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Everything posted by caribbeanLover

  1. I def wouldn't put a real candle, they'd be the LCD light, with the fake flicker. So in that case since it would be safe, do you think I should keep the 1 (yellow or orange) flowr and the LCD candle?
  2. They aren't the bridesmaid bouquet, so I am free to do whatever to them I've tied them with floral tape, which always can be removed. Meghan, like your idea, I would actually get the LCD candle (they are so much lighter) so I would have to worry about the flower catching on fire. I also really like your idea taylorwd I will try both and produce some pics and see what you guys think. I really appreciate you guys helping me so much!!!! They are short enough to hit the bottom of the vase, so the flowers are againts the top rim just like you said. I just didn't get it far enough before putting the sand in. So here is Meghan's idea. I actually like it. The thing is with each stem there is 3 buds of flowers.So the yellow one has all three of them. The orange I pulled apart so it's just 1 bud. I will do the other idea a little bit later. My problem is I start doing 1 thing, then I see something else to do, so i go do that, next thing you know I'm in the middle of doing 5 different things, so none of it actually gets done!!!! It's truly drive me mad. I can either keep this colour of candle (matches blue, but it's a real one, I can see the flower catching on fire, so if I went this route, it'll probably the tall white LCD candle) this is what it'd look like if it was just water (I don't have the clear beeds made yet, but i put the purple ones it, just changed my water to purple lol) I cut them to short if it'd be water, they don't hit the bottom, but the sit nicely on the rim. and this is just the trail one ,the real colour was the yellow and one orange in the middle.
  3. ok so how does this look to every. Pls pls I need your honest opinion. beause to me the flowers look very very tacky (I've been watching way to many four weddings on TLC)
  4. Erin, Really, you don't think the flowers it self looks tacky? So instead of the clear beads, in your mind just sand?! I'll try that, I have sand I bought from walmart for my own centerpiece on my coffee table. I'll let you know how it works with pics! Thanks so much!!
  5. Meghan, that's exactly where I went. But it's not just any stitch it. It was to be stitch it and embroider place. They only have 1 in Montreal. But they have millions of just stitch it They aren't charging much either, just for 'I love you mom' will be about $10 or less.
  6. amazing!!! I haven't had any odd questions , or phone calls.. just that GF of mine, who btw still hasn't booked LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! makes me laugh now
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by [email protected] At first I thought it was 22kg per bag, and 2 bags per person, but no 2 bags and one carryone for a total combined weight of 25 kg.... so crazy, i had to say my fiance was right when he said we are not bringing extras down we will buy favors there...clothes, shoes, appliances (blowdryer, straitner) the limit will add up quick... my carry-on is my dress- the bridal salon i purchased it from has these special garmet boxes made specifically for travelling on planes= which is a relief becuase apparently sunwing doesnt have an area to hang your dress... I called CanJet and AirTransit (that who we originally flying with) both of these companies allow you to bring a carry on your purse and it's free for your wedding dress as a bride. So call sunwing, they may do the same. I know they don't have a closet, but it should still be free to take it on the plan. I plan on just keeping it in my lap for 4 hours (it'll be long plan ride!!)
  8. Nat, Well the rings are amazing, and he did one heck of a job just by listening to what you wanted, you lucky girl you!!!! I agree with Michele, the shoes are HOT HOT!!! I could never wear them, I'd be flat on my face, but if you can, go for it, I totally admire you lol!!! Jena, you did an amazing job, you had some great ideas. Like look aswsome!!!!! your guest are going to appreciate/love them so much!!! OMG I'm sooo excited for you, you must be leaving tomorrow then? Meghan, I'm glad you enjoyed the concert, must have been a fresh of breath air getting to do something other then wedding related stuff. I'm jealous lol!!!! I made a point, regardless where I'm at in planning and getting stuff done, I'll go see 2 good friends who are unable to attend and have some non wedding related time together over the weekend. Yes yes, try and convince her,she has enough time to post pics. She promise she was going to out do me for the labels, she must prove it lol sooo I have a delima, I hope you girls can help me. I finished my centerpieces. And I HATE them they look so freaking tacky. I'm hoping someone would have a better idea for me. I want to keep the vase (cause they are so light) but I don't think I want to keep the fake flowers. So I was thinking, maybe filling them up with Punta Cana side and then putting a candle on top, but then I was thinking there will be no flowers (does it matter?) but also I bought seashell candle holders to go around the centerpiece, will it be to much candles, not enough of anything anythings? HELP!!!! I know this isn't the time to be starting new projects, but I can't help it.. worse nightmare ever about 'em!!
