ceremony time changed, so I went back to the spa to let them know. There was no problems. I suggest doing it this way. As most girls on here who did book before they left for the trip end up paying more then I did. Brides have priority so don't worry about it!!
  9. You should be fine for bring it back with no problems. For the punta cana sand...they'll never know since you've got it mixed with colour sand!! So your totally safe!! ;-)
  10. Like I was saying in my past post just above, I had no problems, they just want to see it, so if you can...carry it as suppose to putting it in your carry-on and I can assure there will be no issues!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by sheila2011 Tracy that's the exact same Sand Ceremony kit I bought!!! Glad to see it in action and looking good!! amazing, keep the spong that comes with it, it's def useful!!! what colours did you pick for the sand? For the bottom part (the part that the person doing the reading is suppose to pour, I used Punta Cana sand to always remember, you can do the same!!)
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by jerzshortstuff I love your sand ceremony script! I was debating on whether to have it or not since were traveling there. Did you encounter any problems bringing the stuff there or home? I am nervous it will break or something. Did you use a glass container? I didn't chose the green, hubby did!! I wasn't pleased, but he was so determined to have green I had to have him have it lol. It really didn't turn out half as bad as I would have thought I had no problems leaving Punta Cana with the sand in the vase. However, there is a spong thingy that goes in the vase after you pour the sand for the top to stay on. Someone on the staff lost it, so I had no spong. I decided to put the vase in a bag, and put it in my carry on (where a lot of girls carried it back on, but I had my dress in my hands) once I crossed over, the lady who checks the bags just pulled it out of the carry on, so i just 'freaked telling her to careful and I slowly took it out for her to show her, everything was fine she let me go through. I've never heard anyone have problems. So you should be ok.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by sheila2011 Hey All! Hope you guys are having better weather than we are here!! Where the heck is summer?? Anyways, I am excited because I have now ordered my Sand Ceremony stuff and my guestbook and have booked the date for my first fitting!! I guess now I have to figure out what to have someone say during the sand ceremony and I guess what to say during the actual renewal of vows ceremony! I am worried about having to write it myself. :S (And I still have to do a bunch of other things....for my sanity I am glad I am doing a DW!) You should head down this way, we're having amazing hot weather!! A.C almost doesn't feel like enough some days!! But Edmonton is known for not having a summer, or having an amazing one right? I know you guys get crazy horrible winters. Ahh, I was so excited to get my sand ceremony kit, but I had gotten it last min I was worried it wouldn't come in time before we left (but it did!!!) I just found a saying on the internet, I googled it. I also found a lot of wording on here as well... I'll look to see if I still have my speech. I asked my SIL to do it (who has stage fright, she did freaking amazing!!!) it was nice to have someone up there that knows us. (I pick a whole bunch that I like, and just put a few phrases that I liked) As you stand beside the ocean, may your love always be as constant as the tide; waves flowing endlessly from the depths of the sea. Just as water is the eternal force of life, so is love. Love is the force that allows us to face fear and uncertainty with courage. Love is the force that completes us. You have just sealed your marriage by the giving and receiving of rings. Although you will be sharing one life, never forget that you are two separate people. Cherish and affirm your differences. Love each other, with everything you can imagine. Keep your commitment primary, and nourish it, above all else. Together you will laugh and cry, be sick and well, be happy and angry, share and grow. In your lives together, you will no doubt be faced with many challenges, but also many joys. Embrace all of these together, as partners, as one. To symbolize this union, two separate colors of sand will be combined. Each one holds its own unique beauty, strength, and character. They can stand on their own and be whole, without the need of anything else. However, when these two are blended together, they create an entirely new, and extraordinarily more intricate entity. Each grain of sand brings to the mixture a lasting beauty that forever enriches the combination. Please pour the sand into this common container to symbolize the union of your two lives. [XX and XX pour the sand into the centre vase] XX and XX, just as these grains of sand can never be separated and poured again into the individual containers, so will your marriage be a molding of two individual personalities, bonded together forming one heart, one life, and one family. Congratulation!!!!
  14. If you click on sungoddes name, a little window will pop up and it'll say to send her a private msg, click on it and you'll be able to do a private msg! good luck!
