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Everything posted by Crystalballl

  1. How much did they charge you for shipping? If you dont mind me asking.
  2. I also saw the "fecal" tv special lol Yea totally grossed me out! I'm a bit of a germaphobe, so wash my sheets once a week, as well as my daughter's crib sheets get changed weekly as well. I just LOVE clean fresh sheets, totally one of my favourite things. But I do wash everything in Cold water (besides Whites).
  3. Hey Guys, Just wanted to let everyone know if you are a fan of The Hills then you should pick up Lauren's debut Novel. L.A. Candy I read it in like 1 day. Great girly read! It's 'based' on her life and the Hills
  4. Anyone know where u can get gatorade/powerade singles in Canada? I've honestly never seen them. Lots of Crystal Light around...but that's about all I've seen.. Thanks!
  5. Happy Canada Day!!! Got a lot done today ourselves
  6. WoW that's totally cool!!! So exciting. Be sure to share when the story is out, cant' wait to see!
  7. I too love to read! Don't seem to have as much time as I used to, and at bedtime I seem to be passing out lately (running after a 14 month old tires me out lol. I also babysit an 18 month old, so they keep me busy) I read and loved the Twilight Series, and I also didn't really like the movie, but loved the books!! I just got My sister's keeper, but before I read that I am reading L.A. Candy which is written by Lauren Conrad (her very 1st book). She's from The Hills for those of you who aren't familiar with her. I've only got a little bit in to it, but it's pretty good. I LOVE recommendations from others, so I'm glad I found this thread!
  8. I'm so sorry you're dealing with all this. We haven't even booked yet (our rates aren't out yet...) so I don't really have any suggestions. I hope everything works out for you!
  9. Oh I hear ya!! I wanted no part of planning a wedding here.
  10. Congrats & Welcome Megan Marie. What's the date of your wedding? I'm getting married at PP, October 20, 2010.
  11. You could ask your Doctor. I know my Doctor has TONS of 'Sample' pkgs of Advils, allergy pills and any OTC you could think of. I'm gonna get him to give me a bunch for my OOT Bags!
  12. I personally think it's an awesome idea!! I know how much I spent in just postage alone to send out my Save the Dates, and I only made up and sent out 49.... Green is the way to go, and I am so for that! I say go for it. But again like other said, you may have to print up a couple 'std/invites' for those who don't have access to a computer/technology etc.
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