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Everything posted by CrystalM

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs. Martin Yeah, it's crazy expensive out here even during this economy. But, we still got the house for a steal though because it was previously sold in 2005 for $700K and we purchased it for $391K. So, it was a great price for what we got! Good luck with your house hunting! I know what you mean about the house prices, my fiance is from Sacramento. We were out there in March visiting family. We looked at houses and actually found a few in Granite Bay we could afford! He doesn't want to move back though - the politics. Thanks! We need it!
  2. can't handle when you're pregnant : strong smells
  3. Congrats and welcome! I'm also a 2010 St. Thomas bride!
  4. I've just been watching what I eat and trying to get more exercise. It's been hell lately though
  5. I'd go with the private school. My understanding is that a lot of private schools are year to year contracts and with the current budget cuts have messed with teachers...
  6. no one knows : 3rd gunman on the grassy knoll
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