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Everything posted by caribbeanLover

  1. Thanks!! Yeah I notice too!!!! OMG, that was us last year!! lol I can't believe how fast it has gone, and how long we've all been actually talking and getting to know one another!!! AMAZING, hope the rest of my life doesn't go by this fast (probably will )
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 I wish I had something to add to this convo!! lol...can it be June now? lol...I'm off March break now and had my first day teaching at a Montessori school! I am excited - but I have less time to think about weddings!! Your colors all sound so nice! I am so excited and happy for all of you! Aww, I'm so sorry you feel left out, no one wanted you to feel that way Look it at this way, we're all your trail runners, and you'll have all sorts of pictures to go by when we all come back! lol Oh way you got to teach for the first time!! amazing, good for you girl!!! How'd it go?!?! Were you nervous? I know their just kids, but kids can be sooo intimidating!! Quote: Originally Posted by shankd We don't get there till the 17th, so will probably miss everyone.....booo( Aww, well I'm still there, We can meet up and have a drink. I know your also a palladium addict, We are having a meet and Greet on the 21, or the 23rd now? darn I'll have to go check again, but you and the new hubby could try and make it for that, you can even include your guest if you'd lilke!! so how wrong is it of me to be baking banana bread right now, 17 days before I leave!! lol I've been crazy craving for it!!! Hope I'll be able to fit in my dress in 20 days!!!! The nerves have been making me crave drunk food more then usual
  3. lol thats funny, I know it wasn't funny when you had the dream. Yup you def want to marry FI. What a horrible dream tho!! Thanks, I'm def going to check out your BD pics, I loved doing it, I'll do it again next year lol! I just got my brochures in, and I love them. If it wasn't for you Michele, I wouldn't have been happy with them, Thank you so so much
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by NyBeachBride hi ladies, i dont post much on this thread, its so hard to keep up with lol but i love everyones ideas, heres my plannign thread... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...my-turn-56960/ Love it, great job!! I especially love your BD photo. HOT HOT HOT!!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk jenna and mel.. that is exactly why i keep postits by our bed! i get frantic when i'm about to fall asleep and realize something silly i did! by the way.. i'm on night #3 in a row of dreaming that our photographer and videographer don't make it in until the day after the wedding! LOL!! me too I got the postits on my coffee table where all my thought run through my mind like a little mouse who's stuck in a maze!!! Oh you poor thing, I can relat, I've had those dreams about forgetting my rings at home, or my BM dresses, they had some jewels on the front, had a nightmare, when I got the photo's back from the photographer, all you can is the jewells poping out and lookin horrible (so I cut them off the other day lol!!) I can't wait to get to the resort, in high hopes I'll a good nights rest without thinking.
  6. I am so happy to hear you guys are able to take a few days off to get the last min things done. I couldn't imagine planning a wedding and work full time. I totally admire you guys. I would have never have gotten it done. Quote: Originally Posted by Melidell Tracy- I love your speach ideas! I haven't even given any thought to that... one more thing for the list I guess. Those hair prices are insane! Wow, that is so much more than what you'd pay at home. I think I've picked out what I'd like for my hair but I don't know if the front part goes with the back if you know what I mean. Here's what I'm looking at: Also, I'm hoping I have enough hair for the back- my hair is just past my shoulders now. It's really fine but there's a lot of it. What do you think? I love it!!! I totally think the front piece would match the pieces in the back. Your going to look stunning. I actually really like the hairstyle.Now I likes your and mine.. Oh boy!!!! Thanks for the comments about the speechs. I am sure there will be stuff you guys have that I have forgotten.. so feel free to add a list guys! lol. Quote: Originally Posted by taraappl Thanks! I have been trying to find a good picture of us to put up. I know this sounds funny but we have a 4 picture 3x5 frame with this photo in it. There are 4 total photos of us at this wedding last year. There is one where he is kissing me on the cheek, then the next one I am kissing him on the cheek, the next is me dancing with him with my head on his shoulder and then the 4th one is the one you see attached. It was his idea to frame them like that. He came home one day with the frame and said here is what I'm going to do with these pictures. Lol... I was happy about it. He is a real sweetheart like that. I cant wait to be his wife! Cheesy but true! That's is soooo freaking adorable of him to do that, My FI would never think of something like that. Well I am sure all the pics look just as good as this one. Just love it!! How long have you guys been together?
