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Everything posted by kari

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by m_willis22 @kari- for the poolside reception we did have to pay for the bartenders. i do not know the exact price b/c it was included in the price we had to have the bartender for the cocktail hour. i think it is like $10 p/p. Thanks so much for the info!!! Congrats again on your marriage!!!
  2. Thanks for your review and CONGRATS!! A question for you, we are leaving on Friday for the ROR and gettting married, just wanting to know when you had your poolside reception did you have to pay for a bartender and drinks? THanks
  3. YEs, i totally agree. i keep looking for ROR reviews as well. Well soon i will be posting our review, we leave next week!!
  4. Thanks Ladies!!! You are all so right and i do know that it will all turn out fine and i know that the brides who have already been to this resort and others would not lead the rest of us astray :-) Thanks for letting me "vent", i guess these are my pre-wedding jitters... LOL Thanks for the advice.
  5. Just wondering if any one else uses the trip advisor website and what your thoughts are. Obviously everyone has differnt standards and expectations and I know that you have to take everyones feedback with a grain of salt and normally I do that and everything is fine and we have been happy with resorts that we have stayed at in the past despite ppl having negative reviews. But im a month away from the wedding at the ROR and i was on trip advisor today and 90 percent of the reviews were great and the other 10 percent not so much..... Im feeling a bit stressed b/c of family and friends who have spent xxxx amount of money on this trip and im worried its not going to live up to my/their expections.......and i will feel horrible if its not a good experience for everyone.....
  6. Im a pre-school teacher.... 3 & 4 year olds. They are lots of fun
  7. Thanks for the advice ladies. Ive been struggling with this as well!! I didnt want to wear my dress b/c its going to be a very casual AHR and i felt like i would be too "dressed up" but my mom really wants me to wear it. so after reading everyones advice i think i will wear it at the AHR!! thanks!!
  8. I know its hard when you really want certain ppl to be at your wedding and they say they will and then they back out....its sooooo FRUSTRATING!! I know b/c its happend to me. The way im looking at it now is that the ppl who wont be there will be missing out on such a special day and they are the ones that will have regrets, not you. ENJOY your special day with the friends and family that are making the effort to be there with you!
  9. I LOVE my havaniias... they are awsome. Super comfortable. Ive never tried the old navy one myself, but i think if you really want ppl to wear them after then I would spend the money.
  10. Welcome and congrats!! you will LOVE this site!!
  11. Just wondering if anyone elses Fiance is wearing a Kilt on their wedding day? My FI is wearing his kilt (much to my disliking). I know its important to him, its just not how I pictured my wedding day. It also puts a cramp in chosing colors as i have to make sure it goes with his kilt.... grrrrr. thanks for letting me vent and i would love to hear if anyone else FI is wearing a kilt.
  12. What I have decided to do is make "luggage tags" with everyones name on one side and underneath the name i put maid of honor, best man, brides cousin etc so ppl will have an easier time rembereing who is who without always asking. and on the other side im putting "here for the wedding of . ___ and the date. then laminating them and attatching them with carabiners (the metal thingys...sorry not a very good description). once i finish them i will upload pics.
  13. CONGRATS. your wedding looked beautiful! I cant wait to hear your review!! My wedding dress if very similar to yours :-) you looked great. Could you pls tell me what frame you used for your sand ceremony? I really like it!!
  14. Im trying to figure out what "JOBS" you have given your mother and MOH? i know with a traditional wedding there are many jobs that you need help with but with a DW......i just dont know. Too me it doesnt seem like many. Im asking b/c my mom and MOH want to be involved in the wedding and help out but we live 12hours apart so it makes it hard. Ive done all the wedding STD, invites for the AHR, the OOT bags b/c I want them to be a surprise and they keep asking what they can do..... HELP, i dont know what to tell them :-) THanks fellow brides!!
  15. I know it totally sucks when ppl commit and say they are coming and dont follow thru. Keep in mind that they may be last minute bookers in hopes that prices will go down. I know this is the reason some of our guests waited till the last minue and it drove me CRAZY, espciall b/c one of the ppl is my MOH. Good luck with everythign
  16. Congrats on being "a happy bride" and doing things your way. After all it is your day and not his families day. ENJOY planning your DW...... it will be amazing
  17. You definilty have enough time to book and get everyone on board and booked with you. Im sure it will all go verysmoothly :-) good luck with everything. Have you picked a resort in Jamacia? is that where you have still decided?
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