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Everything posted by Preciousmi811

  1. Thanks for sharing your review! I want pictures....lol so glad you had a great time and congratulations.
  2. Loved loved loved your pictures!!! The one where he is twirling you oh breath taking. The two of you looked so happy and you looked so beautiful!!
  3. Hi!!!! Congrats and welcome! I'm getting married at Negril in May 2010! Check out the review section by using the keyword Jamaica and searching. Happy planning!!!
  4. This is so awesome thank you for making it available to us.
  5. It sounds really good. And not pushy at all although I bet you really want to tell them: "WTF RSVP already"
  6. Very original and unique I loved them. I'm still cracking up that your kitten ended with dye too!!!
  7. Preciousmi811


    YEAH for Jamaica brides!! Congrats and I will be seeing you in the Jamaica section!!!
  8. That is so awesome of you!!! My MOH is doing the same. Good luck with the planning!!!!
  9. Welcome to the site. Check out the search function for your destination you should get a lot of good tips.
  10. Hi!!! welcome sear the AHR (at home reception) area to get help with your reception. Congratulations and happy planning!
  11. Helllllooooo!!! You have found the right place! Congratulations and welcome to the site!
  12. Preciousmi811


    Hi!!! Congrats and welcome to the site!!!
  13. YEAH I am a Jamaica bride too woot woot! Congratulations and happy planning!
  14. Hi!!! Oh I have been there dating tons of frogs! Congratulations and welcome to the site!
  15. Preciousmi811


    That is so sweet~ I am sure she will appreciate this. Good luck with the planning!
  16. Hello!! You will definitely find all your need on this site! Congrats happy planning!
  17. Hi!!!! Congrats and welcome to the site. Use the search function and enter St. Thomas you should get a lot of hits! Happy planning!!!!!
  18. Hello!!! Welcome to the site I am 2010 bride too! Can never start too early. Good luck!
  19. Hi!! Welcome to the site. Go to the search function and enter your destination. You will be overwhelmed with info. Happy planning!
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