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Negril Bride2Be

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Everything posted by Negril Bride2Be

  1. Thanks so much for the response. I contactes my wedding planner and everything is fine.
  2. I am getting married June 11th. I am not sending my documents to Jamaica since I am not getting married at a resort. The resorts states documents need to be there 30 days before your wedding date but the Ministry states everything can be done upon arrival as long as you wait the 24hour waiting period before the wedding. It states that the birth certified needs to include the father's name. Mines does not have my father's name listed but FI does. What do I need to do? Will this be a problem? I call the Ministry and did not receive a clear answer. Please Help? Everything is ready and in place. I also am bringing the originals of all documents as well as notarized copies. I just want assurance. I am so excited and it seems too good to be true to be getting married in Jamaica in least than one month. I sittind around thinking whats the worse can happen. I guess I should just stop with the negativity.
  3. divadivine25 Your decorations are beautiful. Very creative. You go girl! Maybe I need to go to Dollar Tree. LOL Congradulations!
  4. Thanks to Everyone! Forum has been helpful so far
  5. I can really relate to you. The whole process has been a emotional and financial struggle. Where do I begin? I am 25 years old and just recently ended a 15 year friendship with my best friend due to negativity. We went through everything together womenhood, elem, middle, and high school. I live in Houston and lost my job due to Hurricane IKE and couldnt get another one being pregnant with my now 4month old daughter(1st child). FI is providing the only income which is why we chose a DW since it would be cheaper. We paid for our trip (air&hotel) through a well known travel company here only to find out that particular TA was a scam artist that used the company's logo to gain customers for his personal gain and now we are working with the local police agency to catch him (fake name) and hopefully get our money back. After this we decided that we should cancel the wedding and I became deeply depressed almost to the point of no return. FI has decided the show must go on and that we weren't going to neglect ourselves for other people's wrongdoings and bills. I have always wanted a friendship circle like Sex in the City and Girlfriends but hey we can't always have it our way. No one else is coming due to their own problems and finances and I am even giving my own bridal shower. But I prayed for strenght and for God to show the way!. I am going to make the best of my wedding no matter what shortcomings we may have. I want, deserve and need this wedding/vacation and nothing is going to steal my joy. Keep your head up and enjoy your wedding even if it's only the two of you. If you have to scream, cry, beg, pray it's okay: it's your wedding day. Stay strong Comgradulations! Best Wishes!
  6. Hi I am new to the forum and wanted to introdue myself. I am getting married June 11th on our four year anniversary in Negril (on the beach).Congradulations to all the brides to be!
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