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Everything posted by caribbeanLover

  1. OMG SUZY what happen? for some reason I can'tfind your post about what happen to your arm? Hope everything is ok Mel, Thanks so much!!! they were a lot of fun to take, and I will def post the website on Sunday. Can't wait to catch up and see yours and everyone elses Michele, OMG the dress was so heavy, I was taking a few alone, and Mike scream 'babe, your out of your dress' I got a friend to video tape it, and sure enough you see a nipple lol how embarrassing!!!!! ah well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have fun Nat, all the best wishing you best weather and a safe trip. I have a friend who came for the wedding from Ireland, he was suppose to leave on Saturday and his still stuck here, he travelled alone, but didn't buy a package he booked it separately so they moved him to a different resort. We feel horrible especially since his alone so the first few days we spent all our time with him, but we also spent a lot of money for our second week for a honeymoon, so I told he we needed some alone time, and I feel horrible about that but I think he understands, so we meet up on the beach during the day and have a drink or two then head back to our room. I feel so stuck in the middle tho!!! Good news, there was 1 flight out of Punta Cana today going to England, they are hopeful they will have another one here for him tomorrow to get back there. Then he can work his way back to Ireland from there. Well sadly, we have gotten some alone time, and had a tad bit of fun, but my crohn's is really bad these days just so draining, feeling horrible. So off to bed. I will come back tomorrow at some point, see how everyone is doing. ewok I can't imagine how hectic it has been gettign back home to 'normal' life again. I'm def not lookin forward to it, but miss my kitties to death (they are like my children lol) G'night!!
  2. Thanks guys!!! The prof pics will be up tomorrow, once it is I`ll send the password and all. I wish I had all the time in the world to catch up and look at all your beautiful pics. But I will spend a day or 2 when I get back to catch up and write reviews and just TALK!! lol I come back Saturday the 24th.. we`re here for 2 weeks. It does seem like we `haven`t been home in a while lol. Miss my kitties!!!!!!! but our room is to die for!! Michele, it felt exactly like that, like we were star`s,everyone taking pics, even strangers!!!! Great feeling, but happy it`s over with!! I am not sure if I can do anymore pics!! ah well I can`t anyhoo since I lost my camera lol!! I got some of your friends request. I am soooo happy we`ll always stay in contact!! After raining all moring i think the sun is coming out, better go get some before it goes away again... been very hot down here, but not a lot of sun. lots of rain but last for 20 mins then it`s clear and hot again! I`m so sooo sorry guys I can`t go through the pics right now, but all I tell Mike is how excited I am to get back to you girls!!! xoxox miss you all!! !even tho we`ve never met hahahahah lol
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 i LOVE the pics!!!!! oh my goodness!!!! ahh!! they are gorgeous!!! you have to write more when you get hoem!! Thank you!!! The prof pics will be up tomorrow on his website, I`ll send you all a link then with the password tomorrow I will def be writing more when I get back! so much to say!!!! Ohhh the sun is coming out, gotta go get a tan lol!!! xox
  4. BTW I lost my camera on the beach last night!!! Oh and I came here, to get married directly on the beach.. however it didn`t work out that way. Once the WC showed me pics of how it`s set up (beautiful( but all you see is loung chiars, and ppl tanning, at the time we didn`t exactly know the time of the ceremony, but yet had to make my mind up of the location. Disappointly I picked the gazebo over looking the ocean, a few days later I saw a ceremony on the beach and I can say I made the right pick, after all we went on the beach afterwards, plus the TTD, so had plenty of ocean pics. the ceremony ended up being at 6pm, therefore no tanners.... sadly sadly sadly.. but I wont dwel on it, and move on and say it was the most beautiful ceremony ever... after all I could still hear the ocean lol. I was a little disapointed, but i wont remember that. You all can make the decision when you get there and see things up close and personal. Can`t wait until May, this way we will all be back and ready to talk again lol xoxoxo
  5. HOLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant wait to have some extra time and go through this thread again and look at the pics, Michele can`t wait.. just from the 1 pic you looks beautiful, stunning!!!! I`m off to bed actually, came to post a msg to my mommy (lol) I am meeting my photographer early morining to get my pics. But my mom uploaded some.. so here you go. Cant wait to show you the rest. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?ai...45872180&saved