  7. I finally decided on baby yellow,aqua and white. Bouquets and centerpieces are yellow, aqua is the girls dresses and the 1 GM shirt. white is everything else lol. That's so cool, your a writter!! and you get to work from home. No I don't work, I've been on medical leave for over 2 years but looking forward to the day I can go back. Well I def can meet around 3:30-4 (before dinner drink) on sunday, this way we can know who is who, and if see each other we can say hi or stop to have a quick drink together. I'll def be watching your wedding from a far Dawn!! Courtney is so right, you always seem happy, you def make me happy after I read your post. I can imagine your an amazer writter, what do you write? So I took the pic of the big seashell, I'm just having problems with my pc, upload.. it's not reconizig my memory card, it's done this befor, then work in a few hours... so I'll keep trying.
  8. Meghan, LOL I love it!!!!!!!!!! thank you so so much for your great ideas, I totally stole it. This is what I came up with for my parents... Mom & Dad, Thank you for being the best teacher any child could ask for. But Now that you have officially made it through the trials of my younger years you now can safely see me off with my new husband who now has to deal with me LOL. But don’t think you’ve gotten ridden of me just yet, I will always still be your little girl. You’re my everything, I love you guys so much!! I do love the way your going to do your 'sayings' this way it'll be out of the way you can just enjoy being a married couple on the day as suppose to worrying about saying a speech. That'll be nice to have just dinner with the family, I know you guys are having more friends then family, actually to come think about it, so are we!! and I'm still waiting to see if 6 other non family members will be attending. taraappl, I know it's off your topic, but I just love your sizzy pic, your beautiful, you guys make an adorable/good looking couple!! Michele, $125 is still steep, but it does include the make-up which isn't toooo bad, still $$ but much more reasonable then my resort, which s $125-$130 for just a bloody updo, no make up, no wash or blow dry, just an updo! Yeah that's just crazy what they want to charge other people, it's why I was looking for a simple way for the BM to do their hair. I found a aqua head band with a flower to the side, looks pretty ,elegant, and the girls like it. We'll just hairspray their hair to assure it doesn't keep flying everywhere. Thanks!! Why not try add a little jokes here and there to try and Help YOU from not crying, it's why my speech is all humour and hardly any seriousness in it. or I'd just cry through the whole thing. I wish I could keep secrets from the FI, I would have loved for him not to have known I have a speech. I didn't tell him I have one that includes him tho, not sure if he thinks it's just for the guest. The only thing I've been able to keep a secret has been the BD book, and it's killing me!!!!! I think I might have mistakenly given him some clues tho BOooo I suck. But if anyone ask me to keep a secret it's no problem, I just can't keep anything from him. I guess that a good thing huh!! lol ewok yeah!!!!!!!!!that's insane, I really honestly didn't think the most trendiest place in Montreal would be less then an updo at an all inclusive resort!!! my head is still trying to wrapped it around that price!! I was suppose to make an apt on the website, but I think I'll just wait until I get there, and see why it's so much!! $ LOL, I saw the poem somewhere, and I knew it was for me, it's so true.. took me years to train him to keep the sit down. You know what it took after years of yelling at him. I woke up in the middle of the night (about 2 1/2 -3 years of living together, and yelling at him about the sit) I went pee in the dark, more then half asleep, and I just sat down, but he didn't put the sit down, and I fell in the bloody toilet!!! LOL!!!!!!! I can laugh about now!!
