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Everything posted by JanJan84

  1. You have everything all set your whole entire set up is beautiful. I wish you guys the best and I can't wait to see more pics.
  2. Okay cool. I am doing the beach only because i've been to a few riu's and they all look the same so I kind of know what to expect. Cocktails sounds great.
  3. JanJan84


    Yes I do fine that august is just creeping up i'm so excited I just can't wait till its here
  4. JanJan84


    Congrats and welcome to the forum.
  5. JanJan84


    Thanks all. I already found out some very helpful information. I'm at the three month mark and I am extremely excited
  6. By the way my real name is Janice Bryce which will soon be Janice Kuylen.
  7. She told me she will be there when I get there but on my wedding day she won't be there so maybe she will be there for yours which is the day before mines. I am suppose to be getting a pay increase at my job I pray that falls through cause my FI was layed off from his major job and now he only works for Jet Blue airways part time so I was stressing about how we were going to pull of this wedding but God is good and things are coming into place so I am very happ and excited. I just can't wait to i'm on the plane on my way to Jamaica. Make sure you send your notirized copies of all the documents so you won't have no issue with your marriage license. How long are you staying in Jamaica. I will be there from the 12th to the 18th and then our honeymoon is in aruba from the 20th to the 24th. I am so happy I ran into you. Are you getting married on the beach or at the gazebo on land? I'm going to be standing by like one of the other people at the resort watching. I am counting down I'm so so so so excited.
  8. 1.) I am a Recruiting Assistant at an international law firm. My dream job would be to open up a dance school for young minorities because I love to dance and use to dance in a lot of competitions. 2.) My Favorite hobby is is dancing 3.) My Favorite holiday is Christmas because I have a beautiful four year old and I love the look on her face when the house is decorated and when she opens her gifts 4 .)My greatest achievement thus far is graduating with two degree's in 2007 5.)I am not a animal lover. I don't hate them I just wouldn't want an pets 6.)My dream trip would be to go to Hawaii for a month with all expenses paid for lol! 7.)My Favorite food is Oxtail (for those brides getting married in Jamaica be sure to try it) 8.)My mother has made the biggest impact in my life. May her soul RIP. If my mother was not the strong outgoing women she was I would not be the woman I am today therefore my mother def. made the strongest impact in my life. My question: What is your definition of true love?
  9. I'm getting married in three months August 15th and know one told me I had to bring anything thank God for you guys cause i would have went to Jamaica without these things. I'm going to email my wedding coordinator right now about this. Thank you guys.
  10. JanJan84


    Welcome. I'm also new but I love this forum I got some much needed answers and found a bride getting married the day before me in the same resort as me how ironic right. Anyway congrats and happy planning.
  11. My Fiance and I have a 4 year old daughter so she will be the flower girl. I already chose the dress but am waiting to buy it cause she is growing so much. But I agree with the others that a flower girl is truly up to you my wedding party totals 18 people and I have about 16 people as guest so you can do what ever you want it's your day
  12. Congrats i'm very happy to hear that the swine flu did not affect your beautiful wedding your non-pro pics looks great.
  13. Thanks Sloan I really appreciate your feed back all I need is memories you know so I will deal with what I can get cause I cannot afford to fly my own photographer down therfore I will deal with the ones in Jamaica.
  14. I agree we should meet up Inunez. I guess I probably did take your date sorry. I also am a fan of Riu's I've been to the one in Ocho Rios I wanted to have my wedding there but the date I wanted was already booked. I also went to the Riu palace in cancun mexico. So I new what I was getting myself into I just never been to the Riu in Negril. Dionne just informed me via email that she will be on vacation when I get to Jamaica I pray she will be there for your wedding I am truly not happy about this since i've been dealing with her for so long already. I also confirmed with her that the DJ will play whatever musice you give him and the bartenders will also be there included in the $150.00 we pay to rent the disco so thats exactly what i'm doing. We have three months to go are you excited?
  15. Ok thanks. I also have family in kingston so I can see if they could do that for me.
  16. I got it thanks to you guys i'm going to do lthe semi private dinner as I just email dionne and then do the two hours at the disco after the dinner. You guys are the best
  17. Dionne does take some time to get back to you but she is only one person taking care of all of us appearently that idea for the two hour reception and then the two hours at the disco for $150 and hour is absolutely great. Dionne did not tell me of this option I am going to call her right now and change my Private reception for 4 hours which cost $1000.00 to the way you said. I already have the steak house upstairs booked for 4 hrs I am going to change that. Are any of you going to do the buterflies release or the doves release?
  18. Inunez we will be at the resort at the same time I am getting married August 15,2009 the day after how cool is that. I also wanted to do the private reception and do all the things you said but after reading through a lot of people messages I am just going to do the semi private reception dinner and go to the lobby bar with guest and have fun until it is dinner time and then we will go to the disco. I chose the Caprice package for my wedding. I am getting the chairs covered which is $6 per chair. And I will have the Ipod playlist at the dinner. My biggest concern is how will my photos and video come out. We have to talk we are getting married at the same resort just one day apart. I never thought I would actually find someone on DW going to the same destination around the same time. What day are you arriving in Jamaica? I used Liberty Travel for my wedding and I had no problems but when your doing destination it's best to do a lot of things on your own. Thats how I feel anyway.
  19. JanJan84


    Thanks for the advice.
  20. Thanks for the Review almost all the Riu's look the same. I wish I lucked out and did the free wedding package there. In my Riu Negril they don't have the free wedding package so I have to pay for it. The photography was my main concern but your pics don't look bad. And my moto is as long as you have something to remember your special day by is all that matters. Now please go look at the dvd and tell me how it came out cause I am also doing the photos with the dvd. Thanks and Congrats to becoming a mrs.
  21. I'm sorry to hear about what happen to you but you are very strong because you are staying positive. And I know your wedding will come out wonderful. Keep your head up.
  22. Welcome to the forum. I'm new to and I am enjoying every minute of being apart of this forum. Congrats. and Happy planning
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