  9. No problem!! Now I'm looking for something to have the ring bearer hold the rings on. Trying to avoid a pillow, but it looks like it might be my only opition. We're flying with Canjet, 44lbs, but I got a special request and was add an extra 11lbs. The OOT bags I'm handing to everyone before we all leave. I knew we would have never had enough room if i would have kept them and just handed them out down there. So the only ones I need to take are 8 but I will give them to other guest to bring down lol!! hey that's what MOH and BM are for !! lol. sooo I have a delima, I hope you girls can help me. I finished my centerpieces. And I HATE them they look so freaking tacky. I'm hoping someone would have a better idea for me. I want to keep the vase (cause they are so light) but I don't think I want to keep the fake flowers. So I was thinking, maybe filling them up with Punta Cana side and then putting a candle on top, but then I was thinking there will be no flowers (does it matter?) but also I bought seashell candle holders to go around the centerpiece, will it be to much candles, not enough of anything anythings? HELP!!!! I know this isn't the time to be starting new projects, but I can't help it.. worse nightmare ever about 'em!! this is what it looks like now, however the purple beads were a trailer, the real thing would have been clear beads. sooo what can I do with them?!?!
  10. Awww, that's an amazing story!!!! I am so so happy your were able to have a shower.. second marriage or not you totally deserve it!!!!! What I would do to have FI cook. You lucky girl you!!! SO happy for you!!!! :) And what a perfect idea, a spa day!!! Hope you get the power up running soon, We lived through the ice storm, so I can relate!!! xoxo
  11. Meghan. your too funny,you sound exactly like me, I actually did re print a lot of the stuff FI did. Now he ask me if he can help I just say 'No thanks babe, I got it under control' HAHAH yah right, but just a lot easier then getting him to help. Aww you have such a cute idea for your hankie's. I just decided to get it embroidered. It's cost less then $10 to have 'I love you Mom' on it. I just went with that. Actually the guy who is doing it, turns out to be a TA as well, as speaks with the head person of TMR (the ppl I booked with and who screwed everything over) his going to contact them with all my proof and let him know what their customer service is doing!! pretty cool I thought. All of the labels except for the spanish booklets i stole from everyone on here lol. No one is going to notice you don't have things labelled that's for sure!! Yes, post pics, I can't wait to see the flowers. LOL I cracked up about your mail man/dog story. too funny. But not funny how he left the flowers. Some people have no thought, these people (us) actually pay for these things!! Nat, I forgot to mention (how could I!) how much I love your rings. They are also very unique. Did you pick your E-ring out or did the FI do that all on his own? Erin, HAHA I did go crazy with the labels!! I hope everyone notices them, they were all very very time consuming lol. yeah your so right, if she hasn't booked now, what are the chances she will now (she actually called me today, to ask me if I think the prices will drop in the next few day!!!) I'm just, well at a lost of words with that one. Mel, Congrats on getting the legal date picked and sorted out. It's the day before I arrive back home, but I'll be thinking about you. taylorwd , Thanks for the vote of encouragement, I'm currently feeling like a b'tch but your so right, I really had to put my foot down with her. Who in this world is so wishy washy so close to a date ya know!! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one saying 'white lies' lol. I see it can be annoying and taking a lot of efforts trying to get payments from ppl. I'm sure your happy that's over with now!! Jenna, I just love love your saying!! and your so so right!!!! you made me laugh!!! thanks!! Looks like it's all normal last min stuff. I think you have your self under major control, good for you!!!!! Suzy, LOL bring it on girl, I want to see someone out do me, so I don't feel so crazy lol!! Can't wait to see everything you've done. I know the feeling. I re loading my printer with ink when I bought the invite, and it actually lasted through all my printing. Hope you have the same luck! (stupid inks are sooo $$$$$) NyBeachBride Congrats on being a secret married couple!!!!! That is amazing with all the special dates!! so when it's time to celebrate your anniversary will you celebrate your legal day, or the date you guys get married down south?