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by MilitaryMrs.s-to be Hi Girlies!! I'm home!!! lol The boys HAVE to wear long pants at the a la cartes but sandles are ok. Shorts and sandles are ok at the buffet but NO SLEEVELESS shirts!!!!!! we learned that the hard way at lunch time. lol I missed the meeting at hemminging ways!! I'm sooo stupid!! I woke up the next morning and asked mike what the day was, he said friday, I was like "SSSshhhhiiiitttt, I missed our meeting!!!!" I was soooo sick Thursday night that I never made it to supper. Which really sucked by the way!!! Pretty sure I meet one of the other brides on tuesday night, Maybe Carrie I think. I was soo hammered! hahaha...Not the best way to spend your wedding night thats for sure!! lol Oh well, memories!! hahahah Well I`m so glad I was able to meet you, plus we even got to see each other in our dresses. I`m still laughing, when I passed you and I told you I spilt lipstick on my dress, you scream ìt`s good luck` lol loved it!!! I too missed the Meet and Greet... wasn`t as easy as I thought it`d be with 25 guest. I lost my voice for days on top of it. BTW my mom was sitting with your dad and a few family members, so I got a pic of them lol. Too bad we didn`t get to spend a lot of time together, but we`re going to Halifax this summer, we`ll def have to meet up. It`s so hard to keep track of the days and time when your on vacation. I also met Carrie at the theater the other day, and she didn`t show up until late, I apologies for all of us lol but she understood.. shes heading to Majestic tomorrow!! I heard you were sick, We spoke with you mom. I`m so sorry.. thats so crappy. Your not alone, first 4 days I couldnt eat, horribly sick. Things are getting better tho, Hey did you feel like you could have stayed a little longer alone for a `honeymoon`or your happy to be home.... bloody hell can`t do question marks with these keyboards. Sungodes, Carolina is just sooo darn freaking amazing!! everything I could have asked for.. a few hiccups but nothing I`ll remember next month or even when I get home. I`ll give you a lot more details when I get home. Login | Facebook heres a link to a few pics I was able to upload from my moms camera, def not prof, those will come when I get home. talk soon, xox
  7. hey guys!!! so fi left for the night to his sisters room, as my rule was he wasn´t allowed to see me 24 hours before.... how lonely at 1am lol!!! ahhh i´ll just go enjoy our big bath tub!!! am i having fun? not yet....so much drama with my `friend` who btw is my bm!!! today...the day before my wedding has been mia cause she´s been screwing some stranger she met before we got here... plus the MIL is a drunk and treating me like royal shit!!!! hopefully tomorrow will be better. sorry for the vent.... love you guys for that lol!! so back to the sandals question. men aren´t allowed to wear sandals at the a la carts, but are allowed at the buffet. we went to the chiness today and there was a sign saying closed toe shoes with long pants,and shirt with sleeves meaning no wife beater shirts. hope this helps!!! sungoddes... no worries once it´s your turn we´ll all be jealous of you!! lol wanting to be back.... Well I´ve gotta run..... it´s lighting like crazy and i def dont want to get caught in a heavy down pour (happens once to twice a day.... morning and late night) aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh toooo late!! and i´m in a white skirt that goes see threw when wet lol.... ah well 1:30 hopefully not to many ppl around...royal side is dead at this hour... probably will be the time ill pop in. xoxoxoxoox
  8. hey guys!!!! the night before my wedding and i´m so nervous i cant sleep!!!! fi left for the night....not allowed seeing me.. so i thought i´d pop in and say hi to all... Meghan safe travells. am i having fun? not yet....so much drama with my `friend` who btw is my bm!!! today...the day before my wedding has been mia cause she´s been screwing some stranger she met before we got here... plus the MIL is a drunk and treating me like royal shit!!!! so fi sister decided to vent to ME and tell me how i picked the wrong place (all inclusive) because the mother doesn´t know when enough is enough, today has been horrible(crying horrible) hopefully tomorrow will be better. I´ve sleep 10 hours in 5 days (i´m a person who needs 10 hours a day) i´ve offically lost my voice (never happen to me before) Congrats Jenna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! soooo happy for ya guys!!! some of you will be gone before i get home on the 24th, safe travels.. good luck!!!! I´ll def be poping in since we have free WIFI!!!! Gnight all xoxox sorry for the vent!! love ya all for listening (btw, these spanish keyboard.....not easy lol gotte press alt 64 to get an AT sign!!!)
