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Everything posted by Crystalballl

  1. Sooo glad to hear "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" is good! I'm about to pick it up in a day or two. Right now i am reading Secret Daughter by Shilipi Gowda, it's really really good!!! I think I have to check out an E Reader too!! How much do they run? (Canadian) Or a recommended brand to buy?!!
  2. I made up these Brochures on Vistaprint! They turned out great!! I am sending them out with our Luggage Tags this month! Thanks to those who I "borrowed" the ideas and info from!!! You guys are all awesome! **I am having a hard time finding Coil Wrist things to attach to my Keycard/Tip holders. If there is any Canadian girl who can help me out. I tried OTC, but they wouldn't accept my "Canadian pay pal" account to pay?! So I'm lost! I did buy the badge holders on ebay. No luck on the coil things though!! Thanks ladies!
  3. So very glad I found this thread. Thanks for sharing, keep them coming Will definitely be using some songs I've seen on these!! Thanks ladies!
  4. Hi ladies! This is my dress. I'm adding spaghetti straps to it, and it hasn't been altered (its way too long) but you get the idea It's a Cosmobella #7411. It was about $1000.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by JulieG I found my wedding website Welcome Hope it helps. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. You have awesome info on your website I can "borrow". So helpful, thanks so much Julie!!!!!!!
  6. Everything looks incredible!! Your day is going to be just gorgeous! Can't wait to see pictures.
  7. That's okay Julie!! Would you have any suggestions that I could add to my Brochure? What type of money should my Guests bring/Tip with? Voltage adapter? What kind of money and how much to Exit Cuba Airport?? Just some general information would be helpful?! Also, how many people per table did you do for your Beach BBQ Reception? Thanks
  8. Did any of you previous brides make Pre-Travel or OOT Bag Brochures with the resort info and any other info you may have? If so could you share?! Trying to make some to send out with my Luggage Tags, just trying to gather some information!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by JulieG The DJ did all those things for us, the first dance, wedding party dance, mother and son dance, he announced them, I think I gave him a list. I put them all on the same cd, in the order I wanted them done and he did it. He was great. He also introduced the people for speeches. That's exactly what I want. Perfect. Thanks Julie! Just hope I can figure out how to get in touch with Yaly
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by ltoxopeu Thanks, I will look for the resort email and call them if necessary. I was worried they may have lost the documentation during the hurricane they had after my wedding and I want to confirm they haven't forgotten us! The email error is a "Deliver Status Notification (failure)" which says that the Domain name is not found. I hope you're right and that they are just taking extra-long. Thanks! Um so my emails to her keep bouncing back as well! It's really starting to stress me out to the max!! I need to touch base with her....
  11. Hi All!! Been so long, been crazy busy and starting to stress out!! I was wondering if you anyone that did the beach BBQ reception could tell me exactly what the DJ will do for you?! I plan to bring our IPOD + CDs (incase they cant' equip my Ipod properly). I want introduction songs, our first dance. Father Daughter, Mother Son, Bouquet toss..etc...Do they do this?! Or are they there just to make sure things are playing. I'm overwhelmed and the "dancing" fun part is the part I know my friends and family are looking forward to, I need it to be the way I want it! Thanks ladies!! You're always so helpful!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by mexbride83 On the fiance's name first topic... I just got my STDs done with my fiance's name first, and several people who have seen them (including my mom and FMIL) have informed me that it's wrong to have his name first. Apparently before the marriage, your name should always appear before your fiance's, and after the wedding it's opposite. Has anyone else heard this?? It seems that all the people I've heard this from are older adults, so I think it's some old etiquette rule, but I still hate that some people are going to get the STDs and think that However I'm not paying to get them redone haha. On both our STD's that I designed and our Invites that Rebecca did, my name came first. I'm not sure why it's like that...just is I guess lol I did put my fiance's name first in our monograms though.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by weddinggirl72 I ordered a few things from Rebecca for my Puerto Vallarta wedding and she did a FANTASTIC job!!!!!! Yes she does amazing work!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by doneill01 i was wondering if you would mind sharing how much those were per invitation. thanks so much! I believe I paid about $260.00 for 40 invites. We sent out a lot of STD's, and only sent out invites to those who RSVPd yes/maybe on them. Allurements by Rebecca
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