  12. Danielle, I'm so happy it went well and you had fun!!! Good for you, again I could never do that, you must be in great shape!!!! For the hairstyle I just goggled 'brides hair for beach' and tons and tons popped up. I'd just do that. I totally admire you for being all done!!! I'm so not and I leave in 10 days 14 hours! lol.. panicking a tad!!! I'm also bring my own flower centerpiece, with seashell candle holders (Candle) around them as well as the 'beach' wedding cameras. I'll go with whatever table cloth they have! For the ceremony I am not bring anything (I don't think we really need to, She has everything) and again for the beach party, it gets decorated with tables, torches. LOL Steph, I'm with you on handing most of my wedding things out to guest. Sounds pretty tho!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by shortnsweet7675 Tracy, I'm happy you finally got all of your guests booked. Way to go on putting your foot down with your friend. Great job on your OOT bags. I really like your sand ceremony vases, I considered doing that, but just decided to do the candle lighting ceremony instead. I had my second dress fitting today. My sister had her fitting for her bridesmaid dress today too. I'm getting even more excited now . I have one more fitting before the wedding. I'll post a couple of pics from today's fitting later, after I get them loaded into photobucket. Thank you!!! Ah the candle ceremony is just as nice, if we weren't on the beach I'd probably go the same route. I just wanted the sand to represent our beach wedding. I love love love your dress, amazing pick. It really suits you.You looking stunning and beautiful. You FI is one lucky man. I really like the BM dresses too, especially the colour. I can't wait to see your wedding pics, they are going to be beautiful!!!! Quote: Originally Posted by ewok Wow,your friend is so strange, I mean, up to a certain point you can understand she's making her mind up, worried about prices maybe, but come on! 14 days before and she doesn't know if she can have the vacation time? I have to "prepare" my vacation longer than that (OK, a bit of exaggeration here...) If she doesn't want to come (no time off, money, ...) she could just have said so, or even make a white lie. You definitely don't need this added stress. BTW, the OOT bag content is again very nice, great ideas, and you did dive in for the labels. The personalized Spanish for Dummies is great. She really is strange, she doesn't think like the rest of the world lol. Exactly!!! 14 days, out of control.. she even got married 2 summers ago, so it's not like she doesn't know! I def prepare for my vacations much longer then that, she new she wanted to come. Ah I stop trying to figure her out a long time ago... all of these friends are from when I was a teenager.. maybe a new married life, maybe new friends! (not of all them, just the odd ones lol) I'm with you,I even ask her, 'I understand if you can't come' she says oh no I'll be there!! So I gave up and told her the WC had enough, it's to close to the date (which is totally true!!) Thanks so much! LOL yup went nuts on the labels. Me too I like the spanish booklets the most,i'll be also using it lol. I googled 'dummie cover' and I got a template to be able to make my own, so it really worked out! lol Quote: Originally Posted by Melidell Wow, Tracy, your OOT stuff looks great! I really like your Spanish phrase books and you mugs came out really well. The bags are also really nice. I cant believe your friend kept putting you off for so long. You did the right thing by putting your foot down! Shortnsweet- I love your dress! It bustles really nicely, too. It looks gorgeous on you- it must be so nice to have all of the alterations done so that you can finally see how it looks. I also really like your engagement ring- especially with the wedding band. ETA- I love seeing all of the pictures that you guys have been putting up lately. This is so exciting! Thanks for the support, I think I also did the right thing, who needs that sort of last min stress, ya know.. it's already last min stress!! Thanks so much for the pleasant comments on my OOT bags. I also thought the mugs turn out good for doing it myself (4 went in the garbage, but heck I still pulled it off lol)
  14. So I finally got all my guest booked!!! I actually have a gf, who keeps saying she's coming, but then she goes back and says 'we'll see' so I gave up on her. She's just so weird like that (yes I have a lot of odd friends lol) Today, she's really acting like she's going to book. So finally I lied and said that my wedding coordinator gave me a dead line for the confirmation numbers she wanted (Also she's called a bunch of other times, ask me my opinion on other hotels!!! I told her finally that I don't have time to look into other resorts, I've reviewed mine and that's all, if she wants to stay somewhere else, she can but I don't know anything and don't ask me, it's not like our resort is booked) (I didn't lie about the cofirmation # needed, just never got a deadline) and that if she wants to come to the wedding, I needed her # today... then she says she hasn't gotten her schedule for that work, so she needs to wait until Wednesday. I told her it was very nice to try and come, but that she ran out of time. To be honest.... who has time to deal with people like that (good friend or not) 14 days before your wedding!!! Sorry for the vent! Good note, OOT bags are all done. here a pic... spanish booklet with 3 pages of different phrases,directions and numbers can you say I went a little label crazy! ? LOL!!!