  9. I actually have a big sea shell Dawn (My MIL got it for me when FI was visiting them in Halifax),I'll take a picture tomorrow (as I'm dead tired now) and I'll post it on here, you can let me know if you want me to bring it!! OMG, all of the things you mention I have similar things to do, and you leave in 16, I leave in 18.. I feel like throwing up now!!! Time is going way to fast, next thing you know,we will all be married ladies!! Are you staying for 1 week, or 2? I am so happy to hear you had an amazing time at your shower, and that you were able to meet up with a lot of old friends, def doesn't get to happen often with everyone's buys schedule now and days .
  10. lets do this. Everyone type in the day your arriving, maybe time too. April 10th at 12:30pm
  11. Sunday night I'm having my meet and greet for all of the guest. Unless we do it like a drink after lunch type of thing. Let me know what everyone thinks.
  12. I ask Carolina about Ipod Or Cd, I got a reply back saying 'yes cd is fine' that was for the ceremony. I also ask what the dj accepts, and I'm still waiting, so I thought I just bring both.. be on the safe side. I also made a list of all the songs on my ipod/cd for him to go through, this way he'll know whats on there. Play certan songs at the right time (after all it's why I'm hiring a DJ, hope it works out) Yeah exactly, just want to get there already. Before all of this FI talked about re newing our vows in 5 years, well I decided that isn't going to happen, never planning any type of wedding every again lol. Is anyone ready to set up a meet and greet, or shall we wait a little closer to the time?
  13. Erin, I am so happy you had a blast!!!! You had a stripper!!! lol amazing!!! I never even ended up at a strip club, lucky you.. you didn't even have to go anywhere else!! Especially happy Kim was able to make it. I can't say it enouhg how happy I am how many friendships have been made through this site. Meghan, I can get too that your (anyone) is to busy at this point of time to feel emotional but like you said, be careful of your sis.. you might be surprised in the end you will cry (I hope for you, you don't, but it wouldn't matter.. they are happy tears) No speeches? Good for you.. I feel like we are expected, so I just did it. Altho I'm having a hard time coming up with a little saying for my parents. This is what I have so far.... Hi guys, I hope your all having a good time, I just wanted to say a few words, First thing is first, thank you all for being here, and making us feel special in travelling so far for us. They say that a measure of one’s life is the company they surround themselves with. Looking around this room, I can see that my life is truly blessed. I want to thank all of you for being part of our special day, but even more importantly, thank you for being part of our lives. Our days are so much richer because of your presence. To my girls, They say that behind every good woman is a group of good women following her to the bathroom. I am so blessed to have a maid of honour and a group of bridesmaids who are not only my friends, but my family. You have helped me make this wedding into my dream day and I love you all. Mom & Dad, (still need to come up with something) To My New parents, Thank you so much for welcoming me into your family with open arms from day one, especially for all the efforts you go through just to have me over for dinner. I appreciate and love you guys so much. Thank you for raising such a wonderful son I'm so blessed to have found him. I’m looking forward to our future together as a family. And of course last but definitely not least, A toast to my new husband, who has put up with my crying spells, saved me from chocolate cravings, helped me pick out nail polish colors, waited patiently while I changed my clothes for the 100th time, learned to put the toilet seat down, and who just signed up to do it forever. I am the luckiest woman on earth, To (Mike), the most patient man on the planet!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by [email protected] I would think to put all songs on one cd (maybe make a copy for backup) in the order you want the songs played, that way there is no delay or confusion switching from cd to cd.. if the songs are on one disc it would probably be easier for the dj to navigate through the songs... Sorry, I meant for the ceremony, there will be no DJ for the ceremony, I'm going to get Carolina to find someone for me to play the cd's. So I thought it would be less confusing for who ever is playing it, if it was all sepreated with labels, when to play which cd. because there will be things in the middle of each song that person will have enough time to get the right cd. Maybe I'm wrong,maybe it'd be more confusing.. i just don't know anymore!!! For the DJ I will give him my Ipod, and back up cd's just like you said.