  9. Fi has been driving me up a wall lately, but everything is packed and waiting at the door, I'm no longer stressed so his ok with me now lol!!! YEs pls come even for half hour. Actully can we make it 8:45... assure we're all there!! This is my last post, I'm off to sleep for 3 hours then to the airport!! see most of you there xoxoxoxox
  10. Thanks guys so much for your wonderful/nice comment!!! I'm sure your off now to your party, thinking of you!!! And I'll be thinking of you bright and early Michele even tho your not reading!!! Suzy, Thanks so much!! It truly doesn't feel real.. I still can't believe I leave in the morning... I think it might hit me when my alarm goes off at 3am (when I normally go to bed) And it still hasn't hit me to much that I'll be married on Tuesday!!!! Nat, Thank you thank you!!! I will actually miss you guys so much!!!!!!!!!!! I'll sneak in once and awhile at night (we have free internet access) When do you leave for FL? Ohhhh I am sooo happy it's fixed... 1 less thing to stress about! Great!!
  11. Dress is at the door, both carry - ons at the door... but I to have re pack my bag it's so heavy lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Check in for 3:50 Mike needs his coffee(LOL), I can't drink coffee cause of my crohn's but I'll have an OJ and a muffin. lol. Then have a smoke (yes bad bad girl me... we'll be quiting when we come home!) and cross over the security, then find a lonely bench and sleep until they board the plan. That my moment to moment plan lol!!! then sleep for 4 and half hours on the plan, and then PARTY!!!!!!!! Even if I'm to tired or in pain from my period that I got today!!!!!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 Carribbeanlover -- when do you leavE?? tomorrow at 6am? Yes, Well I leave for the airpot at 3:50am!!! tomorrow morning!!! FI wants to pull an all nighter lol. I'm def going to sleep, or I'll get waaay to cracky lol!!!
  13. Happy Wedding day Martine and Kimmy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll actually get to see Martine and wish her a congrats since she's at the same resort as us!!! Quote: Originally Posted by Melidell Erin- no worries! We've all been rooting for you. I think J's daughter is lucky that she's going to have a step Mom like you. It's obvious from your posts how much you care about her and have her best interests at heart- that's why we're all rooting for you! You deserve it. Happy wedding day girls! Knock 'em dead! I can't believe you leave tommorrow, Tracy! I'm hoping your period either shows up soon or waits 'till you get back! So I've got my bachelorette thing tonight. We're keeping it pretty low key, so that's a plus- just out to dinner and drinks and then back here to my place for a girls night (and more drinks). They'll probably try to drag me out to the bar after that- we'll see how it goes. I'll try to post up some pictures in the next few days (assuming I don't die of alchohol poisoning). I'm a bit nervous about tonight, too. Every time we have a party or anything like that I'm always convinced no one will turn up, or they won't have a good time if they do (this has never happened, we have wicked parties whenever we do have one, but I always feel this way). FI threw me a birthday party a couple of years ago and I was a basket case all day beforehand because of this. I've come to the conclusion that I'm a big weirdo, but I know I'll still get myself all worked up about it today. So I've been trying not to think about it too much, which isn't too hard with all of the wedding/travel stuff that's been racing across my brain. Ohh your Bache party!! that'll be so much fun.. you deserve a night out !!! This time around, it's not your problem whether people are having a good time or not, it's your party, and the only person you need to worry about having a good time is yourself!! Keep remembering that girl, and you'll have a blast. Besides it's a bache party.. everyone has fun!!!! I'm sure your friends know what they are doing and will make sure everyone feels included. If your really really worried.. plan a game that you can get started. Then just go from there. ANd People will show up for you!!!!!!!!!! don't be so silly!!! I know it's hard not to get over worked up, but like you said try and not think about it to much!!! Just enjoy!!! Wohooo Offically just starte my period, Thanks to my GF who wouldn't take no for an answer for drinks and to all of you for crossing your fingers for me. Also Another big Thank you, To all of you. You all have been amazing and helpful I doubt I would have half the stuff I do with out you guys. All the ideas and especially for the support!!!! It's so amazing a lot of us has made some great friends here... I know for who ever wants to keep in contact I'd love that.. maybe FB would be best. But we can do that when we all get back as married woman!!!
