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Everything posted by Preciousmi811

  1. Welcome! You will love this site. Search the thread reviews so you can get different perspective about your locations you are deciding between. Congratulations!
  2. Okay I need to vent too. I am tall with broad shoulders and curves. UGH I am always referred to as Amazon women which people think is a compliment but it just makes me feel like I am a big women like Brooke Hogan. So because of this thread I am trying to embrace the curves. I have been working out so hard so I can fit into dresses at the wedding shop because I am terrified they wont carry my size. But like you all say regardless of what they carry, dresses are not made for curvy girls. After seeing Lisa's pictures you look so beautiful I really don't think it matters what size you are on your wedding day, its the happiness that shows through. So I am changing my thinking and weight loss will be a bonus but I will not feel like it is essential! Thank you!
  3. Keep it going girls!!! This thread is the only thing to get me through this week of exercising!
  4. Welcome I'm getting married at the Tropical Bay Palace too but in May. Congrats!
  5. Josie -don't rush an injury! It will take twice as long to heal. I made that same mistake and I just had to stop exercising for a long while until it healed because I had been trying to workout on it. Sorry I know that is sucky news. Okay tonight its circuit workout with my friend we get on the treadmill for 10mins then go to our stations and either lift, abs, plank holds, etc for 5 mins. We do this for an hour an half. I'm trying to shake my routine up.
  6. Great pictures I like the one of him holding his hat up to the camera. Very unique photography! Good choice to take them with you to Mexico.
  7. They came out soooo good. Your flowers, your hair, your dress beautiful everything was gorgeous!
  8. Loved Wade Robinson routine. How cool was that? Yes I too am going to see Step It Up 3D after I heard the alumni remark. I can't believe Mary called herself out on her Botox!!! Holy cow she's brave. lol...
  9. Tonight is a long fast walk on the beach path with stairs in between. My legs are sore!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by msmoodyr Thursday is the only night it is J_U_M_P_I_N_G ... ladies night ... ladies free .. men are prob $10 if that ........maybe even $5 How about drink prices?
  11. I am looking for information about Club Jungle to post on my wedding website for my guests. What is the average price? Will they work out group deals? I have their website but it's not too informative. Before I email them I thought I would ask the forum first. Any info would be great! Thanks
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by msmoodyr I called Tai Flora ... that is their work ...... starts @ $1800 but its based on the size of the party ..... I asked for 50 people and she said $2700 which includes the lanterns and the fabric ........... I would def call and get your own quote if you are interested ..everything in Jamaica is negotiable Thank you so much!
  13. Changed my location if a mod can delete my previous location post: Name: Shannon & Robert Location: RUI Tropical Bay Palace Wedding: May 17, 2010 in JA: 05/14/10 - 05/22/10 After reading everyone's post I am really excited. RUI seems the better resort for a laid back bride like me.
  14. So sorry to hear. I got broken into as well before and I understand the whole violated feeling. My car was stolen and returned full of used needles and drug paraphernalia. I was so disturbed and wondered how people could be so cruel. I believe in karma and trust me they will have to own up to what they did one day. In the meantime have your girls help you shop for the lost goods and make it a bonding experience. Stay strong!
  15. Did a run/walk around the beach then crunched out my ab workout. I have 6 months before I go wedding dress shopping, I want to lose 20lbs before than!
  16. Awesome pictures. You looked so pretty and the BM dresses looked awesome. Flowers were beautiful. Congratulations!
  17. Everything came out beautiful! Loved your dress and the bright red of the flowers. The reception looked amazing, and the rose bath foot wash great idea!
  18. I found my wedding hairstyle from this site. There was so much it took me a good 3 days to go through all the pictures. Great site.
  19. Sloan, I have read the nightlife at the resort is dead, did it matter? I don't think it would but I wanted to ask just in case. I am quite the partier and to hear the review from a partier like me myself was great! You looked beautiful in your dress. Thanks for the tips about the excursions!
  20. Great pics loved the neon sunglasses! You looked beautiful! The flowy BM dresses complimented you so well. Everyone looked like they were having so much fun.
  21. Wow everything looks so good! BM dresses were to die for, they looked super cute in the photos. My fav is when he is carrying you down the stairs so romantic. Great photography.
  22. Great pictures your colors looked so good on the beach. Flower girls were so adorable. The two of you looked very happy!
  23. My TA just got back from the ROR and she took some photos of a beach reception. Has anyone seen this type of setup? If so does anyone know costs associated with it? Thanks!!!!
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