  15. Tara, I'm so sorry to hear about all your stresses and problems with the taxes and house. I wish I could give you advice, but we've never been home owners, and we wont for another 2 years! I hope it all works out in the end for you, keep us posted!! Michele, Can' wait to see your bags. I too finished mine.. just waiting for the brochures to come in the mail!! But mine isn't half as fancy as Nats, I have no name tag or anything lol didn't even think about it!!! Your not alone, just to show you how emotional l am.. I was getting together my thank you poems to my parents, bridesmaids and FI.. and I can't read through without crying!!!! I'm going to be horrible on the wedding day!!! I'll be getting photo's taken while we/ I am getting ready. I'm the only one going to the spa tho for my hair, the rest of the girls/mom will be doing it their selves. The spa is charging me $130 to do my hair...no one else wants to pay those prices, and I don't blame them.. I don't either.. but it's a one and a life time thing. I know your stress now, but I am 100% positive most of that will go out the window when you have your first meeting with your WC, your realize it's all up to her from that point on ,you can just go enjoy your vacation.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 I've been catching up -- lots of hair appointment talks!! I need to look for a hairstyle that I want -- but I won't be going to get it done, I do my own hair all the time, and I don't plan on doing anything fancy, just a messy bun or something! I've decided to do mugs as favors -- or OOT bags. I haven't decided 100% on either becasue i'm still trying to find affordable mugs. Discountmugs is really good - but it costs a lot to ship to Canada. So if anyone has suggestions about what they did (if either of these) I would love to hear it! You guys must be SO excited -- how many days until you all leave? Do you have your dresses back yet (if they were being altered), shoes picked? etc. ? I leave in 18 days!!!! Like Courtney I don't feel I'm ready, and every other day I'm add things to my list to do, so it never ends. For the mugs, I got them at the dollar store, only problem is I boug 17 of them at the time not knowing who was coming, and then I did my own labels and I screwed some of them up so the mugs were done for. But I saw some at canadian tire (I will have to ge those one for the bridal party) for $4.99.. I know it's alittle pricey but it's still cheaper then discountmugs. I did my own labels. I made my own art clip, printed on label paper, and then took book protector, put it over my sheet of labels and then cut them out,stuck them on,and they are waterproof. I tell you, it was still cheaper then discountmugs, just a little more work on my part, well worth savea couple of bucks in my mind. I'll be putting them in the OOT bags with other random stuff (firs aid kit, lip balm with spf,cross word puzzle book....) I got the bag from vistaprint.ca for $5.50 a bag with our logo on it. I think your hair would be perfect for the beach theme. I would have done the same, if I had an actually beach dress. But it's a big church dress. Quote: Originally Posted by [email protected] I have decided to purchase favors in the DR for our guests, and as a gift I will have our photographer take a picture of the couples who came and frame it for them upon our arrival back into Canada... I had originally thought to make oot bags, or do the bubbakegs but decided against it since it takes up so much room and weight.. i am not keen on hauling down anything more than needed... we leave in about 3 weeks, i got the okay on our documents with carolina last week so i am breathing a sigh of relief.. my FI/BM's custom suits came in and are perfect- no alteration needed and i pick up my dress the day we fly out- all the alterations have been done since Feb... I am getting very excited now- the only thing left to do is burn the cd for our reception and pack!! Me too I got the confirmation that she got all my documents, and that we are set to marry.. I def let a sigh of relieft out lol. I really love your idea for favours. They will love it. It's a memory of their trip but also your wedding. For the bags, I'm actually handing them out before everyone leaves, as different people will be there on different days. Also this way I don't have to worry abou packing them, I have enough to pack.. def more then 55lbs per person that we are allowed!!! Quote: Originally Posted by MilitaryMrs.s-to be Tracy, I'm going to pay for her day pass and shes doing my hair for free, as well as my mom and grandmother, We've worked together for years so shes just excited she gets to come to the wedding, and she's been bragging to all the girls in the shop that she gets to go and they don't!! hahah She is actually going