  14. Erin, I love your veil, and the flower!!! amazing!! your going to look beautful with Jays daughter there... I'm so freaking happy for you guys. I know how much you wanted this!!! Quote: Originally Posted by shortnsweet7675 Thanks Ladies for all the compliments on the garter that my Mom made. My Mom actually made her own wedding dress and all of her bridesmaids’ dresses for her wedding years ago. I did not want to burden her with making my wedding dress. We live about a 16 hour drive apart too, so that would have been difficult logistically. Plus, she is more of a sew-by-pattern kind of person and I could not find any wedding dress patterns that I liked. Can you believe she was not very satisfied with how the garter turned out… I was like, “are you crazy, it’s beautiful†and its extra special since it was made from her dress. Tracy, sorry to hear about the drama with your girlfriend. I’m not sure I would go as far as un-inviting her, but I would just not answer her calls anymore, like your FI said. You have other things to worry about and she has had plenty of time to plan for this trip. Enough is enough. Some people! My planning is coming along, not much left to do. I have my final dress fitting on Monday 4/12, yay! I have to make CD’s of my wedding ceremony music and wedding reception music. FI is going to work on making wedding favor CD's. I have to draft up my photography wish list for the wedding photographer, book at least one group shore excursion for our group that is cruising with us, put the iron-ons on my bridal party hoodies (gonna try to do that tonight), and start packing (I’ve drafted up a packing list). That was just off the top of my head… there are probably some things that I am missing, but nothing major. Can you believe that the best man for our wedding has not been fitted for his tux yet? He claims he has done it, but Men’s Wearhouse has no record of him being fitted. After this Friday, we will get charged “rush fees†for anyone who is not fitted by this Friday. I told FI that either the best man is going to have to pay the rush fees if he’s not fitted by the deadline or he is out of the wedding. Luckily, my brother is going to be an usher for the wedding, so he can stand in as a groomsman if needed. I’m hoping it’s just a mix up on Men’s Wearhouse’s part and not the best man’s irresponsibility. He shouldn’t have waited until the last minute anyway. I’m letting FI handle this one. He’s starting to get frustrated because his “best man†will not reply to any of the text messages that he sent him today. FI says he has never had this kind of issue with him before. Oh, and my sister decided a couple of weeks ago that she was going to cut all of her hair off, like boy cut short, like 1/2 inch short (why she cut it is something I don’t even want to go into). I don’t know if you are familiar with african-american hair, but it does not grow back quickly. So, when she was here to get her bridesmaids dress fitting, we went wig shopping too. I paid for it of course, because she just graduated from college so she doesn’t have the money to buy it; they are not cheap She is wearing the wig in the photo that I posted a few days ago of her in the bridesmaids dress. I mean, why couldn’t she wait until after the wedding to make such a drastic decision? Just an extra expense and stress for me! I had already made an appointment for her to get her hair and makeup done on the morning of the wedding, now I have to see if I can cancel the “hair†part without penalty. After all of my on-line ordering, I was finally scammed. See my post http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ved-com-57613/. But, everything is going to turn out ok in the end I think. Whew!! I’m so sorry for my vent. I think today was venting day! Well I wantt to wish