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Everything posted by Preciousmi811

  1. Thanks for the bump I have been getting so discouraged. All the essential people I picked a resort around has backed out and I feel a stab every time I get another no. It gets so frustrating luckily some unexpected people are coming so that made happy. Its tough though.
  2. Okay I had to post again! Thank you for the review I have been showing my mom and guests your pictures and review... I think everyone thought we were best friends! Well we kinda are through the forum! I told my mom how nice the staff was and how they even got you gifts for the wedding. My mom is so jazzed now for Jamaica thanks again!
  3. Take a deep breath and laugh because its all you can do. Well since it went there already can't you combine your showers and make it a night to poke fun at the whole problem? I f you keep heading this direction it will strain your relationship with FI so laugh! Tell your aunts you are in competition and make a ridiculous deal and I bet they will laugh and realize how foolish they are acting. Address it head on but as comedic as possible. Ambush your aunt and take her out and get her drunk! Let her know its okay for everyone to enjoy this.
  4. I have the exact same problem. Go to Costco and buy the homedics Shiatsui massage and use it every night its like $100 well worth it. Amazon.com: Homedics SBM-500H Therapist Select Shiatsu One Massaging Cushion with Heat: Health & Personal Care By these things and use them constantly while you are at work. Amazon.com: Body Back Buddy: Health & Personal Care Amazon.com: Body Back Sticks: Health & Personal Care I know it seems odd to have this stuff at work but trust me get it and use when no one is around and you will thank me. It helps the pain from becoming excruciating and makes your day go better. You can also talk to your work and see if they will allow a masseuse to come in once a week and employees can get 15/20 min massages on a break or lunch alot of companies are open to this. Get better and get some Soma prescriptions from your doctor!
  5. You looked so beautiful and your dress looked awesome on you! I peeked at your website because I couldn't wait for the review and I wanted to see some pics! Congrats!!!
  6. I had similar issues, I have broad shoulders and am uncomfortable with a lot of styles. Even though everyone loved the styles that showed my broad shoulders, all I could see was my broad shoulders and wondered if someone would yell hike as I walked down the isle. The bottom line is you need to feel comfortable and if all you see is "boobies" in dress #1 then go with dress #2. "They" have never walked in your shoes and don't know what it is like to be in you. Hope this helps!
  7. That really sucks, I found a site that might help: Sneak Alcohol on Cruise He he....
  8. Thank you for this I feel like there is hope.
  9. We are looking to buy another car after the wedding which will be like 6 months from now and my fiance insists on showing me every picture of every car he finds for sale online. That's great and all but do I have to look at multiple pictures of the engine and listen to how the engine is blah blah blah and chrome blah blah and supercharged blah blah then watch a UTube video of test runs on EVERY single car he finds for sale online?? Even the ones he says yeah not our style at THE END of the whole spiel?? Were not even ready to buy right now! I feel bad because I know he is really into this so to keep my sanity I have gotten really good at spacing out then tune in at the end. WHY can't he just show me 1 picture??
  10. NO PULLING! That is worse you we will be fine for Saturday don't sweat I have had a root canal in almost all my teeth and had an implant put in. The worst thing that can happen after you root canal is you have a high mark and it will throbs, you just go to the dentist and they will file the area down no numbing needed. My root canals were very bad my roots grow into one and I was in huge pain when I left but I was sore the next day and the day after I was fine. Just have them smother your lips and side of your mouth with Vaseline so you don't get painful cracks. You'll be good for Sat!
  11. Oh honey this is horrible, I am so sorry for you to go through this. It sounds like your husband enjoys the attention wants to have the safety of a wife at home but still be able to go out and "play" that's why it doesn't matter that she is ugly. I am so proud that you didn't become the victim and took the appropriate action. He needs to leave and get his act together. I do think think your relationship can be saved but he has to be the one to push it and right now I think he is too busy being a prick. You are right to ask for emails and passwords the trust is broken. Stick to your guns and be strong cut off contact so he can really know what it's like to be without you. Your a hot a catch and you cut him a break earlier when you found the text messages and told him to knock it off. Keep us posted my heart reaches out to you. If you really want to know: check out some IT sites you can pull deleted items and passwords with the right software from your home PC. You could ask the guys at your IT help desk most of them our genius when it comes to this and will let you know how to install and run. If it was me I would want to know if the trust was already broken and I had proof like you have.