to dreams for a wedding, her husband is the best man in that wedding the day after ours! I would love the contact info to the transport people, where did you get it? Did Carolina give it to you? I asked her but you know she never returned my email! Sungodess, I leave in 20 days and I have soooo much to do!! My dress, my mom's and my sister's are all at the bridal shop getting altered, we pick them up on April 1st! (I can't wait!!) I got my shoes back in July!! hahha My FI's clothes are in the spare room waiting to be packed (which I haven't started, lol) And I got fake flowers done at Michael's so they are waiting to be packed as well. I keep on thinking of new things to add to my list so I have a new list every other day!! lol Which really sucks cause it keeps getting longer rather then shorter! How is everyone else doing?? Oh thats amazing she'll do it for free!!! I lost the contact I had, so I'm just waiting on an e-mail, and I'll send you a msg as soon as I get. You luck girl you!!! (no I didn't get them from Carolina, your too funny!!! like I;d actually get real good info from her!! lol) She's way to busy for that. Like I was saying to Sungoddes, I'm doing the same, crossing something off my list maybe even afew things, next thing you know, I've add another 10 more things to do.. never ends!!!! i just want this part to be skipped and were there already!! What are you doing for your ceremony music? Are you putting in on a cd, or IPoD? I put them on cd, each song ,each cd... prelude on a cd (while guest are being seated) then the bridesmaid song on one cd, then me and my dad walking down on a cd, signing the papers, pouring the sand.. ect... I also decided to do my cake cutting and my first dance at the ceremony so the photographer can get these pics. But the cake will be served at dinner (I'll try and see what I can do to get it served there.. I doubt it.. but do ppl want to eat cake in the sun anyway?!?) SOoo many questions and decisions.. it's driving me nuts... Officailly have no more space in the brian.
  17. Thanks so much, I agree... this will be a lot better especially in the heat with my heavy dress. Is there any way to confirm with her? And maybe you can set transport for her to get to our resort and back to hers, this way you know for sure there is a way for her to get there, I have a couple of emails for trust worthy people for transport if you like to have them just let me know. but I have a question, is she charging you for her to do your hair? if so, then you have to count that cost, plus the day pass for her to set foot in the resort, plus transport for her. Isn't it going to cost at least $100 for all of that... if thats the case, might as well go to the spa, no?
  18. those are sooooooo adorable!!!!!!!! I love love them
  19. Nat, Oh that's right, about altering the dress... but you will def get it in time right?!?! can't wait to see pics!!! Mel. Def let us see what you have,maybe we can be as much help as you've been for me!!! Aww, you had to work on a sunday?! Quote: Originally Posted by ewok Things are starting to wrap-up a bit for everyone it seems, dress fitting, OOT bags, ... A pink limo, pretty cool, wow! They must not rent those very often, who would be interested besides bachelorettes? I would love to ponder about a nice up-do, I would put some nice crystals in there. You girls will look amazing. Sadly, I have this amazing concave cut, very short in the back with nice lenght (2-3 inches below the chin) in front, that finally makes me look like a grown-up and get me good comments all the time. Which means the only thing I can really do is straighten it perfectly, can't even put a hair flower or something, my hair is very fine & silky, it will just slip down. I will be pretty anyhow! Darn freaking right your going to look pretty. With or withour a flower your going to be beautiful!!! Maybe you should go see the people at the spa on your resort anyway, I am sure they've seen and worked with all different types of hair. maybe you'd be surprise what they could do!!! I know,I pink limo... and I've never been in one.. a pink one would have been even more amazing lol!! BTW, how come I don't have you on the list with all of the other girls, with their names, their date, and place?!?! Is it my mistake?
  20. wow I love everything you put together, you did an amazing job... the guest are going to love it.. especially love have you everything neatly in a box lol... mines all still scarttered on the floor in the the bedroom (not even the spare bedroom!!) Feels good doesn't it to hav some things put together and not everyone around the house. That'll be nice you and your sis will be able to spend sometime together before the wedding, some one on one time before the big day!! Ohh, will this be your final fitting?!
