Quote: Originally Posted by Boo Yikes, eh? time just flies. I just started shopping for dresses with my bridesmaids and am kicking myself!! In US I found you guys have Nordstrom, and JCrew, Macy's etc. but for us there are allot less cute summer dresses and everything summer is on sale / clearence so its tough to find sizes. One of the girls looked great in one of the dresses (the three of them will have diff. dresses) but because its been out for months and is on clearence it looks like its been thru the ringer. Jeez stupid me for not shopping earlier sorry I was just so bumbed yesterday.
Aw that kinda sucks, but don't worry , you'll find something!
We're totally ripped off up here for cute dresses!!!! And then if you try to buy something online from the US it costs you an arm and a leg to ship it! Bulllllllshiiiiiiiit.