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Everything posted by mswhatever

  1. mswhatever


    Happy planning!
  2. Oh Honey, I feel you!! I tried on so many dresses. Eventually, I found one. I bought Casablanca #1900. I had them make changes to it to suit me, shorter train, lighter fabric. Some designers allow changes. Something to keep in mind. Good luck!!
  3. I picked #4. All the dresses are very similar. I liked the gathering on the bodice.
  4. I think asking for a donation to charity is great. I noticed on the honeymoon wishes registry that is an item listed. You could sign up for that registry and only list that one item.
  5. Our engagement party is saturday, so I will post my favorite Sunday. So far we have received a few items from our honeymoon wishes registry and a cash gift.
  6. Welcome and my congratulations to you!
  7. What a tough situation. I think I would be direct and say that you need an answer. I would tell them that I understand their situation and will harbor no hard feelings if they are not up to it.
  8. We are using Honeymoon Wishes. It was very easy to setup. Today, we got our first gifts. Looks like we are going on a safari. It is a breeze!!
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