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Everything posted by Crystalballl

  1. They look great!! Awesome job. I used that same template for mine. HOpe mine look that good once I'm finished
  2. Those look AWESOME!!!! Really really good job. So I"m wondering, can someone show me what a perforator looks like? It's about the only thing left I need to get to do mine.
  3. They're adorable. Love them! So exciting to get them sent out. Can't wait to mail out mine!
  4. Crystalballl


    Congrats & Welcome Fellow Canadian. Lots of great info here on this site!
  5. Congrats! Welcome & Happy Planning
  6. Hi All, I know everyone knows about "Allurements by Rebecca: Passports, Boarding Passes, Custom Invitations & Monograms" and a lot have used her. But I just wanted to let everyone know how helpful she is and comes highly recommended by me! Not only was her service super fast! But after seeing a Minor mistake (My name was before my FI's and I wanted his first ) she very quickly changed that for me. (Seemed within minutes I had my new monograms) Not only did she make my Monograms, but after having trouble flipping them (I want them backwards to print Iron On Transfers) she emailed me all my Monograms flipped! What a great person! Highly recommended. Cheap costs for such superior work and customer service. You won't be disappointed! Allurements by Rebecca
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Taghan If you want to design them yourself, Oriental Trading has some. I think they're like $14.99 for 6 of them. Thanks! I will definitely check that out.
  8. I too am extremely anal when it comes to my books! I have bookcases in my livingroom with most and when people come over I see some eyeing which ones they want to borrow. But my Mom is really the ONLY one I allow to borrow my books. I LOVED the Twilight series as well. And am totally going to look for the Sleeping Beauty one Thanks!!
  9. Need some help! Thought I'd probably find it here. Does anyone have a map of the Playa Pesquero Resort?? I have been looking everywhere for it, so I can save it and put in my invites among other things. I have googled and everything and have come up with nothing but someone who took a picture of it. But it's clearly a picture and would not work as far as printing it out on things and such. any help Thanks!!
  10. I personally would get some neat and personalized for wedding favours, and have them at your reception for everyone to take one. Or hand out. I don't see anything wrong with that at all. We too are trying to be budget concious, so I know exactly what you mean.
  11. I was at Michael's last night and they had Tropical Coloured Canvas bags for $3 each. I also ran in to Dollar Giant (new store aroun dhere anyways) and they had really neat "Canada" beach bags. I liked the Canada idea, thought it would be neat.
  12. Yes, I am very happy with 4pm. I didn't ask for it either, she just picked it I guess. I want to make my STD's, but I dont know if I am talented enough to do it. So we shall see how that goes lol
  13. I'm just so excited I had to come on and share with everyone. Yaly emailed me this morning and it's official our Date & Time have been confirmed! October 20, 2010 @ 4pm. Now I can start my little plans and things. Very nice to have it confirmed and official. I"ve been patiently waiting, and anyone who knows me. I have little patience, but I was a very good girl LOL
  14. Those are awesome!! We're not very formal either. I haven't made up my mind what i want to do for my Save the Date's yet.
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