  21. Kim, that is so great you were able to join in. I'm so happy for a lot of you being able to make new friends from this site. It's so amazing!!!! I'm so glad Erin had a great party, hope she's not hurting to much today! lol. NAt, I agree, thanks so so much!! How are things with you? BTW- Love the siggy pic of your guys, you guys look like such a beautiful couple!!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by echo2_62 hehe The other night I was working on our favours and asked FI why he wouldn't help me and his response was "the last time I worked on arts and crafts I was eight!" and then he started listing off the things he HAS been helpful with. It's true what he was saying, except his list was all things that were done MONTHS ago and mostly just involved him making a decision between two things! LOL! But at the least he's very supportive of whatever I'm working on - as long as he can still watch tv and be supportive. I think guys are missing some sort of wedding gene to be honest! OMG,Mine does the same same thing... minus the art and crafts.. that's priceless!!!! But he mentions how he did help me with make a decision, or taking me somewhere!! I have my own car thank you very much!! ah men.. gotta love them!! lol My mom always told me that whenever I travel I should pack at least one bikini and a full change of clothes in my carry on so I fully agree with you on not checking the vitals. I always do the same!! Tracy - I also had the first picture as one to do my hair from... actually I wound up with it saved about four times so I knew I must really like it. One other detail to take into consideration is your dress. What kind of back does it have? I voted for the half up/half down look but my dress also has the corset style from mid back down to my tailbone pretty much so I know that will help me vent a lot of my body heat. Whereas if your dress has a solid back right up to your shoulder blades then you might be cooler with the more full up-do. Just food for thought anyways. And curling your hair like the second picture doesn't take *too* long and probably not any longer than the first picture. Anyone good with the bobby pins won't make them hurt either - mostly! There's always one or two that will dig in a bit but they can usually be adjusted for you. (I've worn my hair like in the second pic before!!). I say just go with what you're happiest with - how it looks with your dress and honestly FI will love however you wear it. I can bet he won't take his eyes off you That's to funny we have the same pic.. Looks like a lot of us have the same test in hair styles lol. My dress is exactly like your explaining yours in the back, corset, up to the tail bone.. and very detailed. Thanks so much for your advice/opinion. If there is any pain from the pins, I'll remind myself it'll be a memory lol! AND p.s. you girls were BUSY yesterday! There were at least THREE PAGES that I didn't write on a single time which is insane!!! I know I probably missed a couple things to comment on too... Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk tracy, both hair styles are really pretty and i agree with meghan, i don't think one will take longer than the other. one thing to consider though is whether you're getting married on the beach. i know some beaches can get pretty windy and i've seen beach ceremony pics where the bride has her hair all in her face! not a great look! thank you so much for mentioning about being married on the beach and it being windy, and then hair flying everywhere... the last thing I want is to be always adjusting myself. I was watching four weddings yesterday.. one of them was playing with her veil because it kept going in her face. (throught the entiry ceremony!!) So thanks to your comment I decided to stick with all up. Your probably all right, one wont take any longer then another. Have you picked your hair style? Quote: Originally Posted by Melidell I like the hair up picture, but both are really pretty Tracy. I agree that the up do won't take much longer, really. The other factor with wearing your hair down is the humidity- it can make it really hard for your hair to hold a curl so they might fall out by the end of the night. Either way will look gorgeous, though. Oh- and do you have really long hair plus lots of detail on the back of your dress? Wearing your hair down could hide some of your dress depending on where it comes to in the back, you know? Good point, since my hair is supper straight as it is, and has a hard time to hold a curl, so being up with probably be the best best! I do have long hair, and lots of detail in the back!! Another reason why I decided to go with all up. Thanks sooooo much for your comment.. really help me choose. I do have a veil tho (my mom bought it) but I will just wear it for the ceremony. Quote: Originally Posted by jerseykitten I also have the first 1/2 up, 1/2 down picture! i think it's also how you're most comfortable. i never ever wear