  15. Have fun!!! Be careful/safe. COngrats in advance. Everything is going to go smooth. Pls say Hi to carolina from Tracy and Mike (if you remember) Can't wait to hear back from ya!!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by sap We are using DJ Mannia. If you arrive on the 17th, you should totally crash on our beach party! Seriously! For the ceremony we just finished our CD which I understand Carolina will play for us...I hope. lol. Just the basics. Guest music, music for when the Groomsmen walk out then bridal party, then ME! I leave on TUESDAY WOO HOO!! AMAZING!!!!!!! I'm so excited for you!!!!!! Are you ready, bags packed at the door?!?!?! Sleepless nights
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by PuntaCanaNikki Ok.... So I just realized this today and I can't believe I didn't think of this when planning and booking..... sorry if this it TMI but I need some opinions.... I am going to have my period the week I'm in Dominican...RRRR I can't believe I didn't plan around this.... So I was wondering.... there is a medication called Norethisterone that can be taken 3 days before expected menstruation and will delay it for about a week... I want to ask my doctor about it.... Do you think this is a good idea or should I just tough it out?? I had this problem, and I have endometroisis, which makes having your period so painful, that I usually end up in the hospital. So i was very worried and unlike most woman, I can't take birth control. I was even late for me period (if I wasn't I wouldn't of had it on my wedding day) but it was my last day on my wedding day, so for our second week we got to enjoy How long are you staying down there? and when are you suppose to start? Personally (with all the meds I take) I would trust (or take lightly) taking a pill that 'tricks' your body into having it late. It could mess things up in the future, but mainly my concern would be what kind of mood swings would you get on that?!? Is it worth being 'hormonol' on your vacation/wedding. I say just tough it out! But that's just me!! Quote: Originally Posted by jerzshortstuff Sounds like you had a great time! I can't wait to read your review and see pictures! I almost booked at Dreams but I thought it would be too expensive for my guests! Glad the Palladium was a good choice! Oh wow... well maybe its a good thing my ceremony is scheduled for 2pm so that I don't get hit twice with the daily rate. If you do a TTD session, is it at the resort or another location? Or is there another place that is an option for the TTD session? Was just thinking of a way to save myself from paying the day pass twice hehe The TTD usually happens on the resort, for this there is no extra charge for a day pass, as he'll only be there for max an hour. But like someone else metion, you can go into town next to old buildings, or fields. if that is something you would like to do, shoot the idea pass your photographer and see if they do stuff like that. Quote: Originally Posted by chell44 Can any of you past brides tell me what the vows are like for the legal ceremony? I didn't think I would care but I just went to a wedding and absolutely hated what the judge said, it just seemed so "legal" and not very heartfelt the legal ceremony was short and sweet. However if you'd like to add your own words, you may do so after you sign the papers (kind of like the sand ceremony, you do this after the judge leaves) 'we're here to join XX, and XX in unity....' be honest I can't remember much is was fast, and I couldn't wait to get to the sand ceremony part and then eat and PARTY!!!! lol. If you'd like to have some words you totally can, just let Carolina know when you meet with her. Sungoddes, Congrats again!!!!!!!!!! you looked so beautiful. I am sooo happy everything went well (not that I doubted it with Carolina, she just so amazing!!!) LOL I forgot a lot of things, your not alone!!! I like how you had the father/daughter dance at the gazebo. I especially liked the green you chose for the gazebo, turned out amazing!!!! Thanks for the review!!!!!!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by MysTea Congrats to you girls! I have stopped my pills a lil over a year ago after being on them for 13 years and FI and I desperately wanted to start planning right away so we tried for about 6 months and nothing. We decided that maybe its not the right time seeing as how we had just decided to do a DW....Now with about 4 months until the wedding we are getting antsy again and we have not been as cautious....we have a few moments when we are like if it happenes it happens because we Do want a baby like yesterday but then I keep thinking I want to be able to enjoy the Honeymoon so we decide to not try but In actually its kinda like I wanna just stop trying "not to" and let it happen...Its driving me crazy. I bought a dress that is very flowy so in case I do have a bump it can be concealed but its scary and exciting at the same time...I said that after the wedding if nothing I will have to seek alternative measures to ensure We can actually conceive.. I went for prenatal counseling like 6 months ago and the Doc said everything is fine...I just wanna make sure HE is all good.. I'm sorry you have to go through all of this. I can sort of relate. I have endo which causes infertility. We tried to get pregnant on our honeymoon, I came back the very next day I had a doc appt, and I found out I had to do surgery before I could even consider getting pregnant. I recently did the surgery, the doc has 'little' hope I can get pregnant, but will have to go the in vitro route to have any sort of chance. We just bought a house, so the timing isn't real good anymore, so we decided to wait a few more months before starting the in vitro. Your in my prayers, I know it'll work out for you guys!!!! who knows maybe it'll be a honeymoon baby like a lot of brides on here!! keep us posted, and if you ever need to vent or just talk, we here for you anytime!! xo
