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Everything posted by aprilmay

  1. Interesting, might be worth it though..... Â Past brides (or presently more-planned brides than me): are the tables on the pool terrace round tables of 8 or 10?
  2. Â Wow, I didn't even have "surf & turf" as an option but it sounds delicious. My options for the "silver" menu kinda suck. Are you getting the "ultimate" wedding package? Â
  3. Oooh thanks Allyson! Shane will be happy that casino night is not our wedding night! Haha.
  4. Hey does anyone have a current theme nights list? I've asked Rebeca like three times and she keeps ignoring that one question. Grr. Â Oh and just to mention, I am renting the wine celler for a family dinner one night and it is now apparently $200US and you get 2 bottles of wine "plus more" but when I asked what the "plus more" meant I never got a response. I think another bride bought 2 bottles of wine and was able to use it. Apparenlty since it's popular it now costs more. F*ckers.
  5. Has anyone been able to switch things out of their package in exchange for something else? I don't want the make-up application but would love another centerpiece or something else like that.
  6. I'm still lurking! Currently re-reading this entire thread to pick up anything I might have missed before I ask any more dumb questions. Â I'm still stuck on the sound equipment. It's hard to bring myself to pay $300 just to have speakers & a mic set up. I kinda want to just buy a Bose outdoor stereo and hook up my ipod with some playlists for the dinner & reception. (We're having the mexican trio for the appy hour). Just not sure if we'd need a mic for everyone to hear our vows. There's only 35 guests and we're getting married at the gazebo so I'm wondering if everyone could get close enough to hear. Â I'm only on page 42/115 so I still might get to it!
  7. Ya I tried to persuade Rebeca into letting us do 4 adults in one room since we have one more guest but no rooms available - no go. She said it's for "security reasons".......... HUH?!?!?! Don't you mean money-grab reasons?!
  8. Grrr my Dollarama has no cute bags! I might need to start a spearate thread for "BC OOT bag info"!! Ontario seems to have so much more.
  9. It looks like something out of a magazine I saw for one of those home party things...... zadora or something like that.....? Can't think of the actual name.... I'll post again if it comes to mind.
  10. Random q: does Dreams have where if you have the balcony door open your a/c shuts off? If yes, has anyone tried the "magic magnet" trick?
  11. Thanks for sharing Angela, great planning thread. Do you still have the template for the packing list? It looks huge and is making me think I am missing stuff!
  12. chicago: That sucks!!! We've had a hard time getting our group booked as well because it is soooo busy in November. We're there the week before you and I think that if people haven't booked yet, they might be in for the same surprise. Craziness! I also can't believe you have 60 people booked!! That's awesome! gowiththeflow: from what I've heard, there is an "adults only" SECTION in the old tower, but not the whole thing. Good luck! On another note, is anyone paranoid that they're group is going to arrive there and the hotel won't have some people on the list We booked through a separate TA and I kinda want to email Rebeca to get her to check into all our reservations......
  13. Good luck Nessa! (And thanks for the tips FutureWagner) Damn cardio........
  14. All you US girls have no idea how lucky you are! It's ridiculous trying to find something with decent shipping to Canada!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Boo Yikes, eh? time just flies. I just started shopping for dresses with my bridesmaids and am kicking myself!! In US I found you guys have Nordstrom, and JCrew, Macy's etc. but for us there are allot less cute summer dresses and everything summer is on sale / clearence so its tough to find sizes. One of the girls looked great in one of the dresses (the three of them will have diff. dresses) but because its been out for months and is on clearence it looks like its been thru the ringer. Jeez stupid me for not shopping earlier sorry I was just so bumbed yesterday. Aw that kinda sucks, but don't worry , you'll find something! We're totally ripped off up here for cute dresses!!!! And then if you try to buy something online from the US it costs you an arm and a leg to ship it! Bulllllllshiiiiiiiit.
  16. My wedding is on a Tuesday. We went with that because we all arrive Saturday, then will have a couple days to get comfy, then we wanted the wedding to be over with so guests don't feel like they have to spend the entire week of their holiday with us. We wanted them to feel like they could have their own vacation as well as being there for our wedding. I do remember reading somewhere (here or Tripadvisor) that one bride could hear the music coming from the entertainment of the night from Las Palmas. It would kinda dampen your night I think, take away from your party.....
  17. I didn't even do invites. I sent out STDs in January and then sent out a group email in May telling people we were ready to book and asked who else might be interested in doing a group rate with us. We ended up getting 30 people booked and pretty much know what the other 30 are doing (some not coming, some booking later) so I figured what's the point!
  18. Welcome! Check out the Dreams PV thread, there's tons of info on it and everyone's really helpful with questions you might have.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by punkie569 We didn't want to deal with translating papers and the blood tests so we are doing the legal part here. In fact I just booked our marriage commissioner for exactly 1 week before our wedding date. We aren't telling anyone that we are doing this though cuz I know our families and I know they would see it as a waste of their money to come to Mexico if we are already married. But to us our real wedding is the wedding in Mexico. My bosses are a married couple and I'm close to them so they will be our witnesses since they know all the secrets about our wedding already and I know they won't tell Where abouts in BC are you punkie? I'm on vancouver island and have actually been wondering what we even have to do to have a legal marriage here. Do you just book a commissioner and that's it?
  20. We weren't going to but after hearing all you needed to do to make it legal in Mex we decided to do it here before we go and just not tell anyone. We'll probably just go with both sets of parents.
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