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Everything posted by caribbeanLover
Michele, I know the feeling!!! but it must be worse to be having to work, but not be easy... 1 more day!!! OMG Nat I love the garter, your mom did an amazing job. Plus it's your something old!!! Good job!!! I know it def crept on me too!!! Are you all done plann Nat? if not hows everything coming along? Meghan, can't wait to see your pretty bouquets you made!!! So I made a few orders last week Monday, saying to myself I'll have plenty of time to recieve it in (curling iron, Pro-active, more tote bags) but I completely forgot there was no mail Friday or today!!! Now I'm in panic mode!! lol ugh what'd I get myself into... I only had over a year and a half to order that stuff!!! So back to my GF, who I think I no longer consider one. They place where I told her to book, was to book separately because she could only come for 4 days (room,then go to usairways to book the fligh as suppose to a package). The room you book and then they send you an email to fill out an authorization form, and you must send it back 48 hours latest, if not the money doesn't get taken off the card and you have no reservations. ShE NEVER SENT THE FORM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! then I get a call saying her fake husband can't go, but maybe she should take her mom, that was yesterday... I told her game over!!! then today she calls and says she'll just come alone. I told her with what reservations!!!! This has become way to much for me,especially a week before my wedding. If I get one more call (even tho FI doesn't want me to answer her calls anymore) I'll tell her she is no longer invited (I really will too, enough is enough.. I've been way to darn nice!!) *sigh* sorry for my vent who has these kinds of problems with guest booking a week before their wedding LOL!!!!! I have to laugh or I'll cry ( not about her not coming, but hows she going about everything, and adding extra stress.. trying not to let her get to me tho..def not loosing any sleep over it)
Quote: Originally Posted by taylorwd Yup, we're in the same boat, too. 6:50am flight. But that's okay b/c it's worth it to get to the resort early in the day. At least that's what I'll be telling myself when my alarm goes off, LOL! LOL!! yup that's what I'll be telling myself too when the alarm goes off at 2:30am (I usually go to bed at that time, so it'll be hard to even fall asleep early, I actually think I'm more nervous about waking up so darn early, then the actual wedding day) Quote: Originally Posted by jerseykitten tomorrow I just have to wrap up at work - today they tell me about all the projects they want me to start - I'm like -you know that won't happen till i get back, right? HAHAH!!! they actually thought you'd get some new projects started before you left!!! ? Getting excited to go to Mobay?!?!
Julie, Martine, Tara, Michele In case I don't hear from you guys, Congraluations!!!!!!!!!!! have a great time, take lots of pics, and enjoy!!!!! I can't wait to see all of them. When was the last time Martine came on?!?! You'll all be a MRS!!! You all worked so hard to get here. So pls pls just relax when your down there!! Will you still be around on the 10th ? I'm arriving then, would love to meet up!!!!
Quote: Originally Posted by jerseykitten hi Everyone- I leave Very early thursday - car service is picking us up at 3:15am.. but it's worth it to get down there early. Almost done packing - I'm going to have to switch pocketbooks the day before - We each get one checked bag for free and the 2nd one is only $25 so not too bad - my bags can "nest' inside each other so the one that has my OOT stuff and decorations can go inside the other one. Our AHR is May 22 - invites are going out Monday - my mom was ok with adding another guest - she's handling these invites and RSVPs - I have enough on my plate right now. I kind of wish I took this whole week off - unfortunately i don't get paid if I don't work so it's hard - definitely need the $$$ - finding it hard to concentrate on things! Hope you all have a nice Easter - Ah, me too we have to be at the airport for 3:50 our flight is at 6:50.But I may consider booking my seat a head of time so we only have to b there 2 hours before instead of 3.And my mom wants to drive us so we can show her where she needs to go the following day. I can't believe it's coming!! I agree, worth being able to be there all done, plus we are the second people to land so I get to greet the rest of the guest which I'm happy about. I def wont sleep Friday night tho lol. Wow!!! your really pushing it with time for your AHR and your ceremony down south. At least it'll be out of the way for the summer, and you guys can just enjoy being newlyweds!! I feel you, I've never had a salary job, so I always had to go to work, as I always (still do) need the money. I remember being so sick I should have been in the hospital, but I worked instead for 9 days (2 of those were 12 hour shifts) I can relate, it sucks!! It's almost over th, and you can have a break (it's exactly what I told FI today, it's coming so fast he doesn't want to work anymore lol) Quote: Originally Posted by echo2_62 Wow Kimmy, two more days! And not many more than that for both Tracy and Michele! So exciting!!! Michele - it's going to be so hard to sleep on Wednesday night knowing that you have to get up so early anyways! Hopefully you're one of those people who can sleep on the plane. And everyone don't forget your neck pillows too! Tracy - we're flying with Westjet so each person is allowed two pieces of luggage weighing 20kgs (44lbs) per piece within