you the best of luck for you final fitting, I'm sure it'll go with out a hitch. I'll be in Punta Cana by then (leaving tomorrow for the airport at 3:30 am) I hope you guys get it all sorted with the Groomsmen, and I really hope it's the department stores mix up and the GM actually wants to be a part of this. Let us know what happens!!! awww, WHY do people do such stupid things right before being a part of a wedding, especially your sisters wedding!!!! At least you got a wig for her that you feel comfortable with for the pics and all. Sorry you even had to go through the extra stress for clearly nothing!!! Your wedding day is fast approching, once it's over with it's time to relax and be brain dead!! thats my plan lol!!! COLOR] I'm sure i'll write my last post before I take off tomorrow morning. Thanks girls for all the fingers crossing, I think it worked.. starting my period!!! LOL I mean it would have been nice if I could have start yesterday this way I would have been done for the wedding on Tuesday but looks like it'll be my last day on the wedding which isn't bad at all, it's the first 3 days that I'd normally end up in the hospital if I was to. Looking good tho!! all this stress and worry andtalking about for a stupid period!!!! Sorry for my mini vent lol
  15. Erin, Woooooooooohoooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm so happy for you guys!!!!! I know it's def last min, but I am sure it's worth every last stressfull moment So happy for you guys, I'm sure the daughter is sooo freaking excited!!!! Sorry ladies, A gf took me out for a drink in hopes to get my period lol no go!!! 2 days late now... nooooo not pregnant! lol ....
  16. Maghan, I'm sorry your having to deal with the bull crap uncecassary stress. The girls are right, once your in MX you'll have all YOUR friends and family there to keep you away from these losers!!! I feel bad for your FI a little.. it's his friends and I'm sure he doesn't want them acting like that, all awhile making you upset.. I'm sure he def feels like his in the middle.. FI had friends like that at the start of our relationship so I can relate, never went as far as this tho. It's so not right he blew you off, if that was my FI he would have known better not to bother coming home that night!! (Yup I'm a strick one!!) I def think it should be something you guys talk about when you come back, I am not sure they are friends you keep once you've settled down. I'm sorry, you guys can't get in contact with your WC. I can't imagine how stressful that is!! Mines pretty good lately, I guess knowing I'm coming soon... maybe it'll be the same for you guys. Erin, I have my toes and fingers crossed for you, that you get the daughter to come with you guys!!!! PLS let us know!!!! Suzy, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's illness. I can relate a little bit and I can say it is def a little nerv racking traveling to anothr country when your not 100% healthy. I know everything will be fine, She will be fine. I'm sure once she gets there, and realizes she's fine even after she's gotten there, everything will be ok, and she'll have a blast..especially at your wedding!! I would try and not take it personally, as hard as that is.. I have a feeling she indeed wants to be there, just supper nervous. My mom was like that for my dad since he'd just came out of a 5 month coma when we decided to do the WC. I know it'll all work out once you guys are there. I know when you'll come back a part of your review will be how much fun your mom had!!!
  17. Andi, Thanks!!! so thought full!! Happy Anniversary!!!!!! Michele, you go girl!!! have a wonderful, beautiful wedding!!! I'm feeling horrible right now!! (I think I'm starting my period, woohoo I guess better now then later) so I'll have to catch up tomorrow.