  15. So happy your job today went well and you like it. your so right.. cause all day all I think about is wedding and it's starting to drive me nuts... I don't even sleep well anymore!! FI is on the couch most nights now cause I toss and turn way to much!!! I ask Carolina the same question about the Dj... she said he does have an Ipod docking system, however to bring cd's of the music as a back up.. her exact words 'as you never know what can happen' So that's exactly what I'm doing. How much was it for the guitar player? and how long you have him for? Silk flower.. I have no idea... but why not just get a flower from the resort... they charge $5 for hair flower I'll be doing this for after the veil comes off
  16. I'm with you, it's all the wedding stuff and how much it's going to weight that is more stressful then actually marrying. Even more nervous putting my dress on then signing the papers. LOL your so right.. we already picked them! Thank you for the lovely comment!!
  17. Courtney, Really!! lol too funny!!! we are!!! I hope your ok with the both of us having the same hair, on the same day!!! I totally agree with you sungoddes, better then wasting money if it isn't needed!
  18. Wow Erin, you did an amazing job this weekend, good for you!!! I love love your bouquets and bouts!!! totally jealous lol. I love your rings!!!!! very unique!! I love your OOT bags, where'd you get the bag from? You did one heck of a job, a big pat on your back, you totally deserve it. I will also post pics of my oot bag after dinner... they are all done!! I'm jus waiting for 2 bags tho to come in. I love your centerpiece, are they heavy? again totally jealous lol!!! Nice pick for the FI rings!! Meghan, Me too decided to also give my mom a hankie, what are doing to yours? maybe I can steal your idea?! as I've got none like I said no more brain space!! Mel, I say if you can start packing now, go for it.. i def don't want to be in a rush last min, so I'm almost done packing and I leave in 11 days.. your not crazy!!! Get the freezer zip lock bags with the zipper... they have saved my life when it comes down to travelling (and freezer foods too!)
  19. Thanks guys!! so if you all like it, it's final.. that is what I am going for. Thank you for your opinion!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by hoyt75 Tracy - Love your sand ceremony set. I was thinking about getting the heart one and decided against it, but now looking at yours I'm kinda regretting it a little. Ewok - LOVE your rings, they're super pretty. FI came home from Chicago this weekend, and I saw him for a total of 5 hours. He had his bachelor party this weekend, and all is good! They stuffed themselves full of BBQ in Austin and camped on the lake so it was very chill. I'm glad he had a good time, he needed a fun night. I'm really looking forward to spending 1.5 weeks with him, it'll be a nice change of pace. I too did some last minute shopping this weekend. I don't know if you have a Ross in your area, and I dont' typically like that type of store, but I bought 10 sundresses for $60 this weekend! Pretty dang good deal if you ask me. I got ALL of our wedding stuff packed this weekend, everything but the beach towels fit into 1 suitcase with a little room left. The beach towels are going into a duffle bag and being carried on. I would totally recommed everyone using the Space Bags as much as possible. They really saved my butt! I pulled all of our summer clothes (its already in the 70's here), went through it all and wash everything. I think we are good to go. Just need to pack our clothing bag and take off! I'm thinking that we will have the 1 suitcase of wedding stuff, 1 suitcase for our clothing, 1 duffle bag that FI will carry on that will have the beach towels, and then I call carry on my wedding dress. We leave in 3 days, and we're getting married in 5! I'm so excited! Just ready to leave, NOW!!!! Thanks, I too was going back and forth on the sand kit, as it's $60 but I am happy I got it, a little memory of our wedding, plus I'll have punta cana side at the bottom. I am so happy you were able to spend a little time with him, and he had a good bachelore party!! 