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Everything posted by Preciousmi811

  1. Total Big Baby! I think you need to give in for a little while and reassure him everything will stay the same and once he calms down like in a week, then you can tell him what a jack ass he's being. My FI is famous for saying really crappy and mean things that he doesn't mean. When me and FI are fighting like you guys are I always give in and baby him and then we end up having a great weekend. After he calms down then I am able to talk with him and have him actually listen. Men are such babies, you guys seem totally in love and just hit a rough patch, I mean what couple not in love take showers together all the time?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by DDBentley15 Great ideas, thanks! Great website thanks for posting it!
  3. I like them too but I wear a size 10 as well so they wouldn't fit me either.
  4. My vote is for number #1 because I could definitely see myself passed out drunk on number #2!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Holly22 Wow I see I'm not alone. My FMIL is the devil. I know that sounds evil but its true. Okay maybe not that extreme but she has been so evil to me. In her defense the last year or so she has been ALOT better but still compares to the stories on here. We planned our DW wedding. We did not expect help but since he is the only son I was a bit surprised that they won't. She has come out and said if we want one we will pay and she won't help. I can't blame her for that its fair. What is comical is since we all booked she has bought 3 40" inch tvs for each room, put in a new fireplace, new carpet, new hardwood floor, painted two rooms and new appliances. Not to mention she shops everyday, goes out for dinner 4 times a week, and has a expensive car/golf. She calls us and brags about everything, tells us the costs and expects us to ohhh and ahhh.... yet won't help her only son for his wedding at all? I guess she is getting her $50 000 worth lol Sorry this is the longest rant ever. Its nice to get it all out. I have probably left out alot more shocking stories but I'm typing so fast. I know its out of pure jealousy. Its obvious you can see it in her face. Its sick. I'm just happy she is getting better though. I hope in the years to come it will be alot better and I can sorta chuckle at her behaviour but I'm sure that will take at least 20 years! haha Thanks girls you are great therapy : ) This is so horrible I can't believe she put you through all of that. Be prepared she will probably show up at the DW at the last minute and try to take over the wedding and thank every one for coming. I know she's great with the grand kids I just hope she doesn't bad mouth you to them when they get older. I don't know how you manged to say sane, you definitely deserve a wonderful wedding congrats!
  6. Wahoo I got the last 25 of the coconut so I grabbed 10 of the mint tangerine to complete my order!!! Thank you so much for posting I also grabbed the Tahiti travel lotion 3 for 10 to give to my bridesmaids. This site is so awesome!
  7. Congrats! The pics are wonderful my favorite is the last one with you guys in the greenery over looking the cliff...breath taking!
  8. I reached out to my biological dad's family and reconnected with aunts and cousins I hadn't see in 14 years. (talk about add water instant family) We dis invited a groomsmen which resulted in major conflict among our friends but forced us to see what really matters My MOH threw my engagement party MOB is throwing me a bridal shower and inviting people who I didn't invite to my wedding (they couldn't care less that they weren't invited) Groom and l lived together for 4 years before we were married Groom and I will sleep together the night before the wedding (why would I be uncomfortable and sleep without him) Groom and I will see each other before the wedding and have that special moment Mom and step dad are walking me down the aisle Instead of a bouquet toss I will give my bouquet to the longest married couple at my wedding Were going to wrap the garter around a water gun and give it to our single guy friend who is a gun enthusiast Our first dance will turn into a boogie number! All of our pictures will be non posed
