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Everything posted by caribbeanLover

  1. It seems like lately I just can't make any decisions. I'm hoping you can help me pick a style for me hair. I have picked 2, very different looks. I love both but also have issues with both. I never wear my hair up, I don't think it looks good, my face is way to round, however FI loves it up... So I thought I'd do half up half down... but then figured I may be way to hot with this one.............. so then I thought ,heck I'll just put it all up, and this is the one I only liked... but my issue is, I def don't want to wake up any earlier then I already have to, and def don't want to spend way to much time at the spa for my hair, so do you think this would take to much time to do? and will it hurt with all the freaking bobby pins?!?! Wow, well I def admire you girl, for doing all of those things in less then a year!!!! Must be very stressful. I wish I could say I'm really organized like you girls, I just have a word documents with a list, no sheet Good for you girls tho, And def normal, especially for brides lol.
  2. yeah you think so, you don;t think it'll be a lot of work, sitting in the seat forever?!? If you really think so, I'll go for it!!! Thanks again so much for your opinion, appreciate it so much!!
  3. ok guys (Sungoddess) what do you think about this hairstyle. I have this thing where I def don't want to have to wake up supper early to get my hair done, I def don't want to be sittig in there for forever, I was looking for something simple but elegant still. Tell me if you think this even looks good and whether you think it might be a lot of work to do. Thanks so so much for all your opinions!!! I just seem not to be able to make any decisions lately not soo easy when trying to plan a wedding lol!!
  4. Funny (well not for the FI) I too just bit his head off, for not making wedding a priority, Last night i was panicking, and he was playing play station. I ask him to make up his mind up about the engraving on the rings he said 'I'll sleep on it' so I said fine, I'll ask you when I wake up the next day... so I call him and ask him 'so what did you come up with' his reply was 'oh I forgot what I was suppose to think about' AAAAAAAAAAAAahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! Jenna, I'm with you, I have 0 contact with the WC she never reply's to any of my e-mails. I feel so lost!!! Def excited to see your sheet!!!
  5. I forgot to mention, SOrry Michele, about your cousine. I can relate Mike's god father was going to come with his Wife, but she got breast cancer!!! but she'll be ok, just can't travel. I'm so glad your cousine will be ok. Looks like it turn out ok tho. I also had my cousine back out for no reason, but them too were taking the kids. So oh well!!! I've gotten 2 gifts (cash) and I still haven't written a thank you, because I wanted to wait until we got back, make a post card from vistaprint, one side of a picture of the whole group and on the other side will be the thank you. Is it to tacky/cheap of me to wait until we get back? Hand writting?!?!?! I have to print mine if I want it to come out half looking good lol. I print not hand write, and FI is a scribbler! lol. Erin, looking forward to seeing your centerpieces. I'll do the same.. waiting to get my seashell candle holders, then post a pic of it all together.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by nbulldog19 I am having "one love" by Bob Marley..we are playing it when we pour the sand in. It will only be for a minute but I love it. Hope this helps... Thank you so much, that really does help. I hope it's ok I'm taking your idea for the song lol. Thank you again!!
  7. Michele, Yes I am a memeber of the palladium addicts, we're actually having a meet and greet when we get down there with all of them who wil also be there. Thanks for the packing list!! Oh My Jenna, 2 weeks before you leave!!! how nervous/ready are you?
  8. yes the main problems with getting dates is for the judge, so if your just doing a symbolic I def wouldn't worry about that! you'll for sure get which ever date you want. $120!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just for your hair, OMG I budged at $80. Geez!! so $$$$$ Well thanks so much for the info I'll go take a look now!!
  9. Thanks so much for the nice compliment, I thought so too, I'm so glad I decided to do it, because the way everyone explains how fast the ceremony goes, I really wanted to make it feel a little personal. With the sand ceremony it does just that
  10. Nat, I just love love love your favour!!! OMG woman you have some freaking amazing ideas!!! lol you sound like me, it's all scattered around the house, still having to put things together and nothing is completely finished. Like you I'm hopeful it'll get done in time. Thanks for the fingers crossed!!! Jenna, I think that is very special!!!!! I am sure you'll figure how to incorperate it. Let us know what you decided, I am def excited to hear all about it!!! Michele Really!!! I'm so use to going to Cuba where you don't get anything, I decided just to buy 4 travel size shampoo's. Still actually pretty light. So I wont worry about that. But I know for sure there is an iron, I'll def do that. Our resort does offer steaming and all, but always for a fee!!! Thanks for all the info, Have you been to a Palladium before? Just in Jamaica? LOL Btw It's Jenna April 3rd. Right?! I hope.....
