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kimberly 1987

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  1. Does anyone have any ideas for thank you cards? I need to get out thank yous as we have been getting wedding gifts already! I love the boarding pass invites and mine did turn out fine but I have no idea what to make for a thank you card that will tie into the boarding pass theme. Thank you cards are a must in my family. Is there any websites you might recommend? I couldn't find any on this one but then perhaps I am not looking in the right place. Please, anyone that can help me out would be greatly appreciated!
  2. Does anyone have a thank you card idea that would tie into the boarding pass invites? I have been searching for a template or samples but as of yet I have not been able to find any. I actually need to start making the thank you cards now. Someone suggested using a postcard theme. But I am stumped on how to get started.
  3. Welcome to this wonderful forum! Enjoy and congratulations!
  4. kimberly 1987


    Hello to all: I am going to be married on August 1, 2009 to my fiance, Patrick. We are going to be married on the island of Maui. We are inviting family and close friends to the ceremony. I am wondering about the boarding pass invites and how to up them together. I am not a creative person by no means. Any suggestions would be invited by all.
  5. I am new to this! Can someone explain how the point system works?
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