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Everything posted by Un-Bride

  1. coporrone - thanks for the review! I can't wait to see photos.
  2. scottwashington - Stacey Clarke and Misha Earle both seem to be highly reccommended photographers. I am using Stacey. If you think you really might end up wanting Sun Gold, I would check your date with them now. I checked with them 10 months before our date and they were already booked. Only 7 days left until we leave! 10 days until wedding day!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by july2010 Does anyone know what time for the ceremony is best if I want pictures after the ceremony to be right before and during sunset (in July)? The ceremony was originally for 5:30, but I thought that was too late because sunset is around 6:30 in July, so I had the time changed to 5, but now I don't know if 5:30 is better. What is everyone doing? So confused... I was worried/confused about the same thing. I just checked with our photographer on what would be best. We were told sunset would be around 6:20 or so and our photographer thought 5 pm would be best for the wedding. She said the sun would be at a good angle for ceremoney shots and we would have plenty of time to get other shots in before sunset, and of course beautiful sunset shots. Hope this helps!
  4. Hi Ladies, I started packing tonight! We leave in 12 days. I think all we are going to carry on is our wedding clothes, rings, camera, and netbook. We have been planning this wedding for a year, I can't believe we are 12 days away!! I ordered my boudoir photo book last night from blurb.com. It arrives in 1 week. I hope I can intercept it before FH sees it. Hope all your last minute details are coming together!
  5. Hi Ladies, I started packing tonight! We leave in 12 days. I think all we are going to carry on is our wedding clothes, rings, camera, and netbook. We have been planning this wedding for a year, I can't believe we are 12 days away!! I ordered my boudoir photo book last night from blurb.com. It arrives in 1 week. I hope I can intercept it before FH sees it. Hope all your last minute details are coming together!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Mastistyle Hi ladies-sorry I haven't been on here much. We leave next week for our wedding-and I can't wait. Of course I have a ton of things to do before we leave, but I am at the point if it doesn't get done-oh well! But I will be sure to come back with full reviews of all the vendors I am using. Have a great weekend! Quote: Originally Posted by rydm Mastistyle & Un-bride, have a wonderful wedding!!! I'm sure it will be beautiful!!! Mastistyle - I know you are so excited!! Can't wait to hear all about it and to see pics when you return. Rydm - Thank you so much! I am busting at the seams with excitement. I have posted our announcement on our blog and a few of my DIY details (ok, I only have 2!) .... oh yeah, and a few of my boudoir pics. Check it out and let me know what you think!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Mastistyle Hi ladies-sorry I haven't been on here much. We leave next week for our wedding-and I can't wait. Of course I have a ton of things to do before we leave, but I am at the point if it doesn't get done-oh well! But I will be sure to come back with full reviews of all the vendors I am using. Have a great weekend! Quote: Originally Posted by rydm Mastistyle & Un-bride, have a wonderful wedding!!! I'm sure it will be beautiful!!! Mastistyle - I know you are so excited!! Can't wait to hear all about it and to see pics when you return. Rydm - Thank you so much! I am busting at the seams with excitement. I have posted our announcement on our blog and a few of my DIY details (ok, I only have 2!) .... oh yeah, and a few of my boudoir pics. Check it out and let me know what you think!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Mastistyle Hi ladies-sorry I haven't been on here much. We leave next week for our wedding-and I can't wait. Of course I have a ton of things to do before we leave, but I am at the point if it doesn't get done-oh well! But I will be sure to come back with full reviews of all the vendors I am using. Have a great weekend! Quote: Originally Posted by rydm Mastistyle & Un-bride, have a wonderful wedding!!! I'm sure it will be beautiful!!! Mastistyle - I know you are so excited!! Can't wait to hear all about it and to see pics when you return. Rydm - Thank you so much! I am busting at the seams with excitement. I have posted our announcement on our blog and a few of my DIY details (ok, I only have 2!) .... oh yeah, and a few of my boudoir pics. Check it out and let me know what you think!!
  9. autjo- haha! I literally did wake up at 3 am and panic!! For the three weeks prior I was all about working out and eating lite, doing the whole high protein thing. Then my stress response was just to eat cake. It's so funny that you said you cried while watching Say Yes to the Dress - I did that just this afternoon!! I was like "WTF is wrong with me?" I guess its just a combination of stress, nerves, and excitement.
