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Everything posted by Crystalballl

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by PaulsGirl Forever Friends and Everlasting Memories in Port Perry are also great stores! We tried on dresses there as well and they had a great selection of of both wedding & bridesmaid dresses I would like to definitely check out both these stores!
  2. So a friend of mine got married in Cuba in January. Her husband was asking a lady at the License MInistry place what she needs to get her name changed and she told him that the marriage certificate and stuff needs to be translated?! Anyone know if I'll have to get it translated to do all my name changes??
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by KAMAY11 I just started reading Jodi Picoult....I bought My Sister's Keeper and I cried! It was so good!!! (I heard the movie has a different ending than the book, so i don't even think i will see the movie). Her writing style is amazing....she has some one-liners that really make you think. I just bought 19 Minutes and I can't put it down! I am tempted to take a week off in AUgust and read all her books! I heard "The Pact" is good too.... Emily Giffin is another one of my fave's....I didn't like Baby Proof as much as Something Borrowed and Something Blue. Love The One You're WIth is also very good....AND she has a new book coming out next Spring called The Heart of The Matter. Can't wait for that one! Some of my other fave authors are: Jeffrey Deaver (the BEST mystery/crime writer IMO), Harlan Coben, Michael Connelly, Nicholas Sparks, James Patterson. I just finished Something Borrowed, and now just started Something Blue. Really liked the first, and so far like the 2nd. Jodi Picoult's The Pact is awesome!!! I have 19 minutes to read after Something Blue lol I too LOVE Jeffrey Deaver!
  4. That's good to know! Was wondering about that myself
  5. I heard there is a great store in Port Perry. My girlfriend bought her dress there. Ended up being a BM dress, but was gorgeous! I'll try and get the info from her. I'm almost positive it's called Forever Friends, or something like that.
  6. I'd love to know this too!! Let me know what Bridal Desires is like. Never heard of it, honestly. And I'm 5 mins from Ajax...
  7. Soooo exciting!!! Sounds like such an awesome week you have ahead of you. Make sure you remember to sit back and take it all in aswell.
  8. Well I'm sure glad I found this thread! I am going tonight to get my hair completely redone...just no colouring at the moment. I'm going to a pretty nice Salon, it's actually named one of the top in North America. Not that I really care about that lol But I've honestly never really treated myself to going to a "nice" place to have my hair done. But I figured if I want a complete NEW look then I better pay more for it. But I was wondering how much I should tip my stylist when she's done! Thanks so much ladies, I was thinking 15-20%!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel I just finished "Vanishing." Very good one too. I love Jodi Picoult. "19 minutes" is a powerful one too. I cried. I really want to read 19 minutes!~ That was the next one on my list by her. I'll definitely pick that up. Right now I'm reading Emily Giffin Something Borrowed. I also bought Something Blue. I also have had The Host in my hand a few times, and wondered what it would be like. Have to add that to my list of 'To Reads' I also wanna check out that site. Thanks for sharing about it!!
  10. Okay well I just saw this thread now LOL Not one to usually check out the celebrity gossip section, that's probably why. I love the Howard Stern show. I bought FI Sirius for Christmas, and I listen to it online at home as much as I can. Love Howard!
  11. Yes, photographers are very very pricey. But I say so worth it! Having lots of Pictures is very important to me, so if I could split the costs with someone that would be awesome. Hopefully I have that opportunity.
  12. I agree, I think your gifts are very generous! I know I would be appreciative!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Chanti Sounds great! August 7th and 14th work for me. Crystal, I also live in Whitby so we could take the GO train back together :-) What time are we thinking? I work downtown so could stick around at the office to catch up a bit! Chantal That sounds Perfect
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Nikki07 Sounds good! I am directionally handicapped so me in Down town Toronto alone = being lost and missing the get together lol. LMAO!! Okay finally I have found someone who is just as bad with directions as me! I am rediculous when it comes to directions 'n stuff. I dont even know my north, south, east and west unless i know which way the street runs pretty much! I'm rediculous lol So Yes, meeting up is a definite plan!!!!!!
  15. Well well well Rebecca, you have outdone yourself again!!! I ordered our Luggage Tags from Rebecca, and I received them today and they are just gorgeous!!! I LOVE them!!!! She is so kind and wonderful to work with. After altering my colours when I did my STD she altered them for my Lugagge tags which was wonderful!! After placing my order and them complete and SHIPPED, I asked if it was at all possible to order more if I need them (we are getting a lot more Yes' on our STD RSVP's then we expected). Anyways, here they are!! Thanks so much Rebecca!!! 100% Satisfied. Highly Recommend!!!!
  16. I don't know downtown well at all. will need really good directions lol
  17. Oooh I wish I could share a photographer with someone! But I'm October 2010
  18. I bet!! Can't wait till we start booking! Makes it so official!
  19. That's so exciting that you're booked!! I'm sorry ppl backed out...Bridesmaid's and all , that sucks. But you're going to have a blast no matter what!!
  20. Sounds fun girls. 7th is no good for me though, I'll be at a Girl's cottage weekend that weekend..
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