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Bella30 Hey Ladies, sooo haven't been here in a while it seems lol. Just getting back from vacation!!! ahhh! So i tried tp upload photos on photobucket but not sure why it wouldnt work lol found pics i had on there from like 5 years ago that i forgot about LOL... might try to open a new account and start fresh..and try that way... It is such a great feeling having bought THE DRESS!! i know ... i feel like the stress is over lol... I have my wedding at 4pm too and I think that will be a great time.... How many songs did you guys find you needed to have for the guests that are waiting for you to walk down the aisle and to play during and after... did u just have them on an ipod and they play it for you or?? Did anybody do the trio band? Amazing, where'd you go for vacation? No vacation for us this summer just moving!!! how fun!! at least it's into a house where we'll put a pool in right away (hopefully we get a long summer, since we only move August 16th) I chose 5 songs since I didn't know how long I needed. Hubby said 5 songs was plenty enough! so maybe do 5! (he was there waiting for me) Someone on here did get the trio band, and loved it!!! if it's in your budge, go for it!!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by MilitaryMrs.s-to be And I almost forgot, no were not finding out the sex. We figure its the only real surprise in life, we might as well just wait Really!!! I could never do that, good for you!! I'm so excited to find out when you have the baby!! Has the hubby been home, or back to work? Hope you been feeling better, less 'morning' sickness!!! Quote: Originally Posted by chell44 Hello All, just wanted to share a website I stumbled on today Palladium Addict: Dominican Republic - Punta Cana | Palladium Addict | The Original Fan Site of the Grand Palladium Resort, Hotels & Spas | Mexico Mayan Riviera Puerto Vallarta Dominican Republic Jamaica Montego Bay Brazil I'm sunaddict on there if you ever see me!!! Those ppl are amazing and so helpful!!! Quote: Originally Posted by PuntaCanaNikki btw congrats on the pregnancy.... and don't worry the sickness will soon pass and be a memory in the past I promise..... It's just me and my fiance going to Punta Cana we are also having an AHR here for everyone else.... I wonder If I can somehow get a private dinner just me and the Hubby?? hmmmm I'm guna email Carolina and see what or if there is anything she can do for us?? Yes you can have a private dinner, I am sure she can arrange something where it'll be included in your package. But they have a special thing where you pay $60p/p but you get a private set up on the gazebo with candle light lighting up the path way, white glove service. Just amazing!!! Def email her and see what she can do (don't mention the $60 since your paying for a package) Quote: Originally Posted by richarsd Ladies, I just had to announce that I bought my dress yesterday!!! I am SOOOOO EXCITED!!! I want to post it so badly but I think I'm too paranoid, lol. But YAY!!! It's such a good feeling, eh? Congrats!!!!!!! it feels great doesn't it to know you have YOUR dress!! Peranoid about what?!?! I wanna seeeeeeeee!!!! lol but if not I understand, We better get to see a wedding pic later though!! Quote: Originally Posted by jerzshortstuff Awesome thanks for the info! Also, has anyone had the beach wedding? We really want to have the ceremony on the beach but it seemed like the Carolina was trying to talk me out of it. I tried getting a 5pm time so a lot of people won't be on the beach but for now I'm stuck with 2pm. Any recommendations for 2pm on the beach? Do I ask them to set up closer to the water? Our whole reasoning for going away was to have our feet in the sand while we say our "I do's!" I know people will be around and watching, but that's ok if we have some stragglers in our pics! hehe I also wanted my wedding directly on the beach, believe me when we say there IS a reason Carolina is 'trying' to talk you out of it. I don't think she's actually trying to talk you out of it, more trying to make you understand their beach isn't really set up for weddings to happen without getting people in their bathing suites tanning or swimming. There is no guard to keep people away from your ceremony, so you will get lots and lots of people walking through it. It'll be for sure you'll have lots of ceremony pictures with strangers in their bathing suites. I too was a little disappointed in not having the ceremony on the beach. After we got married days later we saw someone getting married on the beach, and the way it gets set up (the ceremony is exactly where the beach party