60$ for all of those summer dresses, I'm totally jealous. We don't have a Ross here... always see them on T.V but none here My goal, is to have all my summer clothes and some weddings things (cake cutting serve,garter) in my big luggage, and the rest of the wedding stuff goes to some of the guest and our carry-on. We waste more weight by adding extra luggages (I weight my big luggage, and alone with nothing in it weight 11.5lbs) I haven't finish packing yet, so I have no idea if I can pull this off. But also we are handing all the in town guest their OOT bags, or else we would never would have enough room. OMG, 5 days!!! you must be so excited, nervous at all? I am just nervous about everything but about marrying FI lol. Quote: Originally Posted by taylorwd Beautiful rings!!! Lol, that's the way it is for us. Our resort is only 20 min from the airport, but we figured it could take a lot longer if they're dropping other people off before us. We're going for as much resort time as possible! It was a lot ($120 roundtrip) but we splurged anyway. GO YOU leaving in 3 days!!! Lucky you! ooooooooohhhh, your getting the limo down south to your resort!!! I meant the limo pick us up at home to take us to the airport. But your idea is amazing!!!! Def take a little more time down there. Enjoy the ride!! NyBeachBride, Good Luck for your legal day, have fun!!!! will it just be the 2 of you and 2 witness? Let us know how it goes!!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by MilitaryMrs.s-to be Everything done............bahahaha not likely!!! I'm getting my hair done on Tuesday, I can't wait And I have so much other stuff to do its just not even funny. I'm done worrying about stuff though cause I feel like I'm missing out on the excitement of the wedding because I have so many things to think about, that was the point of the DW so I'm going to just let everything be, I'm actually not going to do the OOT bags, and the room keys things, I'm just working tooo much and everything is on my Mom's computer (She lives almost an hour from me) So there's just no time to get everything done. I don't think my guests will care if they don't give stuff, I'm a little upset that I didn't get everything finished that I wanted to but I'll live without it. lol Mike has been home, but he doesn't help when it comes to wedding stuff. I've been doing alot of AHR stuff anyways, because like I said, its 6 days after we get home, so everything needs to be finished before we leave to go to the DR. What about everyone else? How is everything coming?? Well no one will even know about OOT bags, so don't have to worry there. I can get being upset when you not getting the stuff you wanted done, but like you said, we all can still live with out it. as of right now, I think I got everything I wanted, but it'll probably change when I get to the resort, saying 'of I should have done that, oh I forgot to do that' kind of stuff. LOL just like my Mike, no help what so ever!! That's crazy, planning 2 weddings... can't say it enough.. totally admire you!!! I got all my OOT bags done and out of the way, I just have to drop them off to the people who live in MTL. I still have to make my scavanger hunt list for the cameras I'm putting on the tables,as I wont have a photographer at night. Oh and I still have to figured out a cocktail hour game (anyone have any ideas? we did the shoe game at our engagment party, not sure if we should do it again, it's a popular one!) the rest is just putting songs on cd for the dj, and printing e-mails from Carolina, and guest arrival list.. finish packing all the wedding stuff and the rest of my vacation stuff. Quote: Originally Posted by isy_beau hey girls, it seems like we all have early flights (around 6h45am) but all on different days, so we're all on the same boat airport at 3h30am urkkkk LOL but in punta cana for 11h30, so that's good I decided not to complicate my life to much, so no oot bags for me, I'll buy something at the market over there for party favors. There is so many things that we can do, I read alot of good ideals, but at one point I decided on my mental health LOL, so I tried to keep it simple..... I'm going for my hair apointement 5 days before we leave, I already have blond highlights, so no big change for me hihihi but I am going to get waxed, and that will be the first time for me, I don't know if I'll survive it LOL Courtney I think were all gonna look creepy trying to find one and another LOL 19 days before I leave Yah, I've done the early flight before, and it was hell.. very tirering. Ah well at least we'll be in Punta cana early.. even tho I'll be supper tired. Plus most of our guest arrives the same day and we have to meet them at the lobby, they are all coming in a different hours through out the day. Good for you, your so right.. after all it's a DW, it shouldn't be complicated or stressful, so you def have the right frame of mind, and I really like the idea of getting the guest a favour from down there.A memory for your wedding but also of their trip. If I