my hair up - i only put it in a pony tail at the gym. i'm used to having my hair on my neck, even in the summer. When i've tried my dress on with the veil, I've pt my hair in the 1/2 up, 1/2 down look with a clip and I like the way it looks - everyone knows me for my hair, so I want it to show. LOL... the same one!!! we all must really like the pic. are you choosing the half up half don thing? Me too... I never never wear my hair up.. no even to work out ! PS, I had my second fitting yesterday - they need to put a drawstring stitch in the bustline so it doesn't gap - picking it up next weekend. My friend from California, who can't come to the wedding was in town so she was able to come to the fitting - bawling her eyes out seeing me in the dress...I was so happy she could be there! amazing, so it feels like it's all coming together then! That's so nice she was able to at least see your dress, and have that moment with her!! I actually had to cut down on coffee I'm so hyper now! Quote: Originally Posted by ewok The second hairstyle shouldn't be that much longer to do, between 1-1.5h, depending on experience. I've had my hair done in this kind of style a few times. It did held nicely, the pins didn't hurt, only my hair roots, because they weren't used to being placed like that! I also have a round face, and one trick for updos is to just leave a small strand of hair loose around the face. It would be very sexy and elegant I think. Thanks so much for your comment, as I really have a round face, I will take your advice and ask them to leave a strand of hair loos. I'm so glad you said the pins wont hurt to much (to much lo!! what we go through to look great!!) I agree I think it will look very elegan and sexy.. will go perfect with the church wedding dress, but also the beach one!! Thanks again!!!!!! Have you decided what your doing for your hair? I agree, came back from work and wow, seems nobody was working! I did such a big MQ, but still skipped things! I think your FI is just like other men, if it were only their decision, they would just have a ceremony and a big regular party, no fussing with decor, favors, ... LOL so funny you say that, I just spoke with a guy friend of mine, who will be asking his gf to marry him soon, and she is like me who loves beachs and the south.. and they've spoke about it and she would only want a destination wedding, well his comment was 'whatever she wants, how ever she wants, but I don't want to be a part of the planning... I'll just be there' Men!! Thanks everyone again so much for all of your comments and advice.. I'm just at a point where I have no more brain space and can't make any more decisions. You guys really helped me!!!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by shankd that's goergous!!! I haven't even started looking at hair styles yet..... I gave my sister my extentions because she doesn't think that her hair is long enough to do what she wants to do to it......I'm on it this weekend...Hopefully the night shifts will be quiet so I can look some up....lol Thanks, I think I still might have different styles if you want to see some, I can send it to your e-mail, just let me know. Other then that how's the planning coming along plus working nights? Quote: Originally Posted by trinak Hey Ladies, I am so bad for keeping up to date on here. I can't believe how close it is now. I am feeling the stress; there is so much to do still. Anyway, I'm sure we all feel that way. I have a question. I have read that some of you have booked your hair appointments online. I went on there to book myself and three of my bridesmaids and it was going to cost $137US per person. Is this not ridiculous? It also says you have to pay right now. Does anybody know if there is another way to go about it, such as booking without paying right now or waiting until we get there? It seems absolutely crazy to spend $600 on getting your hair done up. Other posts I read in the past mentioned the hair would cost around $80-100. If you have any info on this, it would be muchly appreciated. Thanks I think the only other way to pay when you get there, would be to book when you get there. I think I may just take my chances to do just that. I want to know why it's costing so freaking much. Back when I was looking at this resort to book for our wedding, I looked at the spa packags, and I saw $80 for brides hairstyle. now it's over $100. I think it's ridiculour!!!! If that is the case, it actually be cheaper in montreal!!! (which is bad because I didn't think anything was more then Montreal prices!!) Was it someone here,asking If I had a bridal shower?!? I cant remember I told my mom I really didn't want one. As my family is in Ontario, and FI family is in NS, it'd only be friends who are coming to the wedding.. and I didn't want to pressure people with gifts. So I told her she can through a baby shower for me, whenever that might be lol.
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