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Everything posted by Autumn1

  1. Hey, Tara...congrats on being a Mrs! When you get a chance, will you send me the pics, too. Thank you! I have been MIA for forever and had a ton of catch up to do on here! A lot of you girlies have a fast-approaching day! [email protected]
  2. Erin, I am at work as well and can't download it...can you please e-mail it to me when you get a chance?!?! [email protected] you so so so much!
  3. Erin, I can't download it at work, either...could you e-mail it to me when you get a chance?!?! [email protected] ...thank you so much! Hey, and does the iPod docking station charge your iPod, too? I feel like I have such silly little questions! lol We are having Rick York do our ceremony, as well. He does charge the $300, so we just offered for him and his wife to come to our dinner and reception. I do not think I will be tipping him...I feel awful sometimes b/c I don't think I am "cheap" and I always tip my hair dresser, waitress, etc. very nicely. I just have mixed feelings on all of this tipping at a resort for the wedding when it is already all-inclusive and yet we are paying a very nice price above and beyond for any services, plus bringing 50-100 guests to their resort b/c of us. I don't know...maybe I am a terrible person!!...lol. But, isn't gratuity included in the dinner...seems like I remember a certain percentage being tacked on? Goodness...somebody help me justify this b/c I feel like a cheapskate!
  4. Thanks, Nat! It seems like I see pics with cups, bottles, etc. in them - so I just wasn't sure what was most prominent. Also, Jocy...did you have to pay for that extra hour for the reception? I know DJ Mania plays for 4 hours and Dreams lets you have a 3 hour reception...so, I was curious what they charged you for that extra hour or how that all panned out.
  5. Can you please e-mail me, as [email protected] you! Jocy, your review is wonderful! Do you mind letting us know how you handled tipping??...I am so lost on that whole topic b/c much of the reception costs include it (to my understanding)...what about to DJ Mania, etc? Also, a somewhat silly question...but, is the beer down there in bottles or cans? We were thinking about doing some sort of coozie in the OOT bags, but I didn't know which would get more use - a bottle coozie, can coozie...or a travel mug? Thoughts on that? Thank you again! Autumn
  6. Hi, Ladies...I know I have been MIA for quite some time now. I try and read through here once a week, but rarely get time to actually dig around or post. I came across all of your concerns and have looked at the Dreams website attachment with all of the 2010 pricing. I e-mailed Sharron on this (b/c I was obviously very worried, as well). Here are the questions and responses... 1) The Non-denominational Minister fee is listed at $350, but Pastor Rick York had given me a price of $300...who determines this? The charge will stay the same the new charge is for new bookings 2) We are getting the free package, and I had never read about a "setup fee" with it before. Do we have to pay $15 per person in addition to the buffet price per person? (I hope not!) No. 3) Can you please send me 2010 Buffet Prices? I have attached the ones we have for now. We are working on a few more. 4) What is the maximum number we can have for a reservation at a restaurant? We cannot make reservations in any of the restaurants 5) Do we now have to rent a sound system for the ceremony? No it is included. I hope this helps. For those that would want the buffet, she only sent me two different options which were crazy expensive (one at $63 pp and one more expensive than that!). When I asked her about the huge increase in buffet pricing, she e-mailed "The food and beverage manager is working on some other buffets that will be nearer the prices of 2009, as soon as I have them I will send them to you, but with Christmas just around the corner it may take a while." So, fingers crossed b/c the 2009 less expensive buffet prices were only $32 pp. Hope this eases some anxiety!!
  7. Thanks, Nat! That makes perfect sense. My TA must not offer that incentive, though. She got us deals that I couldn't find cheaper anywhere else (not even on my own) and she says that she just gets reimbursed from the resorts and airlines (doesn't tack on additional charges to us for her services)...so, maybe it isn't an option for us, ya know? I can't believe your future hubby is playing in Toledo tonight! This is their opening weekend for the arena and I only live about 3 blocks away! Too small of a world! I wish you were here, too, and we could meet up! How crazy!
  8. Hey, Girlies!! I saw that you all were talking about getting your room for free? How are you doing this? Or, what qualifies you for this? I haven't heard of that being an option before...I am assuming w/a group booking or something? Anyways, just curious b/c that would save a nice chunk of change if it was a possibility. Thank you!
  9. Hey, Ash...what are your colors? Just thinking that by any chance we could combine decorations for each wedding...shot in the dark...but possibly?!?!? You can e-mail me if you [email protected]
  10. Hey, Ash, can you send me info on what sharing your photographer would entail? I mean, how is that price-wise, etc....do they do TTD sessions and how much does that cost. I am considering reconsidering. You can just e-mail me if you prefer with all of the details! [email protected] Thanks, sweets!
  11. Oh, and Nat...awesome job on the weight loss! I have to ask how you are doing it...curiosity got the cat! 15 lbs is a great accomplishment...look at you!
  12. Thank you, ebredhawk! I feel like I am just regurgitating a ton of info on it...but, it is getting there. I am in Toledo...moved here about 2 1/2 yrs ago from Florida...crazy! Could you please send me that welcome pack and any info, too! [email protected] Thank you so much!
