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Everything posted by Crystalballl

  1. So today I just finished Jodi Picoult's The Pact. Awesome Book! Thanks for the recommendation....What to read next
  2. What an awesome job. Love them! I've never seen those at Michael's. I will have to take a look
  3. Sooooooo cute! Both girls are beautiful!! Beautiful names too. (If our next is a little girl, I love the name Adison!) Looking at the pics makes me want another....Must wait till after Wedding lol
  4. Our daughter is going to be our flower girl. She will be about 2.5 by the time we get married. I highly doubt she'll just walk down the aisle on her own, but we're not too concerned about that. Definitely have to be flexible with the little ones. Great ideas though, may have to try them!
  5. Wow, thanks so much to you all for such great tips. As someone who hasn't done a lot of travelling this thread was EXTREMELY helpful!!
  6. Your bags look great!!! Guests will love them. I had never heard of a Magic Magnet before, didn't know what that was lol
  7. So glad to hear they're great looking bags!!
  8. That's so exciting!!!! Congrats!! Mine is @ 4
  9. Glad everything was what you hoped it would be and more. Everything looked amazing. Can't wait to see more pics. Congratulations!!!
  10. I'll have to pick up The Pact. Thanks!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by PhillyBride09 Our first dance song was to "Then" and it was perfect :-) WE are big Country fans and big Brad Paisley fans, so when we heard this song a couple of months ago, we knew that it was the song! :-) It's beautiful :-) I agree, I think it's just a gorgeous song. Although he has many!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel I have to concur that My Sister's Keeper is an awesome book! I couldn't put it down and sobbed my way through it. I love all Jodi Picoult books though. I love the twist she puts on the story by telling it from multiple points of view. Just like life.. I totally agree, I love how she writes it from all their perspectives. It's such a good read. Don't think it'll take me much longer to finish it!
  13. I would send out ASAP. I just sent out my STD's and my Wedding isn't until next year.
  14. Gorgeous Pictures, thank you so much Sara!!
  15. Hi All I was just wondering if anyone had a picture of the 'Beach BBQ' Reception Set up, that I could use on my website?? I started a blog on there and was talking a little bit about the Beach BBQ reception, but would love to include a picture. Thanks!!
  16. Wow everything looks just incredible. Love all the irish Touches (I too am Irish). Your father-daughter first dance brought tears to my eyes. So glad you got to have that with your Dad. Everything looks amazing, I hope your wedding is everthing you dreamed it would be!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenamie I just read Emily Giffin Something borrowed, something blue, and baby proof not my normal type but really good thanks I'm going to have to relook at everyones faves hehe I'm gonna have to pick these up after the one I'm reading now. My Sister's Keeper...
  18. Wow, everything looks just incredible!!! What a beautiful job you did on everything and all the little details. The table markers are awesome, they're adorable. Must've taken some time to get all those done. Can't wait to see u're pro-pics!!
  19. Thanks so much Sara. That really helped. And I'll check out your review, I'll try and find it. I do not want the Red Runner either! Or Bows!! So I will get my bestfriend to come with us to our meeting and make sure she knows my wishes as well and make her in charge. That's a great idea. She'll make sure things are perfect! Thanks! Quote: Originally Posted by sarafish81 Crystal, if you read my review (sorry, I'm not savvy enough to link it here), you'll see some of what I found to be good/not so good. My recommendations would be: 1. Be patient with Yaly. She is super busy all the time, but once she gets to know you over email, she will be quicker to respond. From her perspective, and from brides who have been there, you should know that the only things that really need to be decided upon before you get to the resort are the wedding date/time and reception location/time. EVERYTHING else can wait. This was a tough one for me. I'm a planner. 2. Have a friend/MOH/mom/someone attend your meeting with Yaly once you get to the resort who knows what your wishes are for flowers, wedding ceremony decorations, wedding music wishes (i.e. the band they can provide or your own cd's - the latter of which is what we did), reception decor and setup. Yaly knew for example that I didn't want the red aisle runner or huge bows on the arch. She is not present for the setup of the wedding location, so she passes on these requests. There are up to 4 weddings a day (on our day for sure, and we were last), and people are sloppy. This I do not believe is Yaly's fault. My SIL's were watching the setup and went to intervene as the red runner was set up, together with massive bows on the archway. They ensured these were fixed, which I found out afterwards and was so thankful for. Also, there was no power to the CD player provided up until 5 minutes before I arrived. Stuff like this should be handled by friends/family and not the groom as he was a stress ball about it poor guy 3. Be very specific with the resort hairdresser if you use her services. Speak up if you are not happy. She seems to do better with updo's than downdo's. Allow for lots of time. 4. Ask about whether or not champagne and wine at the reception (in our case, the beach bbq) are included in the reception cost. For our wedding, these costs were EXTRA and quite a bit. It would have been nice knowing that going in... 5. Enjoy your day and vacation! The resort is beautiful, the people are great, I really loved the catamaran/swimming with the dolphins excursion and the jeep safari. Our guests all had a fantastic holiday as well. If you have anymore questions, I'd be happy to help.
  20. So I finshed L.A. Candy, Lauren Conrad's very first book. Read it in about a day, it was a great read. If you are a Hills fan, definitely pick up this book. I believe it's going to be a series. I have now picked up My Sister's Keeper...hopefully it's good.
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