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Everything posted by CrystalM

  1. I am in your shoes. If she is a close enough friend that you want her to be in your bridal party, you definitely should ask! Mine has committed to being there and is excited to be there. I'm not holding my breath about it, but if she can't come, then she can't come.
  2. Congrats! I'm getting married in St. Thomas 05/01/2010
  3. Welcome and Congrats!! I'm also getting married in St. Thomas
  4. CrystalM


    Welcome!! I'm also getting married in St. Thomas!
  5. I wouldn't even notice. I'm oblivious to my surroundings. If I did happen to notice, I wouldn't care. Is it really possible to upstage a bride? The big poofy dress, veil, flowers, hair, make-up. If someone goes through all that to go to a wedding that isn't their own, everyone else would think they lost their mind, and that is completely okay with me. Besides the white thing got started to show off how rich you were. Only the wealthy could afford to have such an impractical dress in the early 1800's
  6. I've never tipped the shampoo girl either. I tip about 10% since even at the crappiest salons they get 50% of the actual price.
  7. the notebook : nicholas Sparks
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by JOSIE [ Oh and he also hates folding laundry! He will do a whole load and leave it sitting in the basket for weeks......then its wrinkled and instead of ironing it, he re-washes it.....lol so annoying! Mine does this too! I gave up. I refuse to do his laundry now - if he runs out of clean clothes it's not my problem!
  9. I'm flying my photographer out with us, but he would have the role of Best Man if he wasn't the photographer. He's charging the flight and hotel for his fee. He's going to do engagement photos, TTD, Ceremony, and the AHR. I know that no matter how hard I tried, I'd never find anyone to do it that cheap. He is a hell of a photographer too.
  10. I had similar issues with DB. I was a BM for my best friend. I went in with her to pick out the BM dresses and the dress chosen fit me just fine. We got it in and I tried it on again and the top part was just a bit big (I lost maybe 5 lbs). The girl insisted on altering it, she took measurements and my friend said I should let her. I insisted that it wasn't a big deal that I could eat a whopper and milkshake and put the weight back on. For a 5 minute argument with the seamstress, they started saying that I signed a paper (??) saying they could alter it, but never showed it me and couldn't produce such a critter when I demanded to see it! They tried to tack $150 on it my bill for alterations that were never done (said they shortened it - i'm 5'8" - I never need crap shortened!)!! I threw a fit in the store, got the manager involved, they asked me to leave (same - never swore at anyone!), I refused to leave without the dress (they ran my credit card), they called the cops, and I filed a police report for theft in front of the manager. She removed the charges and threw the dress at me. So this was about 5 years ago. I didn't even consider buying my dress from them. I bought my dress from Jessica McClintock. Well I need a cheap TTD so I decided to pop in. The woman at the front desk was beyond obnoxious. I could spend an hour just gripping about her and the way she dealt with customers. It took her 25 minutes to find the dress on the computer for a bridesmaid - who had the style number and color on a piece of paper - and there wasn't an issue with the computer. The girl who helped me with the dresses was fabulous. I actually told her she needs to find a bridal boutique to work at instead of the "wal-mart" of bridal gowns. The manager stopped by when I was wearing the dress that I decided I liked and she was actually pushing the sample dress on it - it's lace and beaded - the beads are falling off as I'm wearing it, and part of the lace was torn under the arm. I asked how much, I can easily fix it on my own for a decent price. $49.99 off. I said no thanks, i'd rather pay $50 more and get a perfect one. Her response "Well, none of them come in perfect so you'd be better off with this one anyway" I used to work in retail - you never, ever, ever, EVER talk bad about your products!!! So, after that, I have the style number and everything so I'm going to try to find it online/used for less - I LOVE the dress otherwise I wouldn't bother with anything from them
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Saphris I think there will be about 15 people. I have just started looking into things and how much they cost...we don't even have a firm date yet. I do know that I want Greer Rivera to do the photography. We probably won't get a cake so I still need to find an officiant and flowers. What vendors have you found? I did email Island Bliss and found out it was $100 more for a wedding on St. John. I'm a St. T bride also using Janelle/Island Bliss and she's been fabulous so far. I'm using her al la carte, officiant and beach site fee only, I won't have her there the day of the wedding as an on site coordinator. I'm expecting about 25 people and I'm just going to manage everything myself. Island wedding service is a al la carte wedding coordinating site also, you might try them for vendors in the USVI - they have links to people they recommend.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by JOSIE OMG LOVE THIS THREAD!!!! Girls - FI and I always argue because i never pick what i want for dinner and I always make him decide!!! Anyway here are ours: My pet peeves 1. He can NEVER hang up his wet towels...instead he likes to throw them on the bed....the worst place they could ever go! 2. When he shaves he leaves little hairs all over the sink and it drives me insane! 3. He always forgets to tell me important things!! Like 2 weeks will go by and he'll be like "oh, did i mention i got a raise?" hahaha how can you forget to tell me that!? For Him 1. I always leave the cap off the toothpaste and it drives him nuts (we resolved this by buying the "pump" kind...hehe) 2. I steal things like tweezers or combs from our bathroom and put them in my purse and they arent around when he needs them 3. I can never remember where I put my keys...or when leaving a store it takes me 10 minutes to find my keys in my huge purse Oh my gosh! I do the same thing with my keys and tweezers!! I kind of resolved the key thing by adding a carabiner to the ring and I hook them to the strap. Now I just have to remember to hook it instead of dropping them in my purse
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by shan13 I saw this and it sucks cause eek in Vegas with their demy wedding date is after the offer...booo....but yeah for those who it will benefit... Funny thing...ever since we decided to get married in Vegas..I have been seeing all kinds of promos..lol! That is sooo how it goes! My one bridesmaid is working on getting everyone together and go in December at the end of the deal - it was $770 for the 4 of us with airfare, hotel, and a car for 3 nights!!
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