certain size measurements. Plus we're allowed two pieces of carry-on baggage too but since I have my dress and everything to worry about, I'm hoping to only have one piece of carry-on. I'm not even sure that we'll use three full bags between FI and I combined, maybe four depending how our mugs pack in to the rest. So right now I've got two bags that I'll have to pass off which is easy with our friends flying down with us. And like Michele, everything extra that I pack will easily all fit into a single piece for the return trip so there won't be any worries at all coming home. I'll just have to worry about hiding a few bottles of liquor LOL good one Meghan, I def wont forget my airplan pillow, just bought it actually, and it went right into the carry - on. Thanks for the reminder!! OMG, aren't you lucky with your luggage, we are allowed 2 pieces but they both have to equal 44lbs (not each but total) SO yeah we got stuck having to FEDEX the oot bags to the out of towners so they can pack their own bags. Plus most of the wedding stuff I handed to my mom, and BM's. and it's $10 for every 2.2 pounds your over 44lbs. It's insane!!!! Quote: Originally Posted by KimmyG Tracy, we travel home on YOUR wedding day!! Tomorrow I can say we are leaving TOMORROW! Aww, I was hoping to hear back before I left, Well I'll be thinking about you as you leave tomorrow!!!! and on your wedding day!!!! And I'll be looking for your pics when I get back!!! Have fun, enjoy!!!! May everything the two of you want, come your way. Congratulations a head of time!!!!! xoxoxoxo Mel, I'm so glad you were able to get some more days off to get things done. Ohh you got the spring cleaning done, amazing, now you can come on over and help me, I'll even feed you lol!!!! Yeah I got all the DIY projects done, now left is the spring cleaning and printing e-mails oh and just put music on a cd for the beach party. I was thinking today, all this planning for it to come and go so fast!! so glad we're doing 2weeks down south!!!
ohhh I like the idea of bring the centerpieces, what are you centerpieces? who will transport it? I think I'll go with you said Katie, just let Carolina do her thing, and not worry about it. Talk about the luggage weight, I have no room for the out of towners OOT bag, so I will have to fedex them their bags for them to pack themselves!!! So your right I have no idea why I'm even considering bring decor for the beach lol. Thanks for your reply's!!
Quote: Originally Posted by KimmyG Happy Easter everyone!! We leave on Tuuuuesday, 2 days away! wow!!! 2 days!!! Well incase you get busy with all the last min stuff. I want to wish you a happy and joyful wedding. Have fun!!!! Can't wait to hear your review and see your pics!!! When are you due to come back? Happy Easter!!!!!!!!
Mel, Yah it kinda suck today in the car (in traffic) in black pants lol! but I prepared myself for the next 2 weeks of hot weather in Punta Cana (besides it's going to rain for the rest of the week) I def went nuts on the labels. Hope everyone finds them funny (or even notice) Meghan, 8am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh no no no, I would only wake up that early for work!! I'm sure you got a lot done tho. I'm not a morning person (neither is Fi, so that worked out lol) I still can't get over you guys waking up so early on a Sat, but I get it some people are morning people (early riser gets the worm I guess!!) Wow your taking a lot down yourselves, how much luggage weight are you allowed? what decor did you pack? I'm only bring, centerpiece,candles for the decor, the resort has the chair sash's, and I'm doing a private beach party afterwards that gets decorated with torches. Am I missing something?!?!?! Your not alone, I'll have a few things to do too while we are done there before the wedding. Make the scrolls and put ribbon, get lots and lots of sand for centerpieces, sand ceremony, me too fold the name cards when we get there (I love your idea with the umbrella in the sand!!!!hope you get a pic of that at the wedding) I can't forget to give the WC all of this!!! I got lucky, not needing any of the last minute lingerie, I got everything and more from the BD (GEEZ if I wouldn't have said that, i think I would have forgotten the book in my drawer!!!going to put that in the luggage now!) I leave the 10th (next Saturday) Michele is either the 8 or 9th... could be completely off tho!! wow it's coming fast!!! Thanks Katie for sharing (for me it's different rules cause of Quebec, we would have to pay to actually change our names, I'd lose mine all together, plus it cost $2000) I'm sure this will be helpful for many others. Jenna, HAPPY WEDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! been thinking about you, hoping your having an amazing day, having fun!!!! I can't wait to hear back from you, and see all your beautiful pics!!
Quote: Originally Posted by beachbum I'm bringing my own centerpieces, my MIL is bringing them down for me. they are glass vases from bed bath and beyond with shells on the bottom and a candle on top. I would post a link, but i don't think you can purchase them anymore. Quote: Originally Posted by MilitaryMrs.s-to be I just want to say that I have 7 1/2 sleeps til we leave!!! eeekkkk!!!! I count the night before we leave as a half a sleep cause I don't actually sleep and we have to leave for the airport in the middle of the night...........And because then its shorter!! hahahha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SSSOOOOOOOO EXCITEDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!! I'm with you , 6 days and 10 hours before we're on the plan on our way!!!
