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Everything posted by Preciousmi811

  1. Great idea I am sure your guest will get a kick out of the swine flu reserve part. I like the pig picture too.
  2. I agree, after reading all the post I am going to stick with Chandlyn and Nikki.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by frank13 thank you scott-pierre for the advice I will look there! everyone else, you are so concerned with me offending other brides that you didn't even think that you might have offended me by only posting something negative and not helpful. the reason the cake is important to me (and maybe not as much to others) is that my fiancee is a chef/baker/restaurant owner and he feels strongly about food quality. I am also NOT the only person to criticize the baking skills of the ROR so please don't reprimand me. also, I did use the search function and did not find what I was looking for...I guess I must be stupid and not know how to "search" properly. Hey I am new too and its a bit overwhelming but you will see this is a great site. Once you get more familiar with the site you will see how you can not live with out it. Why don't you PM the mods and chat it out. Don't give up this has been my best support group, and know one, I mean know one understands like these destination brides. I will be happy to help you navigate just send me a PM.
  4. Great photos!!!!! The colors are so vibrant in your pics. You looked truly amazing!
  5. Totally cute you will look so good in it at your reception!
  6. I was thinking rainbow sherbet family, vibrant bright colors because I can't narrow it down either. But I did see dark brown BM dresses on the beach and they looked really good too. So I keep flipping my decision.
  7. I am over here at work crying like a fool. Matt did a magnificent job. I did not put much value in a video but after seeing yours I am re-thinking how I can get it done. Wow is all I can say.
  8. You looked beautiful in your dress and I loved the bouquet. I also loved that you looked excited to get married as you were getting ready. Great pics can't wait for more.
  9. I am in love with your pictures. Were you giving them direction? That is how I want my wedding pictures to come out. Amazing.
  10. I agree it is so memorable knowing your mother sewed it for your guest. They look great.
  11. This is awesome thank you. Quote: Originally Posted by Jamaica0619 This is not an exact answer. But, I was working on my program. I used the following order: Prelude Processional Greeting Reading (we are having one) Marriage Vows Exchange of Rings Signing of the Marriage Certificate Sand Ceremony Pronouncement of Marriage Recessional I put at the bottom... In the spirit of "No Problem" the ceremony may change I figured this is the best way to handle it...
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Soon To Be Mrs. Gomez Those are pretty. Love the gondola ride pics. You have beautiful hair by the way. Thank you! I don't see many girls with curly hair and I was so scared I would come out looking like I had a fro...lol.
  13. Finally got them in!!! Here are the rest! Password: 12345 Login to a private Photobucket.com album Believe it or not through most of the pictures I had horrible allergies and my eye was leaking the whole time. I was amazed you can't even tell let alone even see the tear trails down the side of my face!!
  14. Great idea thanks for sharing! Loved the pic of you holding your hand out to the camera!
  15. So good. I agree with everyone else the hat rocked!! Can't wait to see the rest!
  16. Wow breath taking! The pics are so good I would swear these came out of a magazine layout!
  17. The rum cake as a favor was such a great idea. My wedding is a year away and I felt like I wouldn't be able to all the DIY bridal items. BUT you have given me hope! Thank you!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by RIUMBBride711 I got an email back from Nekeisha White at RIU MoBay (Chantelle is sick) she said you can def downgrade as long as you have 5 rooms booked at the resort. Good to know thanks for sharing!
  19. Hey why not look at it differently.... Now you can wear that white suit or throw on that sexy white dress you always wanted to put on. Let it be your little romantic secret. Go to work leave for a couple hours go get married and go back with out telling anybody. I think once you look at it in a different perspective you will be happy.
  20. Memphis jukeing rocked!!!! Love it that he is a cop. I give props to the people that make it to the final 20 and got cut right before the show and keep coming back to audition. I no longer dance and this show makes me feel like I am dancing again. Keep the thread alive, I love to read everyone's opinion on the dancers auditioning! Can't wait for next week.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Jaime+Brandon Rancho Cucamonga and Long Beach... you? I Live in Long Beach and I am down to run!!! PM me I live in the Belmont Shore Area and I am totally interested.
  22. Oh my god how funny I can imagine the blue paw prints all over the carpet!!!
  23. The pics came out so good! I loved the color of your BM dresses! You guys looked so much in love and so happy!
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