would have thought about that before the OOT bags, I would have gone that route. Ohh lucky you for hair colour. I am just going for a trim tomorrow. As I want to make sure there is enough hair to do the style i want for the wedding. Waxing, if it's your first time, you may get an irration. But it goes away with in 3 days. So it's good your doing it before the wedding, but also be careful.. depends on how long your hair takes to grow back.. I'm at 1 week and half before I got to start plucking again lol Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 I am not sure if I mentioned - but I ended up finding a seamstress in my area and she is currently working on my dress!! I have my next fitting on April 15, so I hope it will be better then! I guess you all will be gone then lol.! We are debating now whether or not to get Pastor Rick York - FI is worried that our guests will know it's not legal and find out we did it before. He said that he'd rather pay the 300 some odd dollars for Rick York (who said he would bring a fake paper and everything for witnesses to sign, so no one would know) than make up a story. I'm not sold -- I contacted Carolina a few months ago and she said that it would be no problem to make it look real, but we're not so sure. What do you guys think? Any suggestions? It's really not in our budget to get Rick York if there is something we can do (i.e. bring a fake paper to sign like Carolina suggested) Ahh! help before you all leave! lol I am so happy you found a seamstress. I hope you like everything she does to your dress. Keep us posted!! Honestly, if it isn't in your budge, I say forget it!!! it's a dw after all.. we choose this route for it to be cheaper. I say make the fake papers yourself, and trust what Carolina says.. she's been doing so many weddings, she must know. WHen would you have to let Rick know wether or not you want him for your ceremony? As I know a lot of girls are getting the symbolic wedding, we can really see if you need him or not when we come back (I'll be back on the 24th) My new Hairstyle I picked, let me know what you think!! ! Without the flower on the side (I have a veil) Hopefully I can add a flower at night with my TTD dress for the beach party (when I take the veil off)
  22. ewok, Love the rings!!! very unique!! I especially love that about the rings. Quote: Originally Posted by Melidell Nice stuff, Tracy! Are those your sand ceremony vases? I love them! I know what you mean about feeling ready to get married when you get things- I feel the same way every time I get a package in the mail. It really makes it more real. I've been going into my spare room closet a lot lately just to look at all my wedding stuff again. Sad, I know, but I'm just so excited. FI is getting really excited too, I caught him playing with/wearing his wedding band the other day (I'm so glad that he found one he likes so much). FI just booked us a limo to take us to the airport for our trip. We figured "why not, we're getting married, we should have a limo like everyone else." We're going to ride with two good friends and it should be a blast (the airport is about 45 min away from Halifax so it'll give us some time to enjoy it). Now he's all excited about that, too. Thanks, I was very pleased with them! Yes 3 vases, 1 for each of us for our sand, and 1 for the person doing the ceremony, which will be Fi sister. Exactly, getting all these things makes it feel so much more real, and the fact we leave so soon!!! I can't believe it's so soon. Ohhhh you guys are so lucky who's getting a limo or a town car. I begged and begged but it's $100 to take us to the airport and that is 20 mins away from us, so I have to agree with Fi it's just not worth it. He promised me one day tho lol. Thanks Suzy!! I feel you I had over a year and half, I should have half of the things I'm currently doing now already done.. not happy with my self in that area. Again, I'm with you on the stress, and panic. But we all will get through it just like you said. Before we all know it our day will come and go just like that!
  23. I tried to buy FI shorts the othe day, he was in a child like mood, 'no I don't need it, I have lots' yeah, thats why when we go to Cuba he wears jeans!!! MEn!!! they are soo hard to deal with sometimes, but I am sure we're no skip in the park lol. Hope he gets everything he needs, I hope the same for my FI lol. Not bad, DR is 3 business days before your wedding, but I got a deal, I ask it'd be ok if I flew in Saturday, wedding in Tuesday.. she said it was fine. *crossing my fingers*
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