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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Awesome review! Thank you so much! I am getting married there on July 9th...counting down the days. But I have one question, we are trying to decide on consumption bar or open. It's like $4500 for 45 people for the 5 hour open bar and that seems excessive if only half the group are heavy drinkers. Do you or anyone else have tips for this? Thanks!!
  2. This might be a stupid question, but what does "OOT" stand for? I have the same question. I have been looking at websites and talking to friends. You can't bring anything perishable with you going through customs in Mexico, right? So I think we will be depending on the Costco or Walmart that is there. Did anyone do that? Also, we were going to try to put snacks and water and such because the hotel restaurants are so expensive, we wanted to try to offset the cost by adding enough treats to tie them over til dinner. Did anyone do something like that? I was thinking of using the eco-friendly bags you can buy at the grocery store to use instead of monogrammed bags that look really expensive. I thought I would personalize by buying luggage tags to add with monograms or something. I am all over the place I guess. I just want them to be useful and cute and the same time. Any suggestions?
  3. My husband and I are getting married at the Hilton in Los Cabos in July. When we started out planning, the hotel planner told us that in order to have a legal ceremony, it would have to be in Spanish. Since we wanted it to be in English, she told us that people do it a lot and just get quickie married legally at home. So we were planning on it just being my husband and I, but I let it split at a family dinner and my dad almost had a heart attack that he wasn't going to be there on the day that I "legally" got married. So then we ended up having all of our parents (both are divorced-we have two step-mothers.) So we called the court house and they said we could get married there during the week for only $10 but it was certain hours only. And since we wanted our parents there and they couldn't take the day off, we had to go with a retired judge ($200.) The court house gave us a bunch of names and numbers and we found one. We coordinated dates and times and came up with a time and place. We got married in my mom's living room on a Saturday morning. I thought it was going to be very awkward and business like, but once the judge started talking about marriage, I lost it. I composed myself by the time I had to speak my vows, but it was much more of a big deal than I thought it was. Afterwards we all went to breakfast at our favorite spot (very informal.) My mom tipped off the waitress so she brought out blueberry pie at the end of breakfast as our "wedding cake" and it was very sweet. Afterwards, my husband went to work. So it was very nice, necessary but meaningful. It's a secret between us and our parents, and our actual anniversary will be our July date in Mexico. But like some have said before, it takes a load off. Plus, you can get a head start at name changes and such. You have to change your social security card (free) by going to your local office with your marriage certificate ($11) and driver's license. They send it to you in the mail in 7-10 business days. The license was easy too ($15) but note that you have to get your picture taken again. I actually did this yesterday and have had a cold all week, and looked horrible so alas, for the next 10 years it will be bad, but oh well. Then for work, I had to send the scan of my social security card to change my corporate email and work documents. I'm still researching how to change bills and such. You can get an amendment in your passport that will add a page to show your old name and new name, but only if you got your passport in the same year you get married. Since I got my passport last year, I have to get a renewal which will only show my new name and since my tickets are issued in my maiden name, I have to travel with my marriage certificate. Hope this all helped. Sorry for rambling on.
  4. I don't know that this will be much help for the above brides, but we are going to get married in July at the Hilton and they told us a legal ceremony would have to be in Spanish and we wanted it in English, so that would just be a "blessing ceremony." So we just got married by a retired judge here in IL. We went to our county and got a marriage license ($10) and then paid $200 for a retired judge to come to my mom's house and marry us in front of all our parents. Then after a few weeks, we got a certificate from the same place we got the license and now we are legally married and ready to go to Mexico and have the ceremony with no snags. It's not what we thought we would do, but it definitely took the pressure off. We are legally married now, but the ceremony on the beach will be our anniversary date and the one that matters with all our friends and family there.
  5. I am getting married in July. It looks like you are getting married in May. How did you pick all of your details. I am going insane trying to figure everything out. I know I want red roses and I got a list of vendors from Dulce and Carolina, but I can't figure out everything from there. Where did you get your inspiration from?
  6. Hello everyone! A friend from high school turned me on to this site after seeing her wedding pictures on Facebook. What a help! I have so many questions about my upcoming wedding and am so excited to connect with some of the ladies on here. Thanks! Jessica
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