My fiance and I got engaged in May but I thought i would share the story with all you ladies. We had talked aobut getting married and had even gone to see a few potential wedding locations in town so i knew that itwould happen one day soon. That being said he made it quite clear (or so i thought) that he didn't even want to talk about it until he was done his final semester or school in July so I had brushed it aside for the time being.
We had planned a trip to Mexico at the end of April and were very excited to go, I had mentioned in an argument one day that it would have been perfect for him to propose in mexico and that he should stop putting it off but he was adiment that it wasnt the right time (I know.. tacky.. but i was getting impatient haha). Anyways... our trip got cancelled les than 24hours before our flight due to swine flu. We did not want to waste our 2 weeks off at home so we decided to throw the already packed bags into the car and head to vegas/california. This was very out of my comfort zone as i am usually one for planning... everythig... but i went with it.
We decided to leave that night but he insisted that he had to get a haircut first and go buy some socks. I was getting so upset with everything and could not for the life of me understand why he would possibly need socks and a haircut for vacation.. i mean it was 40degrees celcius in Vegas, why would you wear socks! Anyways i made a big fuss about it and he left me at home and went to get those things done... i was upset.
Well he finally got home, much later than i would have assumed for getting a hair cut and socks since it was just down the road but he had excuses for everything, so again i just brushed it off.
We left for vegas and spent 4 days on the strip. On the last night that we were in vegas we had been walking around the Fashion Show Mall and I was amazed at how many jewlery stores there were. I was very excited to go look at rings (even thoguh i had already chosen out the one i wanted at home, but he told me time and time again he wasnt even going to think about buying the ring until after school was done) so what was the harm in going to look at more rings. Well anyways he was absolutley against me looking at rings and made a huge deal about it. I got quite upset and may have turned into a b*tch... I ranted about how it was like he didn't even want to marry me, and he didn't even love me and stormed off in Vegas ( i know.. not my most mature moment...)
Anyways.. the moral of the story... He proposed while we were sitting on a little cliff overlooking the Grand Canyon less than 24hours later!!
The proposal was amazing... everything made so much sence once i clued in to what was going on and i felt so horrible. He thought it was hilarious... oh well atleast its a story to tell.
Now happily engaged and happy to be planning our wedding