  12. This is amazing!!! You look gorgeous and these pictures are fab! I would love to do this type of style for myself!
  13. It's your wedding and she will have to deal with it. Stop trying to accommodate her or you'll drive yourself crazy. Invite her to the family shower but don't feel obliged to invite her to your special one with your friends. Just include her in functions like looking at your dress after the 2nd fitting etc. Spoiled FSIL are the worst she probably feels like your taking her bro away that's why she's not voicing her opinions to you. DON'T elope and don't let selfish people control your life because that is exactly what she is doing. Just put her and all her whining to the back of your brain. Be nice but don't let her get to you because this is how she has gotten her way her whole life!
  14. Beautiful choice! I'll check the seller out thanks!
  15. I am a 2 year bride and I love it! I had so much time to enjoy the showers the pictures lose weight! You will be surprised how fast time flies and if you are doing alot of DIY how short time is. Try to take advantage and start your projects from your bouquets to your hair flowers to your centerpieces you have so much time you can make extras and sell them! If you are a sewer start on OTT bags and embellish everything! A good number just make 50 and sell sell sell. Trust me you get this time to really love your future hubby!
  16. Great pictures I loved how they caught everyone's emotions! Everyone looked so thrilled to be there for you guys. Your dress and hair looked stunning, you guys took timeless photos congratulations!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by diane.callaghan Thanks (these product ideas are just what I need from people who use them), with the serum are you able to style it any way you like? It depends on how you are going to style. If you are going to blow dry straight then you need to keep adding the serum as you blowdry. If you are going curly style add in the beginning then add to it when it is dry in the frizzy areas. The only bad thing is you have to practice until you get the right amount for your hair, too little and you still have frizz, too much and your an oily mess! I always start with half a palm size of serum (note take the cap off otherwise you will be pumping for years) then I add as I'm going. Trust me this is the only product I found that works, I have gone through everything. Yes you do use alot of product but I don't wash my hair everyday and with these products the frizz i not bad the next day and I just add a little serum to the frizzy areas. The Kenra shine is a god sent! I keep it in my purse all times and the sleek obedience is wonderful for the frizz at your hair line where the baby hairs stick out and you can finally tame them! PM if you need anymore help -Its a 10 entire conditioner line works wonders on curly hair especially their deep conditioner. Also never let anyone rasor cut curly hair or do short layers in the front otherwise you'll have puppy ears as layers in the front.
  18. I attended a wedding of one my former dance student. She was very young 18 year old bride and the ceremony was very nice. At the reception they had just served the food and they asked a missionary to speak. Well she starts a full on preaching sermon and 15 minutes in to it gets mad at everyone for eating and asks us to stop. So we all stop eating while she goes on for another 35 mins while every ones food is cold. And to top it off she keeps referring to the bride as Leeann instead of Luwann. We left right after that, we were scared there would be more preaching done at a wedding!
  19. I paid for the upgraded version and it is horrible to use for online RSVP's. It doesn't let people register right and I have invested in it already that it is too late. If you plan on using the RSVP function online then invest in another software. I regret ever using this site.
  20. Redken Smooth Down Serum Redken Smooth Down -Sleek Obedience It's a 10 leave n conditioner Kenra -Shine Spray I use the leave n conditioner and that help with the smooth. Them I use the serum wet or dry to help smooth out. I keep the Sleek Obedience in my purse and use it through out the day on areas with heavy frizz. Then I use Kenra spray couple times through out the day. I know it seems like a lot but if you have frizzy hair your use to messing with it all the time.
  21. Just wanted to share these wristlet sequin clutches on sale at Kohl's for $8. I just bought 5 in Fushia for all my bridesmaids, I love the bright sequin I think it will be fun on the beach. They have several color options, happy hunting. Candie's Sequin Wristlet Coupon Codes to choose from: Kohl's Coupon Codes 2009
  22. User Name: Preciousmi811 Name: Shannon & Robert Location: Riu Tropical Palace Negril Wedding: May 17, 2010 in JA: 5/13-5/23
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