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Everything posted by SDbeachgirl

  1. We are also considering a symbolic ceremony to avoid any extra hassles and blood tests. I'm just concerned that it won't seem as special if we are already married. Is everyong going to "celebrate" the legal ceremony? I almost don't want to make a big deal of it at all, this way it won't feel real until we are on the beach saying our vows. Does anyone else feel this way?
  2. Bummer! But I guess you are right. We are all still learning about the resort now as it hasn't opened yet. So we probably did not lose too much important info. I have been keeping up with the progress of the resort on Facebook and it looks as though the resort is still on track to open at the beginning of Oct. This is very exciting! I've just booked a site visit for Thanksgiving weekend. Hopefully I will be able to provide some more info and some photos upon my return.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Mely I don't know if i'm going crasssy, but I can't find the main thread there was for Dreams Riviera Cancun!! Anyone? Yeah, it seems to be gone! Someone started a post today about this also. Hopefully one of the moderators will be able to help out.
  4. Thanks this is helpful. It looks like everyone has registered at 3 stores. I just need to narrow it down!
  5. Is there any reason why we should NOT register at more than 2 stores (maybe 3 or 4)? I have a few different stores that I would like to register for but it seems as though most brides only register at 2. Is there a reason for that?
  6. Hi all, I've posted this question on a couple different threads but haven't gotten a lot of response. Was just wondering if anyone has used the Caribbean Trio or if anyone knows anything about what that kind of music is. I will most likely use either that or the Mariachi during my cocktail hour. I've heard good things about the Mariachi band but if there is something that sounds more tropical I would really like that. I'd like to hear a sample, but not sure where to find it. Any help you can provide would be great!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Glamourina Mexican trios usually involve a guitar, bass, and harp or vocalist. If you go to youtube.com and search mexican trio you will find a bunch of samples of their music Thanks. Is this the same as Carribean Trio? I was hoping it would be more tropical sounding... I'll have to see what I can find on youtube.
  8. Is anyone providing the wedding attire on the invitations or their website? Since it is likely that many of my guests have not attended a beach wedding, I thought I would help them out. I was going to add a web page explaining what people should wear but am having a hard time wording it. This is what I have so far? Any suggestions? Or should I just leave this information out? Since this is a beach vacation, naturally the attire will be casual. There are a couple of restaurants at the resort which require men to wear long pants. Please keep this in mind when packing! The wedding is "beach formal" What does this mean? Basically, anything you'd wear to a nice restaurant on a summer day is appropriate. Here are some suggestions: He could wear: A light weight, short sleeve, button up shirt (no ties required), linen pants or khakis, and sandals. She could wear: A summer sundress flat sandals or flip flops. Makeup and hair can be natural and everyday.
  9. Carribbean Trio - Does anyone know what this kind of music sounds like? This is one of my options at the Mexico resort I will be getting married at. Just from the name, it sounds like steel drums. But I'm not sure if that is the case. If anyone has a good description of this type of music or knows where I can find a sample, it would be REALLY helpful!
  10. I'm not getting married at the same resort but also had this question about the mariachi vs. carribean trio so I had to join this thread! Do you know how we can hear a sample of this type of music? It seems like it would be nice during a cocktail hour...but then I wouldn't get to enjoy it. Oh well ; )
  11. I think I am interested in the Carribean trio also. What exactly is that? Is it steel drums?
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda I know! I have seen them a couple times but then last night was looking at iDIY to see if they had anything new and they had just posted the new cherry blossom wraparounds and I was trying to think of what I can mail!!! i have our AHR invites coming up that I think I'll do! But then i popped on here and saw this thread and had to throw out the idea! I really like this idea too. Is it ok for the wrap around to actually wrap over the flap on the back of the envelope? Have you seen any wrap arounds that have a tropical theme?
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by future_mrs2010 I had navy blue envelopes and wrote on them with silver sharpie and it looked awesome! Do you print or write in hand writing?
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda if you click on the site to download the damask ones you can choose to download light blue, blue, green, blue & green, orange red, chocolate or black oh here at the bottom of the page Thefussydesigner’s Blog How do you type on these?
  15. I already posted this question on a different thread, but thought I would put it in a thread of its own to see if I got any more responses. I'm at a loss for what to do. I created my own Save The Dates and am going to purchase chocolate brown envelopes. My question is, what type of address label can I use for the recipient address? Initially I was going to use a clear label but then realized that the ink would not show up against the brown paper. I feel like white just might be too white. Any suggestions on the color/style of label that would look good on a dark envelope? I got the return address label from Vista Print and it is a light blue. I will most likely stick that on the back of the envelope.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by JOSIE What color will you be using to address the envelopes? I'd make the labels match that! Well I ordered a return address label from Vista Print. It is light blue,but I don't know where I can find the same color for a blank label.
  17. Ok, I have another question. I would like to use chocolate brown envelopes for my save the dates. What kind of address label should I use for the recipient address? I was planning on using clear labels but now realize that the ink would not show up on the chocolate paper. My initial thought is that white labels would just look too "white". Any thoughts on what would look good? I'm up for any and all suggestions! If anyone has used white on a dark color and it looks good, let me know. Has anyone used wraparound labels?
  18. Is anyone planning on having guests stay at the Gran Portal resort (sister resort)? I have some guests that will have kids with them and some guests that may not want to pay the price for the Royal. I'm just wondering is this going to be difficult to have guests at 2 different hotels? For the wedding day I would be covered, but for the rest of the week, I wonder if I wouldn't see the guests over at the Gran Portal very often. I know that I can use their pool for free. Just wondering if that seems weird to pay for the all-inclusive at the Royal and to use the ammenities at the other resort. Are we able to meet up on the beach? Are the beaches right next to eachother. Any thoughts anyone has would be greatly appreciated. I was almost 100% decided on the Royal and then started thinking about these details and am a little concerned that I may not see my friends, except for any "planned" outings.
  19. Thanks for everyone's feedback! I think I will take a look at Vista Print. Actually I think I had looked at that website before I was ready to order and also thought they had a good selection. It sounds like there is a variety of ways to "address" this label situation...no pun intended I will need to think about what I want to do. Good to know I have options!
  20. Hi there, I have question about the return address labels that we put on the STD envelopes. Is it normally just the bride's name on the return address label or is it both the bride and the groom's name? I want to order my labels and wasn't sure the proper etiquette. Also, if anyone recommends a site for address labels please share.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Maybride2009 I am Leaving tomorrow for the Royal!! SO SO EXCITED, but why does the weather look like this? 10 Day Weather Forecast for Playa Del Carmen, Mexico - weather.com Congratulations! It says isolated thunderstorms. I think that is normal in humid climates. The key word is "isolated". So, I'm guessing it will be nice most of the time. I wouldn't worry about it, but just make sure there is a backup if your ceremony/reception are outdoors. Have a great time! Please post pics when you return.
  22. Hi all, I'm so excited! I think I have FINALLY decided to go with the Royal PDC...after spending so much time reading up on all the different resorts. What a relief! I haven't picked a date yet, but we are almost there. I'm just waiting for my TA to get back to me. I have a couple of random questions: 1. Does anyone have the menu choices? 2. Do the guests get a choice of entrees or do we have to pick only one that everyone will have? 3. Did anyone use the live music for the cermony? If so, did you have you have a choice of songs? Were you able to request a song?
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