  18. Yes amazing speech very touching!! I love it.. so will everyone else.. especially FI It's the stress getting to you... I know FI is getting on my nervs too!!!! If worse comes to worse he'll have to wear some things over again. Just wash a shirt or two (and a pair of underwear) in the sink! Everything will be fine!!! You'll have a blast once you get to Jamaica.. just keep reminding yourself that!!!! I'm out the door for an hour, but for the rest of the night I'll be aroud if you want to chat just to keep your mind busy!! Maybe you can just lay down with your eyes shut.. don't have sleep. xoxoxoxooxox
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by SuzyQ76 Awe congrats to everyone, it's all here!!!!!!! YAY!!! Nat, the garter is very sweet and beautiful and has so much more meaning that it's from your mother's dress. Michele, you must be so glad to be done work tomorrow! so exciting! Tracy, so sorry you have to go through this added stress with your GF, if it makes you feel any better I'm having lots of problems, my mom wants to cancel her trip now...3 weeks before the wedding. This has put a HUGE stress on me and has me pretty down and emotional. I don't want to force anyone to do anything they aren't comfortable with, but I do want my Mom at my own wedding...considering I don't have a huge family attendance coming anyway, at least we have lots of our mutual friends coming, they should be able to fill up my empty lacking family side. Hope all is going well with everyone else, I haven't had a chance to catch up on everything yet, it was a pretty buy weekend with Easter and all. I actually told FI to shoot me next time I had a bright idea like inviting everyone over to our house for Easter - although because I cooked for 2 days straight, the last thing I wanted to do was eat anything! lol so that's a good thing! Aww, it def doesn't make me feel better your mom doesn't want to come!! May I ask why?!?!?!! WHat exactly is her problem? My mom wouldn't miss my wedding if her life depended on it. and she hates going anywhere new, but I wanted this, so she is willing. She was even in the hospital this weekend with pnamuina, making sure she can fly on Sunday. I can't imagine how much that hurts. I am so sorry!!!! We're here for you, and I know you've become close with Meghan, so you have a lot of support. Quote: Originally Posted by echo2_62 My mom's birthday is May 23!!! LOL! And FI's is today, and my dad's is this Friday! We've got a TON of birthdays this time of year so it's been hard to keep track of them with everything revolving around the wedding. On a "funny" note, FI and I received an email from one of our groomsmen this morning. He had tried on all the clothes we bought for the guys to wear (special ordered linen pants, basic cotton button down from Old Navy and flip flops from American Eagle) and he's decided that the only part that he likes and that fit well are the shoes!! He's already tried having the pants altered a little and still isn't happy with them, the shirt is too small in part and too large in part and he just doesn't think he looks good enough for a wedding!! Okay I understand that he doesn't want to look like a slob, but if you are the kind of person who has troubles with the fit of clothing, or is picky about your clothes - tell the person who is trying to be nice and buy you all your clothes ie. ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Granted that FI left it until the last minute a little to figure this stuff out for the guys but I don't even know what to say about someone being that concerned about what they're wearing (and a guy no less!!). So when I talked to FI about it quickly, I just said that I wanted nothing to do with making this work, that he needed to be the one to find time in the next day or two and figure it out with them. I'm TOTALLY not dealing with this one! AGGH! Happy Belated Bday to your FI!! That's horrible, I gotta say Men are worse then some girls, I swear. My GM too, was all about how he looks... he wears fake dimond earrings 1 on each ear. To me, it's a teenage thing... not a 27 year old man kind of thing. I didn't want him wearing them for the wedding. OMG was he ever a baby about it. He was seriously mad at me LOL. I just laughed at him and called him baby. I am sorry your FI has to deal with it (but at least it's not you HAHAHA) I love it Michele, Tell him to Suck it up, Totally made me laugh!!! Did your FI get it all taken care of his GM yesterday then? Quote: Originally Posted by Melidell Oh- I almost forgot! We had some wedding guest related drama ourselves this weekend! Strap yourselves in for this one if you have a few minutes, it's a bit of a story. My FI's younger brother has been seeing/living with this woman that none of his family can stand for the last few years. She's at least 15 years older than he is, and that wouldn't really be that big a deal in the grand scheme of things but she's just a really obnoxious person. She's b*tchy, rude to younger brother, condescending and patronizing to everyone else and is just a complete nightmare drama queen. At first she complained about our having