  10. OMG, I leave for Jamaica in less than 3 weeks! In 21 days I will be married! It is approaching so fast. Here are a few reviews ... HairComesthebride.com - haha, I laugh everytime I type that! I ordered a flower hair pin on a Wednesday and it arrived on Friday - that's paying for standard shipping. I chose the gardenia and it is exactly as it appears online. I have no complaints, plus the FH loved it. They have lots of other hair pieces - tiaras, veils, headbands, combs, etc. Weddingfactorydirect.com - I ordered some "bling" for my bouquet here. I had been endlessly searching for a letter 'B' rhinestone brooch for my bouquet stem and found a good option here. The upside is that the letter is on a pick so it can be used on the stem or mixed in with the flowers. The price couldn't be beat - $12.50 - it looks expensive, not cheap and fake! My one complaint - standard shipping was as much as the item itself. It weighs nothing, I can't figure out why shipping cost so much. But again, I ordered it on a Wednesday and it arrived that Saturday. Ashley Brooke Designs - she designs custom stationary and whether you need thank you cards or invitations I would highly reccommend her! She designed an announcement for us complete with a drawing of me and my honeybear in front of the gazebo. She was a delight to work with, and she was very prompt in responding to emails. Overall, the entire process from start to finish was about 2 months, it could have been much faster but I was usually the delay in responding. Her price for custom work was VERY reasonable. Our announcements arrived yesterday with an 8x10 keepsake to be framed. I will post a copy after we return. Also, I did my boudoir photos this past Sunday. I got a teaser pic from my photographer. It's on my blog, check it out and let me know what you think! I am starting to get nervous plus I am just so excited at the same time! I am not a super emotional person normally, but lately I find that when I think about our day I get all kinds of emotional. Today I was thinking about what I was going to write to my honey in his card and I started crying! (note: I am not a crier at all!) Anyone else experiencing this?
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by big3n09 Neha & UN-Bride your weddings are a month away OMG time flies! Is everything straight with MDC are you guys excited? I'm excited for you!!! Mastistyle - What's your date? How's planning coming? BTW I'm the worst, I bought a dress and don't want it and I'm reluctant to go find another one. I keep telling Kerry I am going to make my selections and have failed to do so. I want to pick my dress before choosing my bouquet and I'm still in the air about using the band or a DJ. Maybe after I hear you guys reviews I will get motivated and back on the ball. Please don't leave us hanging, when you get a chance fill us in wth all the lovely details. Best whishes to both of you and happy planning to everyone else! We are leaving in less than a month! WOO HOO. I can't wait. I think right now I am more excited about just having a relaxing vacation than getting married. We have both been super busy the last two months, we need a break. I think we have everything together. Just need to pack and pay the photography balance. This weekend, I am doing b-pics for FH wedding gift. I hope they turn out well! A few vendor reviews for all you gals still planning: HairComesthebride.com - haha, I laugh everytime I type that! I ordered a flower hair pin on a Wednesday and it arrived on Friday - that's paying for standard shipping. I chose the gardenia and it is exactly as it appears online. I have no complaints, plus the FH loved it. They have lots of other hair pieces - tiaras, veils, headbands, combs, etc. Weddingfactorydirect.com - I ordered some "bling" for my bouquet here. I had been endlessly searching for a letter 'B' rhinestone brooch for my bouquet stem and found a good option here. The upside is that the letter is on a pick so it can be used on the stem or mixed in with the flowers. The price couldn't be beat - $12.50 - it looks expensive, not cheap and fake! My one complaint - standard shipping was as much as the item itself. It weighs nothing, I can't figure out why shipping cost so much. But again, I ordered it on a Wednesday and it arrived that Saturday. Ashley Brooke Designs - she designs custom stationary and whether you need thank you cards or invitations I would highly reccommend her! She designed an announcement for us complete with a drawing of me and my honeybear in front of the gazebo. She was a delight to work with, and she was very prompt in responding to emails. Overall, the entire process from start to finish was about 2 months, it could have been much faster but I was usually the delay in responding. Her price for custom work was VERY reasonable. Our announcements arrived yesterday with an 8x10 keepsake to be framed. I will post a copy after we return. Hope everyone else's planning is going well!
  12. I am just wondering ... how much are you paying for airport transfer to the resort?
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by autjo I have some cheap coordinating frames that I am going to use. I think I am going to the use docs attached, but I am not "in love" with them. Let me know if anyone has any suggestions. (the guest book is a coffe table book of pics of Paris) The fortune bouquet is something I found on Martha Stewart. It is a bouquet made of several different mini bouquets tied together with 1 ribbon. Each mini bouquet has a fortune tied to it. When you toss the bouquet, untie the ribbon and all of the mini bouquets spread out and several people get a piece of the bouquet. I am going to ask all of the ladies to come out for the toss and have someone tell the legend of the bouquet toss. I printed the fortunes on left over vellum from my invites and bought flowers from the dollar tree. The fortunes I used are also attached. Fortune Bouquets Bouquet Toss In ancient times, it was believed that a Bride was especially lucky on her wedding day. Guests would sometimes tear at her dress for a souvenir piece of good luck to take home. The Bride's tossing of her bouquet grew from her desire to offer a good luck souvenir, and prevent guests from bothering her (and her dress!) during her reception. I downloaded a reciept template. I will fill one out per bag and make up amounts so that FI has $300 worth of stuff and I have $300 worth of stuff. I am also putting a note explaining the contents with each receipt. Both are attached. Hmmm... I haven't even begun to tackle this! I am thinking that I will send in the songs, but also have them on an ipod as a back up. I was thinking an hour of dinner music (slower love song feel) and then 3 hours sounds good for the dancing music. I figure the DJ can mix in a couple of his own songs if needed. This may be a silly question ... but, what is the letter to customs and receipt all about? Is this something I should be doing too? Thanks!!