  9. I'll take birdcage veil & fiber optic wands if still for sale. I PM'd you all my info.
  10. Steve Madden White Wedge Flip Flops On Sale $20! I just bought myself a pair they are on clearance!! They have sizes 7,8,9,10,11, left so hurry and grab a pair. They also have a bunch in black. SteveMadden - SANTORNI BLACK women's sandal mid thong Code for free shipping: SMFREESHIP YEAH!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Future Mrs. Kt Ellis I am so lucky to have the sweetest FMIL ever. Since I met her when FI and I started dating she has been so amazing to me and always has nice things to say to FI about me and I am so incredibly thankful for that. Especially with hearing what all you ladies have had to go through. My story however, is about my stepmother, who up until a couple years ago has always been great to me and just recently have things just gotten progressively worse(interestingly enough, the older my half sister gets, the more she seems to resent my brother and I and the worse our relationship has gotten, but that is another story). Since FI and I got engaged though, she has become so incredibly ridiculous. First, over my birthday weekend we were in CA scouting sites for our DW. Our first dinner there, right after she had first met FI, she brings up that she doesn't understand what our rush is, why we would possibly want to get married so young. I can give her the benefit of the doubt, I had been engaged before years ago to the guy I dated in highschool and I could just assume she's looking out for me. And she chose to do the career and then family thing, not getting married til her mid 30s, that's fine for her but not what I chose for myself. But then she comes out with this zinger...she says, "Well I just hope that you two are not planning on having kids for a long time because we've been thinking recently about if we want to have a second child and it would just be wrong if you were to have kids while I am, I'm too young to be a grandma." Excuse me? Since then it has been so much family politic drama and I just know that the majority of my dad's issues with the date/time/place of the wedding etc. are because of things she is saying to him. It's not my fault that she waited so long to have children and married someone older than her with kids already. It's like she doesn't think it's fair that I get to be in my 20s and getting married while she's 40-something and having an identity crisis. Sorry, just needed to vent I guess. Oh plez tell her to grow up! This is not about her this is about you and making your own choices in life. If she was really looking out for your best interest she would have sat you down and have a heart to heart with you. Instead she's jealous and wants all the attention focused on her and her new family. I'm glad you saw the light. Wishing you the best in dealing with her when someone had gone off the deep end of selfishness its hard to get through to them. Keep us posted and maybe slip St John Old Wart into hr drinks! :-)
  12. Latina booty over here woot woot! I hate the way society views us curvy girls. When I was a professional dancer I went to so many auditions and was turned away because I has an a**. I danced circles around so many of the girls that got the gig and I would come home in tears. Once J-lo hit things got better but still society still looks down on my figure. What ever!! I know alot of men appreciate women with curves and my FI first attraction to me was my curves. So I am going to take your advice and tell them they can kiss My Big Mexican A**
  13. I love it!!! Wow a great choice, the dress looks like it was made for you. Congrats!
  14. I'm in California and am getting married at RUI Negril Tropical Palace. If you are willing to get a standard phrase like Negril Jamaica 2010 or Jamaica 2010 we can go in on an order together. I can get it shipped to me then ship it to Canada. I don't think there has been an order for 2010 Jamaica Stadium cups yet on the board. Let me know what you think.
  15. Joann has on clearance some really cute sequin Iron On transfers for those of us who want to make Maid of Honor,and Bride tank tops! I just scored red sequin hearts, red sequin lips on clearance! Check it out: Craft Clearance : Clearance : Debbie Mumm Collection | Joann.com If the link doesn't work it is in the Craft Clearance section on the last page. Use EED308 coupon code to get 40% off of one item! I also stumbled upon this site that has some really cool sequin & sparkly iron on transfers too:Iron-On Transfers | Crafts, Etc! ® Happy Hunting!
  16. If they do manage to shove tables together...I am cracking up because I imagine you walking right in and pushing the tables back to where they were.
  17. Tell your travel agent to cancel her. Wow what happened in her youth to make her pull a stunt like this? Sounds like she is loving the attention, I bet she is playing the victim role very well. Just imagine for the grand finale which is your WEDDING what she will pull to have the attention on her. Time to block her every move notify the hotel so they will cancel her reservation focus on her not being there. Once she realizes you will not have contact with her if she continues to act like this she will probably calm down but I doubt it will be anytime soon. Ask yourself this would you rather have a wedding that turned out beautiful and you were a little sad your mom could not be there or have your wedding RUINED by your mom bad mouthing the entire time and to top it off she tries to stop the wedding?? Even if your mom says she will behave I wouldn't trust having her at wedding.
  18. It is time to go. He has been slowly sucking you dry and I pray that you have enough strength to leave. Good rule of thumb when you cry when your in the shower or are unhappy at times you should be happy then it is time to make a drastic change. You are in a one sided relationship doing all the work. This is no way anyone should live. I am a Pentecostal preachers kid so I get the forgiving, the trust in god but I went through this myself GO NOW! I reached out to people and they all would say well people can change, pray for him, god has a plan etc... What I needed was for people to point out the obvious like I am doing to you. Pack your stuff and leave, cut off communication from him, his family, and the church you got counseling from. You need to find you again. PM me if you want to talk further, surround yourself with people who will support you and help you be strong. I know it must seem like the hardest choice to make but hey look what you have survived already you can do it.
  19. Stick to your guns girl your doing the right thing. It will be a stress free day for you and you will have someone you can depend on and someone who clearly loves you walking you down the aisle. I know it hurts but don't give step mother that kind of power of you.
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