Dawn, When are you leaving ? I'm so getting excited, just to get on the beach and meet all our family and friends to spend a week (5days for some) with them, it'll be a lot of fun. Plus meeting all of you!!! I think it's going to be one crazy week. I'm preparing myself now for lots of drinking lol!!!
I'm glad I'm not the only one (not happy your not sleeping either tho) all while FI is still sleeping!!! makes me mad lol how he can sleep with no worries or stress. , just sleeps!! Aww, I'm sorry to hear about the aunte situtation, that can be a little frustrating. When are you having your AHR? Mine is suppose to be July 10th, but we haven't booked anything and I wont until we come back. Still trying to get out of it, it's more for my parents then for us. They want to show off their only daughter to all the friends and family ,I just see no point. Will the clips be for the wedding day? Can't wait to see! Glad your also getting nice weather, if anyone deserved it, it'd be def you guys. You went through a lot this winter.
Sorry guys I've been missing in action. I've been soo busy trying to get everything done. I get my period during the week, and those times, nothing gets done. It's insane, how my friend booked. Like some of you said, She really wanted to be there. But she took a chance by still booking when I gave her a deadline!! Now I'm getting calls 'what do I wear?' I told her not to stress me over stupid things like that. UGH ppl!!! It's 10:52 I never wake up this early, but I can't sleep!!!! the whole wedding is going through my head, and I'm excited to be on the beach (I'm like a little child waiting for xmas to come) Sooooooooo I packed all my summer clothes, and it's 29 with humidity today!!! def not complaining, but sheesh everythings packed lol!!! Hope your all have a good weekend. I'll be dropping some bags off this weekend, as some guest leave Wednesday!!! LOL Erin, So after I read your post, I counted 8 labels... not sure if that's the exact count. But during the week I'll look it up and post them just in case. I made my aloe label lol, I'll post a little after. Julie, Got you on the list!! Amazing, you had a good day then yesterday shopping!!! Any sales? lol WHere'd you go? Meghan, Hows the bouquet's coming along? I loved the look of them, they looked so real!!! I actually thought! since I'll only need 1 flower for each centerpiece, and I only have 3 of them I can get 3 real flowers when I'm down there for them!! this way I can ditch the fake ones all together (I'll still bring them incase the real ones are way out of my budged)
Quote: Originally Posted by msredbird51 Thanks for the input on photographers everyone. I appreciate it! I also contacted HDC and was very impressed with the portfolio, speed to reply to my inquiry and most importantly, the prices! I think that's who we will be going with! you wont regret it!! yes it's hard to beat his prices. His also on FB, you can look at his albums there too. I heard a lot of good things about that Michael guy but it's a little pricy, IMOP HDC photos really look prof. Welcome to Facebook | Facebook
Mel, LOL sounds like you have her pretty much figured out!!! Yeah pretty annoying, Like I said to FI I guess she is a true friend, it's just the way she goes about doing things, is very stressful on people .She thinks differently thats for sure, not on the same level as the rest of us!! I tell ya I have some special friends. I know someone on here had put aloe in the small bottles (was it you Meghan?!) I'm sorry I can't remember. I was wondering if you or anyone had a label for this? I can't get anymore of the aloe's I bought for the new comer, so I figured I'd just squirt some into the smaller bottle I got at the dollar store. And you all know I'm label crazy! lol thanks!!!
Quote: Originally Posted by taylorwd Hey ladies, I'm secretly a Mrs!!! Our legal ceremony was today We didn't think it would be a big deal but we both ended up crying a little! We're hoping that maybe this trial run will make us better prepared for Mexico. We had a great picnic in the park afterward. It's been a good day OMG!! Congratulations!!!!!!! You guys look so happy!! Awww your a MRS now!!! amazing!!!! hey that's ok you guys cried, tears of joy, nothing wrong with that!!!! so happy!!!! Meghan, forgot to mention, how cute you guys look. Love the new pic!!!! Thanks for sharing. UPDATE My friend actually booked today Now I'm stuck rushing to make a bag for her (luckily I ordered an extra bag!!!) She called me while I was shopping for it all, asking what I was doing... I told her, and she thought it was funny. I had to explain to her, I had a million other things I could be doing instead. I totally regret inviting her, but I did it out of courtesy, not thinking she'd actually show!!! OOPS!!!!!!!
