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Everything posted by ShelbyFL

  1. How cool! A double destination wedding!! Wow! Congrats!
  2. Welcome & congrats!!
  3. Welcome! Congrats to you & your daughter!
  4. ShelbyFL


    Welcome fellow Florida Bride!! I am just North of you in Pompano Beach! There is a lot of great info here - - good luck!
  5. ShelbyFL


    Hi! Congrats & Welcome! There is a lot of good info here and hopefully you can get the info you need to make decisions that make you feel GOOD about your wedding!!
  6. ShelbyFL


    Congrats & Welcome!!
  7. Welcome to the forum! I can't help you, but I am sure some of the ladies can!
  8. Congrats & Welcome! So exciting!!
  9. ShelbyFL


    Welcome! Congrats!! I am in the same boat as you! We only had 4 months to plan... I have 3 months to go! 10-10-09 - in Ocho Rios - Yay! Jamaica Brides unite!
  10. Congrats & Welcome! I'm at 95 days!! Jamaica here we come!
  11. Congrats & Welcome! Lots of great info & ladies here!
  12. Congrats & Welcome! Our wedding is 10/10/09 at ROR. We have 11 people booked so far and a few that are...on the fence! LOL Lots of great info here! Be sure to go "check in" in the Jamaica forum!
  13. Thanks for the great review! I am getting nervous... 95 days til we get married there!
  14. My FI asked my Mom and my brother permission and showed them the ring before asking me. My Dad passed in '95 and he knew it was important to me to have my family's approval. It meant a lot to me.
  15. FI and I were just discussing this! I want to have it done at the dentist, but because of $$ I think I will try the whitestrips first at home... I'll let you know how it goes!
  16. I just bought this the other day at Best Buy ($12.99). I was going to buy Slim in 6 off the infomercial and FI could not believe I was going to spend like $75 on that. He said 'go to the store and buy a dvd' instead... So I bought this one! LOL I am starting tomorrow! I have 87 days til our wedding and I need to tone up badly. I am a skinny fat girl for sure. No muscle tone. I have to look amazing in 87 days... I am really encouraged by you ladies who have had good results!! I'll let you know how it goes...
  17. This is great info! Thanks so much for sharing... I wondered how I was going to get this for our guests...
  18. ShelbyFL


    congrats & welcome! This forum has saved me so many times already! You'll find so much good info here!
  19. Hi! We just did this.... we invited over 50 people to our Jamaica wedding via e-mail & our wedding website. We got A LOT of positive comments... however, we did run into a "handful" of people who did not have e-mail. Grandmothers, old family friends... so I am printing my own invites now for them. I am making 20. Now that I am making these, my family is saying they would each like one for a "keepsake". So I may make a few more... Good luck!!
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