is) they can only push the lounge chairs so far, which isn't far enough...you will get them in your pictures. The ceremony i saw set up was at 5, and there were a lot of people stopping by on their walk, watching the ceremony, like I said the photographer will have no choice but to get them in it. So your ceremony being at 2, will be a lot worse. After I saw that, I was sooo happy I choice the gazebo. The Gazebo you get lots of privacy, plus you still get the background of the ocean. Then after the ceremony is done you go to the beach and take pics (so your still getting tons of beach pictures) This way the photographer can actually wait until someone passes by before snapping the shot! The way I thought of it as, was it'd be nice not to have ONLY beach pictures, since we went after the ceremony, and the TTD. The gazebo was a nice break of different senery So if after what I say, and after she shows you pictures you still want the ceremony on the beach, I say go for it girl!!! it's your day you can do whatever pleases you. Carolina just wants to make sure her brides are the out most happiest!! Quote: Originally Posted by PuntaCanaNikki I totally agree with you, I am doing the beach as well.... My dream since I was a little girl was to get married on a beach!! I can't wait..... So exciting!!!! Me too!!! And can you believe DH originally said no to my DW!!! that quickly changed when we put the deposit down for the photographer and reception hall back home and realize how much I was right in the cost of an in town wedding. Men!! they never listen to their woman lol!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by chell44 I was wondering if anyone has more insight on booking rooms. My wedding is June 2011, the hotel still does not have their schedules that far in advance, and my guests keep hounding me. When and how are any of you booking? I wanted to send out my save the dates by September with all the resort info so people could get an early start I went with which ever side was cheaper for our guest, normally that is the Punta Cana Section. All our guest couldn't have been more happier!! I'd just go that route. Quote: Originally Posted by PuntaCanaNikki Which place is best to do the Gala Dinner La Uva or International? None of us had a Galla dinner before, what does it consist of? Quote: Originally Posted by jerzshortstuff How do you know what section you are marrying in? Is it the same section you book your hotel room in? Not at all. If you want the new gazebo, it's on the Punta Cana section, if you want the beach there is 2 locations, Punta Cana and Bavaro side.
  22. Hi guys!!! Been MIA again!! Missed the thread oh so very much!!! I'm back for good now!! lol Meghan, thanks for the tip for thepolysporin, It did the trick. Thing is I love that stuff I have no idea why I didn't come up with it myself. All the stitch's finally came out yesterday!! Thanks to everyone for your wonderful wishes on my speedy recovery. Nat, Glad things are great with the hubby moving in!!!! taylorwd I love the pictures!!! my fav is you guys cutting the cake and your in a 2 piece (priceless!!!) I am so happy you had a great time. Now it's over and you can move on from wedding!!! We bought the house, so my mom (as nice as she is) understood if I felt it'd be to much for me, planning the house and helping with the AHR. So I decided not to do it, and put myself under hard core stress. I'm happy with my decision. So no more talk of AHR (woohoo!!!)other then that, it's be real quiet around here. I'm calling it 'the calm before the storm" Hows everyone does!!! what has everyone been up to since there is no more wedding stuff. Meghan..is the boat your going on for a party?
  23. Sounds like you've got everything under control and almost ready to depart!!! :) What do you have in your OOT bags? I suggest putting your hotel brochure in your OOT,will safe you on more postal fees, you'll be spending more to send thank you cards, might as well save it for then! How many guest is coming??!?
  24. Thanks Court, you got back to the girls before I did. I've been thinking about you, and how you've been feeling. The baby is officailly taken over huh! lol So you decided you wont find out the sex?!?!! My wedding was origianlly for 2:30, and I also freaked out about what people were going to do. I didn't want my wedding day to be another normal day on vacation. So I had set up a time line. People had an hour free time to change shoes if they wished( for the men) and then the plan was to meet at a lobby bar, have some drinks and play a wedding game. I didn't end up needing to do it since the time changed to 6, so dinner was ready for us once the ceremony was done. So you guys could consider doing something like this. My only concern is, if your ceremony is on the Punta Cana section, then wanting to go to the sports bar (it's on the other end of the resort) so people will have to wait for the train, no one will want to walk in the heat with maybe high heels on. so maybe consider the Punta Cana or the Palac lobby bar (all walking distance even in high heels lol) Hemingways only opens at 6pm, so that's not an option. Sap, you must be gettig so excited!!! have you still been sleeping good? I know 17 days away for me I definitely wasn't lol.
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