  11. LOL!!!!!!!! I wish I thought I was going to be like that too. But time just slipt out of my fingers, especially with the time change, completely through my off my rocker!! I just email Carolina actually asking her, if the DJ accepts Ipods to play for our special songs (first dance, garter/bouquet toss) or just cd. And for the ceremony music, if there is someone that can play our music, as suppos to getting one of my guest to do it. I really just want them to sit and enjoy. Not to have to give them a task, you know!!
  12. I'll def be taking pics of you in mind of it all. Cause I would have loved that, I am sure most girls here would of. I'm suppose to be having it at La Uva on the patio. We will see I guess with the way things work down there. But I have it in email!
  13. Really! amazing!! lol 28 days, I have 22 I don't feel like it's enough time, I've officially hit panic mode. So the glue would go into the vase and glue the sand together from what I've read. I'll be searching to, keep me posted, I'll do the same.
  14. wow love your list, Made me remember my sand kit!!! Chair shash is included in my package, I forgot for a second. Me too, 2 pairs of shoes, one for sand one for reception. That is to funny, the eggs filled with candy, that is just way to darn cute, I am sure the guest will def get a kick out of it. May I ask why 2 wedding bands? never heard of it before. Very interesting!!!!! For you checked luggage your allowed any amount.. doesn't have to be under 100ml. That is just for the carry-on
  15. ok so I've ask a million people and I'm still confused. I hope you girls can help me get it all sorted, as I am now in sheer panic mode. This is for the reception I'm having which is on the beach for 3 hours, and I finally decided to hire a dj as suppose to a docking system and doing it our selves. so the bridal party and parents get introduced, then the newlywed. Do we have our first dance right from there.. or should we play some music. Or do we have all the 'formal' dances like ours and then father/daughter mother/son and then everyone comes in dancing right from the interduction? Please help!!!!! Thanks so much in advance Now for the ceremony, Who is getting a family member to play the music for them? I was told I had to get someone to do that for me ?? (odd!!!! I'm paying enough for the package) Should I have music playing in the back when we are doing the toasting?
  16. I have a question for the girls having a sand ceremony and having a song played during the ceremony. When are you playing it? I didn't think it'd make since to have, but I saw someone's list and they have a song, pls explain when I can play it. ? Thanks so much
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Melidell I haven't packed much yet but I do have a wedding section in the spare room closet where I've been keeping everything together so nothing gets left behind. I went through my summer clothes last month and put the things that I want to bring in a suitcase along with all of my swimsuits but it's not really packed properly yet. I think I'll start packing the weekend before we leave, and finish up the day before we go (I'm off work that day). I'm still trying to decide what to take as carry on and what to pack, also. Is anyone having their FI take his suit/wedding clothes as carry on? I think I'd like to do that- it would be bad if our luggage went missing or was delayed and he had nothing to wear. I was thinking of getting him to bring his suit as a carry on, but then I said to myself ' who's going to carry my 2 dresses' and also figured there is a iron in all the rooms, make him work a little to marry me and get him just to iron the day of the wedding. LOL I'm sooo bad!
  18. I have a question for the girls having a sand ceremony and having a song played during the ceremony. When are you playing it? I didn't think it'd make since to have, but I saw someone's list and they have a song, pls explain when I can play it. ? Thanks so much
  19. wow lucky you for the luggage, we're allowed 2 peice of luggage totallying 55lbs (I got a special request and was added an extra 11lbs) why don't you put your iron and what not in your checked luggage?! Wow plus your doing reno?!?!?! I totally admir you, andall the girls also planning their AHR.
