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Everything posted by Crystalballl

  1. Congrats & Welcome! Love the line "Getting Maui'd" So cute
  2. All the rates I'm getting for Playa Pesquero are tentative too. Can't wait for them to get all the contracted rates so we can go ahead with the booking
  3. Thanks!! I bookmarked that site and will definitely be looking at them when purchasing my stuff for my DIY Luggage Tags & Room Key/Tip Holders!
  4. Congrats!! I know how exciting is it when things are confirmed and start falling in to place. And you're right, a year is going to fly by
  5. Yea I'm a little concerned too Jackobelle. I"d like to know the answer to that too, because I know for sure Straighteners/curling irons etc will need to be used for the wedding day!!
  6. Thanks Julie! No I didn't. I had becks make it for me. There somewhat the colours I'm using. They've changed a little now that I totally redid my std's. It's no problem, take your time!! I'm in no hurry Thanks though!!
  7. LOL I didn't think she'd have a problem. Just wondering Thanks!
  8. Good to know, I'll be definitely checking that out!! Tks!!
  9. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE those invites! Just gorgeous. I love the pocketfold invites. Exactly what I want for mine. Will have to keep her in mind when I'm ready to do mine! Thanks for posting, they're gorgeous!
  10. Hi All, So I never really thought about this, because well I'm well over the legal limits of drinking in all the countries I'd say lol But my cousin is comming with us to our wedding (she'll be 18 by the time our wedding day arrives) and she was asking me what the legal age was? I did some searches and found some humerous answers "If you can reach the bar, you can drink" "as soon as u can open a bottle, u're legal" Does anyone know the actual age? Had any problems at the resorts? (We'll be at Playa Pesquero) I"m sure she'll be fine, but I was just curious! Thanks
  11. Great to know!! Thanks so much sunmoonstar!~ I will talk to Chris about buying one, if he's too cheap lol I will talk to you about taking u up on your offer!!
  12. What a great thread. I've been thinking this myself! So where do you buy such a thing? And how much do they run?
  13. Everything looks awesome!! Painting the bags! Didn't think of that, I think they turned out great
  14. LOL No it definitely isn't working right! But no one seems to be helping yet! Help! hahahaha
  15. Okay So here is my Punch I bought: And this is how it punches, it makes the corner round but also punches these two silly lines! (just testing on a piece of paper I printed):
  16. That is Exactly what mine says that I bought. Photo Corner Round Punch. But it rounds the corner and punches two rounds likes inside the corner. So I'm either not using it right or its not what I'm suppose to be using. I will post a pic of mine in a sec!
  17. Erin,t hat would be awesome if you could do that!! I have bought 2 punches and neither cut out the edge properly. So I have looked for them (both bought in michael's)
  18. Hi all, I searched around, but didn't really find what I was looking for. I had a lot of fun designing my own Boarding Pass STD's. And am now ready to print and start cutting and all that fun stuff. I have all my cardstock, glue, cutters everything I need EXCEPT a Round Corner Punch, to do the Boarding Pass corners. What Round Corner Punch did everyone use? Brand Name/Where you bought it/What size (s/m/l) etc? (Canadian gals can really help me out with this one too ) I bought one, but I dont think it's meant for what I want it to do. I've gotten Frustrated, so need your help. Thanks so so much! I'm at a stand still until I get the proper punch.
  19. Thanks guys! Yaly sent me the map of the resort. I've been trying to attach it, but I'm not having much luck. Anyone have any other pamphlets or anything else they can share, for when I make my actual invites? I think I've finished my STD's yesterday. I had them done, but then completely changed them lol. I think I'm happy with they way they are now. Now its to print and cut and all that fun stuff. Bought a corner punch, but not too sure how to work it lol I tested it on a piece of paper and it didn't punch out the way I need it to lol So this should be interesting
  20. Thanks so much for the recommendation! I will definitely look in to that. I would LOVE to get some pics done
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