a DW, then about where we'd chosen (she prefers Jamaica and couldn't believe we didn't consult with her before we booked- pretty much her exact words). All the while we all just bite our tongues because we don't want to alienate FI's little bro. We were hoping she wouldn't go, to be honest, but she decided at the last minute to come (I think she just didn't want little bro to go without her and decided to come once she realized he wasn't going to stay home just because she was). I was bracing myself for a week full of her drama, where she'd try to make everything about her, criticize everything I do and have temper tantrums at the most inconvenient times- no exaggeration. Well, last week little bro comes to his senses and dumps the cow! General celebration ensues!!! Until she calls our travel agent to try to cancel not only her own ticket but little bro's as well!!! She put both on her credit card (he gave her the cash for both btw) so apparently she thought she'd be spiteful and and try to keep him from his brother's wedding. She decided not to, but only after FI's brother agreed to give her even more money (pain and suffering, apparently). Grrrrr. OMG, we're so not lucky with guest us girls!! I'm sorry to hear about the whole drama, but on the bright side, at least his not longer with that byatch!!! That's horrible he had to pay her off, but probably in his mind it was worth it. Now he never has to deal with her again, and neither does the rest of the family. Thanks girls!!! your amazing, if yesterday I didn't get her evoucher I would have paid for you girls to come down here to help me lol. But lucky for her.. she sent me all the required info, and she is coming. Lucky me she decided to take her mom instead of her 'husband' so it works out for me!!! Her mom is cool, and she'll have all the other 'adults' to hang around with. Sorry this is as far as I was able to catch up for now. I have to get some stuff done, but will def be back to catch up with you all and especially you Nat. Michele, Have a safe flight, have fun... I'll be thinking about you while I'm flying, I know it'll be your big day!!!! xoxoxoxox Can't wait to catch up with you when we all get back.
  20. Perect, I'll leave the Husband behind heheheheh!!!! I'm pretty much all packed, all the wedding stuff is, just the t-shirts/tank tops I wear now will pack tomorrow and I'm still waiting for my bloody curling iron on the mail!!!! Steph, I'll make sure to wait for ya!!! Yes, lucky your not stress right now like us lol. Your right tho it'll probably go away by the time we leave for the airpoirt!
  21. Meghan, Hilarious!!! where'd you find it, or how'd you fall on to it? Thanks so much for sharing. Wow girls, I have a lot to catch up on!!! I'll have to get right on that!! I came back to say Fi kicked me off the pc for the night (he does work from home too and we only have 1 desk) so pls lady do not chat it up to early in the morning I still need to catch up from today LOL j/k! g'night all
  22. Isabelle, Perfect!!!!!!!!! I was wondering, How will we notice each other? Anyone have any good ideas? and should would bring the husbands, or husbands to be, or should it just be us gals?
  23. well I've been thinking about you, and I'm really sure you must feel left out right now but your not!!!! I'm here still for ya and I'll def be around to see you get married. Oh I'm so glad your doing the TTD, I know it's going to be fun and worth the pics!!!! You went with HCD right? So your all done for now!? I'm sure some last min stuff will come up or you get another idea!! (this site is horrible for that lol) Yes I'll be married soon!!! maybe I should change my mind LOL!!! I'm just kidding... but he (FI) is getting on my nervs a tad, I guess it doesn't help I'm PMSing lol!!! poor him, poor me!!!
  24. Perfect!! Happy one week!! lol today at 2:30 I said in a week we'll be at our ceremony!!! Hows everything going? got everything done? what about ur AHR? Thanks so much Isabelle, Would u like to meet up at one point? I keave only on the 24th Sungodes, Hows it going with you Hows the planning? Dawn, I'll be able to wish you happy wedding in person. But have a safe flight. And try and enjoy your time before the wedding, try not stress to much (I'll have to take my own advice) see you Saturday xoxo
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by DawnBuckley Well gals... I leave in a few hours! Still finishing those oot bags! oh dear. Anyhooo.... Martine is on my flight in the morning. Doubt I will have time to check back here before i go... so somebody find me at the resort! Dawn Buckley... paging Dawn Buckley!! See you there girls!!! Got it!!! I'll be looking for ya on Saturday.. I'll be at the lobby bar on the Punta Cana side around 1pm and I'll be there until atleast 4, Meet me there if you can.. I'll be waiting for guest to arrive, I'll be the one in black pants lol!!! As I hate travelling in clothes I want to wear down there. Thanks Isabelle. Lets make the plans to meet on the 15 I think we agreed? For drinks after dinner at 8pm, Hemmingways. Everyone ok with this?
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