  20. OMG, great idea... to bad i have no idea exactly what's in my 'wedding corner' top of my head cake topper cake cutter server FI suit/shoes My shoes,Garter, errarings and necklace (which I packed) Don't forget your rings!!! (I'm waiting to engrave them before packing) centerpieces/vases sea shell candle holds/candles OOT bags will be handed out to the ppl in town before we go. I gave the girls bouquet to them already with their dress and shoes. FI gift (boudoir book) I can't think of anything else at the moment.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Natural HHHHMMMMM I didn't think about it that way (in terms of just meeting at any bar) but your right. After the wedding, the reception is going to be at Jellyfish. Yeah the beach party is going to be one of our events, it would be a nice opportunity for all of our guests to meet each other and for us to hand out our Welcome Bags. Also, we may have about 50 people so the privacy of the beach party may be best. But thanks for the bar suggestion. If you book the beach party what is the cancellation policy? oh wow 50 ppl!!! good for you!!!! I see why now you may think the bar may not be the greatest idea especially if you want it to be about just your guest. Ohhhh your having your reception at the Jellyfish.. how lucky!!!! I heard it's beautiful and only heard the best reviews. So will you be having a dj and dancing over there instead? If so.. then go for the welcome beach party if it's in your budged. Well I am def not sure about cancellation policy as you only pay when you get there, and there is no contract. You'd best ask Carolina or your TA if your working with one. Quote: Originally Posted by [email protected] Hi, I made an appt through RenovaSpa online to have my hair done, Carolina said that I could make it in advance. You pay for any services through paypal and they email you a voucher to submit when you arrive... I didn't want to chance not being able to get in on the day and time that I wanted... I was so worried about getting there, and tell me they have no room for me on my wedding day. So tell me, how do you know how much it was going to cost you for your hair? I'll totally do the same if I can...I'm just not exactly sure how they would charge me if they don't know how I want my hair, is it a standard fee, and if it cost more I just pay the extra there or something? Thanks so much for the info!!!!! Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 Carribeanlover - I love the vase you found. Where did you get it? I saw some, but I was worried about transporting it back home. That one is perfect though, and small. I got it at Wedding,Wedding Favors - Weddingstar $59.99 And to transport it back home, I'm buying epoxy glue, I will put it in the day after our wedding and will be dry by the time we leave. Plus it makes the sand not move at all... it'll be exactly how you poured it when you get home, and you don't see the glue (supposedly) lol (hope it works, I'll let ya know.. I'm your test trail lol) I found the idea of the glue on here, I'll be doing more research in the next couple of days so I'll keep you posted on that
  22. Michele Your to funny!!! I really don't think any parent expect a gift. I wouldn't worry about not giving one!! and you can also make an album for each set of your wedding pics, they'd love that!! Good for you girl in getting a lot done especially for your AHR (I can't even think of it until I come back, but it's suppose to be in July so I'm safe, as invites go anyway which I already made from VistaPrint) LOL you threw up vistaprint all of your room, had be crying laughing!! like you said, 3 more weeks until it's all out of your house and the NEW husband back in his room. I can't believe your leaving in 3 weeks (well me too, I leave on the 10th.. your wedding day, I'll be thinking of you!!!!!! ) Erin, Don't worry, I def wont be out of the wedding mode, I'm so excited for all of you how are towards the end of the month.. looking forward to seeing pictures and your reviews!!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by msredbird51 I'm sure this is a really dumb question, but what exactly is the sand ceremony? Or rather, is it included with the standard ceremony that the judge does? I guess I've gathered that it's like a traditional unity candle, but the talk of it on the forum is all over the place (seemingly different in every thread/venue) so I'm a bit confused. Is the sand ceremony always a part of weddings in the DR/at the Grand Palladium, or do you have to ask to have it included? Does the judge perform this part, Carolina, a guest, or your choice of those three? Do you have to bring the containers for this ceremony, or are there options provided by the GP? First thing is first, you or anyone else never has a stupid question.. no such thing!!!! Sand ceremony is something you would decided to do, and buy the kit and sand and do it yourself. It's exactly like the candle but instead ppl now and days are doing sand ceremony, this way it can be kept for all of your life, and it's a pretty deceroation. There is a meaning to it. You can a vase with a coloured sand, and your new husnand has a vase and different coloured sand, the person who will be doing your reading (you pick the person) will also have a coloured sand (I choose to have Punta Cana sand) the reading person puts their sand down first as the base. Then the wedding couple pour the sands in together, each sand stands for your own life,but when you poured the sands together it's suppose to mean both lifes have been put together, and never can be sepreated like the grains of sand. here is the reading I picked for my SIL to do.... btw this is something that happens after your annouced man and wife. As you stand beside the ocean, may your love always be as constant as the tide; waves flowing endlessly from the depths of the sea. Just as water is the eternal force of life, so is love. Love is the force that allows us to face fear and uncertainty with courage. Love is the force that completes us. You have just sealed your marriage by the giving and receiving of rings. Although you will be sharing one life, never forget that you are two separate people. Cherish and affirm your differences. Love each other, with everything you can imagine. Keep your commitment primary, and nourish it, above all else. Together you will laugh and cry, be sick and well, be happy and angry, share and grow. In your lives together, you will no doubt be faced with many challenges, but also many joys. Embrace all of these together, as partners, as one. To symbolize this union, two separate colors of sand will be combined. Each one holds its own unique beauty, strength, and character. They can stand on their own and be whole, without the need of anything else. However, when these two are blended together, they create an entirely new, and extraordinarily more intricate entity. Each grain of sand brings to the mixture a lasting beauty that forever enriches the combination. Please pour the sand into this common container to symbolize the union of your two lives. [Tracy and Mike pour the sand into the centre vase] Tracy and Mike, just as these grains of sand can never be separated and poured again into the individual containers, so will your marriage be a molding of two individual personalities, bonded together forming one heart, one life, and one family. Coagulations Pls let me know if you still don't understand, I am sure I can find another way to explain it!
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