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Everything posted by sperger

  1. Congrats and welcome! Friends of ours honeymooned there and loved it!
  2. Congrats and welcome to the forum!
  3. Congrats and welcome! In the DR thread, a lot of us are having our weddings in Punta Cana, so many people have said the beaches are amazing.
  4. I love the beachy dres, and I think your plan is perfect. I've been unexpectedly surprised with good customer service about returns lately!
  5. Moe, did you get the bags at Amazing Savings?
  6. Are these still available? Can you send pics to sperger @ gmail . com ?
  7. I wish I was : in a different job
  8. Congrats!! Thanks for posting the review, and I've love to see photos!
  9. I think you'll find a lot of good info in the Vegas thread - and I do think a classy wedding can be done! Congrats and welcome!
  10. I used to check Perez Hilton regularly - this is my new addiction and I'm unfortunately swamped until Sept 15 until our big deadline is over - then I really pick up the BDW pace!
  11. Congrats and welcome!
  12. Congrats and welcome to the groom! I love that you are helping plan your wedding too, I wish my FI was as involved!
  13. sperger


    Congrats and welcome!
  14. Congrats and welcome! My friend was a Dreams tulum bride and had a great wedding there, excellent choice!
  15. sperger


    Congrats, welcome, and I must say your website is great! I love the blues you have on the STD, our colors are very similar.
  16. Congrats and welcome! I haven't wed there, but I was just in Aruba in December and loved it, great pick!
  17. I'm in the same boat! I sent out the STDs (finally!) and i'm starting to feel like a broken record. people asked me to send them the TA info, which was on the std. So far, we haven't really gotten much website traffic, I really hope it picks up. this is a great thread and if anyone has tips for getting more people to look at the site (and rsvp) that would be great!
  18. Good for you to file the complaint! I had a similar experience to many of the girls before and just left not feeling that we had any kind of service. It was a weekday, and it still felt like a zoo! I said a quick prayer for you that you 'll get the dress in time!
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