Thanks Erin, your were a big help with my centerpiece delima... I'm so hapoy with the out come!!! Your all so right, this are are months ladies!!!! Meghan, I love your hairstyle. I love everything like I was said before. You did an amazing job, love how the mugs turn out!!! Your guest are going to love everyting!! Great idea about the mini photo album!! I'll def do that too.
I'm using HCD, his been amazing!!! he reply's to my e-mails in less then 2 hours. http://huellasdelcaribe.com/huellas.swf For the vows. Carolina said (if ur having the legal ceremony) your can have time to say some words after the judge is done with his thing (so after your announced Man and Wife) So I decided not to, but more because I know I wouldn't get through it with crying lol.
OMG guys, I actually woke up early, and I still have 2 pages to catch up, and I wont have time until tonight, so i'll have 4-5 pages to catch up. Meghan, I love love everything, will go more into details later!! I've got the list. It's missing Ewok tho. SO if you read this, add yourself and I'll safe it. April 3 - (hoyt75) Jenna from Fort Worth - Valentin Imperial Maya April 9 - (kimmyg) Kimmy from Cincinnati - RPRM April 9 - (Chicken764) Martine from Casselman - Grand Palladium-Punta Cana April 10 - (jerseykitten) Michele from Jersey (Central Jersey by Six Flags) – Jamaica April 10 - (taratoons) Tara from Ottawa ONT - Dreams Punta Cana April 12 - (bridej9) - ______ from MI - Dreams Puerto Aventuras April 13 - (CaribbeanLover) From Montreal, Grand Palladium in Punta Cana April 16 - (echo2_62) Meghan from Calgary - Dreams Puerto Aventuras, Mexico April 17 - (taylorwd) Wendy from Austin - Azul Beach, Mexico April 17 - (amcarter) Alex from Houston - Reserva Conchal - Costa Rica April 17 - (NegrilLB) Lisa from Atlanta - Iberostar Rose Hall Suites - Jamaica April 19 - (Sasse75) Jill from Hamilton, ONT - Grand Sunset Princess April 22 - (taraappl) Tara from Coon Rapids MN - Isla Mujeres, MX April 24 - (jess3414) Jessica from Phoenix, AZ - Dreams Cabo San Lucas April 24 - (katie424) Katie?! from Denver, CO - Beaches Negril April 24 - (vgirl17) Veronica from Vacaville, CA - Moon Palace Resort - Cancun, MX April 25 - (shortnsweet7675) Natasha from Atlanta, GA - Miami, FL (Carnival Glory Eastern Caribbean cruise) April 28 - (ebredhawk) Erin from Cincinnati - Dreams Punta Cana April 28 - (Melidell) Mel from NWT - Melia Las Dunas, Cuba April 29 - (SuzyQ76) Suzanne from Calgary, Grand Riviera Princess, Mexico
Thank you to you!!!
Oh yahhh!!! I'm so glad you like it. It's a done deal, I'll be going with this. Now I'm not going to think about it anymore!!! I think you so right, I'll stick with the small one, and not even bother with getting the bigger one. Your to smart!! Thank you all so much!!!
ewok Your list seems very manageable!! that's great, looks like your right on track!! you reminded me to put 'get refills' on my list of things to do, so thank you very much!! Kim, Congratulations!!!!!!! It must feel darn good after all the work. Now for the fun part to come, your vaca and beautiful ceremony!!! Ohhh cheese cake factory, We don't have that here, been one in FL.. so darn good!!! I'm so glad you guys had a great day. Altho I am def sorry to hear the girls couldn't make a game (IT'S A BRIDAL SHOWER, THERE'S GOT TO BE A GAME OR TWO!!!) I can't imagine how awkward it must have been. At least it's over now lol. Congrats again,MRS!!! Mel, I love your idea, but my original idea was the floating candles, they didn't work out for me. Plus our dinner is most likely going to be out side, where I know there will be wind, they wont last. Plus it'd take me more candles = more luggage weight. Thanks so much tho! I also can't do the bouquet in water, as the bouquet is tied with floral tape, and it just tore the bouquet apart So I'm left with the 1 flower and sand with the LCD light which I really like. Simple but fun and carribeanny (I know it's not a word, but you know what I mean) Here is the final out come.
LOL Meghan. I think 1 orange at 1 table, a yellow at another, so forth... taylorwd I had really liked the orange one too!!! but when I went to go back.. there is no more orange flowers. So I had to change bouquet colours again. I had enough to add 1 in every centerpiece. But that's it, so sadly I wouldn't be able to have the orange one. but I could stick the yellow (1 orange) bouquet in water... mmm.... I'll play around a little after dinner with them, and take pics of my fav and get all of you finally opinion, and I wont bother you all with it again!! lol . I wanted to add, Michele How much you made me laugh with your facial expressions when you were opening all of those 'kinky' gifts. I'm still laughing. All very nice gifts!! Your too funny!!!!