  14. 59 days until we leave and 61 days until we are married - can I get a WOOT WOOT? Today we are ring shopping for FI and we HAVE to find his shoes and belt. Also on our MUST DO TODAY list is apply for passports (I know, we are way late in doing this!), fax our birth certificates and DL to the resort so they can get our marriage liscense paperwork started, and fax our photographer contract. The only other item on our to do lists are get my dress hemmed and FI suit jacket altered. Whew ... I think that is it. Oh yeah, and we got our final proof for our announcement this week and it is so cute. Ashley Brooke Daniel of Ashley Brooke Designs did a custom announcement for us. Check her out! Her stationary is so cute.
  15. Hi Everyone! 59 days and counting ... umm, wow. Thanks for all the supportive comments on my previous post. Just to update, everything has been worked out - THANK GOODNESS!
  16. Has anyone used Stacey Clarke for there wedding? Would you mind sharing pics? Thanks!
  17. 81 days until we leave and 83 days until we are married ... wow I hit a huge wall yesterday. It was awful. Here is the link to my post on the MDC thread about what happened. Word of advice - STAY ON TOP OF THE WC AT YOUR RESORT! He/She should be in touch with you atleast bi-weekly at this point if not weekly. It has been an awful 48 hours. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...-38#post974761
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Sparkles8300 I am having a very hard time deciding on what time to hold my ceremony. The resort is in Jamaica and it is during the first week. My WC is Spanish and honeslty has never been in Jamaica during this season before. Do any of you Jamaica brides know what time you are going to hold your ceremony? She suggested 5PM but I am nervous that the sun sets early in DEC and we may not get many pics in the daylight. On the flipside the pool activities are still going on until 5PM so if we do it eariler there will be lots of people at the pool (right in front of where we are getting married). What do you girls think? Hi Sparkles ... I was told by the resort WC that sunset in Jamaica is around 5:30 in December.
  19. Hello Ladies, I attempted to post last night, but I was too upset. After several attempts to reach Kerry, she finally contacted me. SHE LOST EVERYTHING FOR MY WEDDING. She didn't even have our date confirmed and wasn't sure if it was still available. All the wedding details were completed by March and all the paperwork she requested was completed and sent to her. I realise that my wedding is not going to be a huge moneymaker for MDC but I fully expect to be treated like any other bride who rents out the entire resort. This is the only wedding day I am ever going to have! I am so upset! I don't know where to begin. My fiance is pissed and wants to try to find a completely new resort, but at this late of a date, I am not sure we will have any luck. I sent a very nasty email back to her (I am a bit ashamed of this, I could have been more polite) and requested that she call me ASAP to clear this up. I told myself I would give her until 2pm before I called them. She called at 2:02. Did she even apologise? NO. She acted put out that she had to phone me and repeatedly stated that the policy is that all correspondence is done throught email. Well, since we had to start back over at the beginning, I told her I thought that a phone call was very much in order. And, the main thing she wanted to focus on was "color scheme". I really didn't even have one! I still don't know if our date is still available, but atleast some of the details are back in place. I am still upset! Our date better be available....we have already ordered various items with 12.03.09 on them. She is supposed to email me back within the next 24 hours about the date. Fiance is still steaming mad (mostly b/c I was/am so upset) and still wants to look at Rock House or Ten Sing Pen or anywhere else. If you haven't heard from her in a while, stay on top of it. I wouldn't want anyone else to go through what I have been through in the last 48 hours! Thanks for letting me vent!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by autjo OMG! I just read your blog and he actually proposed?!?! Yippee! Questions... Does your family/friends know you guys are getting married? Or are you keeping it totally secret? Did you get an engagement ring and can you wear it? Or did you guys just get wedding bands? We have been planning on eloping for a while now and have almost all the planning complete. Purchasing rings was one of the last items to take care of and we had planned on looking at rings sometime next month. I had only wanted an eternity band. My thoughts were, we are not getting engaged, and the band is what you say your vows to and is so much more important to me. But, he totally surprised me with an actual proposal! And the four rings he had picked out were engagement rings with wedding bands. No one has any idea that we are getting married! Everyone just thinks we are going to Jamaica for a long overdue vacation (because I have been in school for the last 1 1/2 yrs). So, I can't wear the ring yet! We are just going to leave it in the safe at the jewelry store until right before we leave. I have to go back in 2 weeks to make sure that it fits and that the setting is what we want, but then back to the safe!
  21. all the pics are missing! hate that i missed seeing them but from all the comments, it sounds like they were super hot! i bet your fiance will drool all over them
  22. Hi ladies! I just had the best weekend ever! We bought our rings this weekend. Check out my blog to read all about it. One more huge check mark on our to do list, yah!
  23. Have any of you heard back from Misha? I've been keeping my fingers crossed for all you guys that have booked her! Update: purchased our wedding rings this weekend! It was actually a big surprise, check out my blog to read all about it!
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