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Everything posted by Preciousmi811

  1. Congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you! PM me your email address and I'll upload tons of audio books and send you the link to download them all. 50 miles seems like nothing when listening to a good book!
  2. My FMIL does like me but she she makes comments over and over that really piss me off. She tells me that I need to be understanding of my FI working and support him. WTF? I work too and pay the bills too. How about he supports me? I always grit my teeth and smile but she says it all the f-ing time. I'm not a housewife, this is not 1940 and your son is not God!
  3. OMG I wish we could have caught your reaction on film! I just got the best advice from a co-worker she told me this is all part of the experience of getting married, trying to talk mom out of outlandish things!!!! Yeah moms are great my is throwing my family bridal shower and wants to invite my 4th grade teacher?? Well you just got to take deep breaths and take every ones wonderful advice from the boards!
  4. Everything looks beautiful congratulations! Your pictures are really good and you look so happy in them!
  5. As soon as we mentioned Jamaica everyone started chiming in how they can't afford it. Uh I didn't even tell you the price yet. The best suggestion was from FMIL suggesting we have a potluck wedding instead. So go with your heart the people who really care will find a way to make it. I have a huge Hispanic family so our AHR will be a taco cart, IPOD music and casual wear at my parents home. This is a perfect solution for us with such a huge family. It is a little stressing but when people start telling you how excited they are for the DW you get so happy and the other comments melt away.
  6. We had half of our guest come with gifts and half didn't. Most of the guest who planned on going to the DW didn't bring a gift. If people asked I told them not to bring a gift but most people looked on our website and checked the registry. I'm actually writing thank you cards right now! lol.....
  7. Love everything !!!! You are ready to go! I never thought a button bouquet could look so awesome and classy what a great choice. I am so exited for you good luck!
  8. Ha ha if you only knew what I had to go through for this dress! The Perfect Dress!
  9. Getting all sappy while thanking everybody Me & soon to be hubby with good friend Fiancés sisters & nieces and us So many people came out to support us The cake soooo yummy Father & son smoking cigars Fruit & chez goodies Me & Him!!!
  10. I am so excited to share with everyone my pictures from my Enchanted Engagement Party this past weekend. My maid of honor went all out and it turned out so beautiful! There are so many great photos but I will try to limit myself to favorites! The Enchanted Tree My Maid of Honor kicked butt on decorating! Desserts Yum! Champagne Bar Me & my future hubby! Me with future father-n-law Maid of honor & me Grandma & me
  11. Thanks girls for all the support and laughs! Here is the moment you have all been waiting for the unveiling of the dress!!!!! My future hubby and me! Future Father-in-law Me and my maid of honor and her hubby. The party was amazing and I got so many compliments on my dress! YEAH!!
  12. What's his problem? Really is it that big of a deal? Sooo who can we sick on him? Would FMIL help out by giving him a taking too?? How about aunts or sisters Maybe if HIS family talked to him about how ridiculous his being maybe he would give in? It sounds to me he is so worried about having to do another round of pictures and not enjoying the rest of vaca that he's all wrapped up in that 1 thought. Hmmm how about bribing I'll give you this if I get 2 hours of this? Good Luck!!!!
  13. How horrible! I am so sorry this happened to you if budget is a concern there are tons of DIY templates here! I can't believe all your payment info is gone either. I would forward to her emails of your post so she is aware of what is going on. Maybe she will change her attitude if she knew how many brides are well aware of her tricks. I would also print screen responses so she sees how other brides feel about this type of treatment. Big hugs your way, I can't believe how unethical some business have become.
  14. Man I feel for you. Although my fiance and I are cat owners we rescued a one eyed kitten and I swear the kitten would find the most interesting places to crap and then we would have the pleasure of hunting for it by smell. It was so frustrating when we couldn't find her crap for two days and was blessed with the wonderful smell the entire time. But she eventually figured it out and I am a firm believer when you purchase/rescue a pet you have taken on the responsibility to see it through all the way. So continue to vent on here and get all the frustration out and I will be right here posting to calm you down and make you laugh. In fact maybe Cesar's wife is a BDW member and we can get a show going for you. :-) Deep breaths.....it will get better!!!
  15. Yes yes post as soon as you get back, I'm on the edge of my seat waiting! I hope it all went well I was praying for you!
  16. She's got alot of nerve!!! And to think she hit up your mom to pay for half within a months notice? Ugh I swear is their like a secret organization where future sister in laws band together to cause problems? Because they sure are banding on my end too to pull crap like this! I feel for yah.
  17. awww I love them!!! I never knew you could do this type of thing. Great pics I'm glad you guys busted out the Mickey ears!!!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsLewis I'm glad your story had a happy ending, because it definitely could have been much worse. If we owned a big truck and I beat it up because some jerk was trying to corner me, FI would pay to have it fixed with a smile on his face lol And it's guys like this creep that make me want to carry around a paintball gun. Not lethal, but can still hurt like hell and you could say to the cops "It's a guy wearing a blue shirt, jeans, and a big red blob of paint on his ass!" lol FI thinks I'm nuts Ha ha girl your crazy but I LOVE IT! Paint gun store here I come.
  19. I love it!!! It looks so elegant, I'm so happy for you!!!!
  20. I vote for 3 then 1! Once your hair is all done and you have the shoes and everything else you will love it!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by TAHOEJENI Scary. Glad everything worked out okay. I too would have rammed his a$$ with my car even if I couldn't get over him like you could with your 4x4 wickedness. Ha Ha love it 4x4 wickedness!!!
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