  13. Well, the link doesn't seem to want to work...it is "The Knot" website form...my full name is Autumn Sump and my fiance's is Dominic Cercone...hope that helps!
  14. Here is our website...not sure if it has any added information, but I wanted to post it just in case it would help anyone else. I added a "Guests w/Children" page b/c I have several guests w/little ones and I didn't want them to worry. http://www.theknot.com/ourwedding/Au...DominicCercone
  15. Here is our website...not sure if it has any added information, but I wanted to post it just in case it would help anyone else. I added a "Guests w/Children" page b/c I have several guests w/little ones and I didn't want them to worry. http://www.theknot.com/ourwedding/Au...DominicCercone
  16. Hey, Toya...when you get a chance can you shoot me an e-mail of the 2010 prices? Just whatever you have will be great! Thank you so much...you are wonderful! [email protected]
  17. Wow! I had a lot to catch up on! You ladies are just too adorable...I love all of the conversations on here! Ash, you are precious for offering to help out! I am totally there for you on your day, as well! I would love to help out in any way you need me! Hopefully (fingers crossed) my hair stylist will be making the trip down with me. I had just planned on having the Dreams stylists do my BM's, flower girl, etc. hair...I have heard good things about them. Not sure on my makeup yet...I hate wearing too much foundation, but I am going to need hard core makeup that doesn't budge...I sweat! lol...Oh, and Sharron said that they do not charge for the cake serving set...in case anyone just wants to use the resorts.
  18. Ashley - I am actually going with Photo Souviner for our date...but, thank you SO much for thinking about me...that was very thoughtful! So, you are bringing all of your own centerpieces, etc? I just can't decide on that stuff. I will already be carting all of my oot bags and fillings, my dress, my luggage...ugh. I am wondering if I shouldn't just incorporated my bm's boquets into the centerpieces somehow and save on bringing vases and stuff down. Any suggestions? Also, for those of you that don't want to buy the cake knife and serving set (not sure if I do or not b/c I will never use it again), they do have a stainless steel one at the resort. I am still waiting to see if it costs to use/rent...b/c if it does, then I might as well buy one. I obviously want the toasting flutes as keepsakes...just wasn't sure if I really needed the serving set. I will let you know when I find out on if it does cost. Have a great day, Ladies!
  19. Sorry I have been MIA for awhile...crazy-busy with work. I was up in the air on the DJ topic, too, and had thought about using the resort DJ or our iPod. However, I didn't want to put someone in charge of the iPod (b/c I want everyone to just enjoy the reception) and I didn't want to stress over it either. Also, I wanted someone to MC the reception...wedding party announcements, cake cutting, first dance, father-daughter dance, etc. We actually are going with DJ Mannia. I know it seems like a large chunk of moolah, but music is important to us and can make or break the reception and dance. I have read great reviews on him...so, we just decided to book him and not stress over that at all. Just our thought-process...we aren't doing a ton of extras for decorations, etc...so this is just one aspect we are splurging on. We figured the dance is something we always remember with weddings we attend...just a thought. Hope all is well with all of you ladies!
  20. Keep in mind, my pricing comes from the Silver cocktail menu pricing.
  21. I am not doing any extra flowers for the ceremony, either...and, the red runner actually should match my colors, so I will probably just go with that. Sorry to change the subject, but I was thinking this weekend on the whole topic of extending the reception from 3 hrs to 4 hrs (which I definitely want to do and our DJ plays for 4 hrs anyways). Well, I was quoted $10 per person for the extra hour (to accommodate the servers, bar staff, and private rental of the site). We are planning on having our reception from 6-10pm and having approximately 100 people...which equates to about $1000 extra. Just a thought for those in the same situation...if we have a cocktail hour either before or after the dinner (while the dance is going on just have servers walking about) it is only $110 (for the first 20 people) and then $5.50 for each additional person...equating to only $550. Definitely cheaper. Not sure the Dreams WC's have thought about that, but it really only makes sense. Just thought I would pass it on. Even if you have 50 guests, their charge for an additional hour would be $500...but, with the cocktail hour it would only be $275. Hope this makes sense...and, if I am thinking wrong, please let me know!
  22. Ashley, you will be getting married one day before me and Dominic! How exciting!
  23. Thanks, Ladies, for the info on the gazebo, pic of the flowers, and pic of the cake (good to know it fed 35 easily!) Quick question...I hear different answers on tipping, too. We are most likely doing the buffet (50 ppl+) - which is $32/pp + 10% service + 15% tax. Do you think we still need to tip the servers? What about the DJ, Minister, WC? Just curious what all of you think?
  24. Irdavis, could I possibly take a look at those pics, too? My e-mail is [email protected] and I would really appreciate it! Also, on the cake topic...not sure if any of you ladies are interested in this possibility...but, I asked if we could substitute the extra cake (for extra guests) for the dessert that comes with the dinner we are already paying for (instead of having a dessert and cake). I know Dreams Cabo lets you do this. I had asked Sharron and she said she would check as the date gets closer and see if this was an option. Just a head's up on saving some moolah if they let you.
  25. Not sure on the sand ceremony...I sure hope so, because we were planning on that also. I wouldn't know why it wouldn't be, though. Let me know if you find out for sure!
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