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Everything posted by agirolamo

  1. Hi gujarwala, You have saved me so much stress in worrying about what is going to take place while in Mexico.. Thanks so much for all your help, support, and comments in your posts. I think Im sonna stick with the Mamma Mia restaurant for the reception as it seems to be the most 'private and intimate'.. and actually cop your style in having a 'welcome dinner' at the Japanese restaurant! What a great idea.. break the ice with all your guests. Good idea. I will be sure (from your experience) to sit down with the WC and fully go through everything before hand. Make sure there is a rehersal the day before the actual wedding... So I think everything is set for me, ceremony is at 3pm, I'll bring an ipod (and doc?) for the first dance (hopefully on the beach) and maybe a bridal party dance, mix n mingle with the guests, then head out for photographs.... come back for a 6pm dinner for the reception, then head off to the disco to get the party started.... what are your thoughts on this plan? do-able? I have 20 more sleeps until Im there... cant wait. I'll be sure to post pics of mine also for future brides.. Agirolamo
  2. Hi Misshh, Thanks for the posting.. Man, I love this site! I would love to see pics.. here is my email ([email protected]) It would be nice to see the Mamma Mia restuarant and see how they set it up. Also is you have pics of the first dance, sounds awesome to have someone sing your first dance song. Now that is special. I think Im gonna stick with the Mamma Mia restaurant for our reception... I am of Italian background, so it works! I was considering the Mexican restaurant too, but not sure if everyone will enjoy that one. I heard the Japanese one is awesome too, but again, not sure if its intimate and personal as the others... Oh perfect, Im so glad to hear that you can bring an ipod (do you need an ipod doc for sound?) with you in order to get your 'first dance'... and perhaps a bridal party dance too! Im guessing that will be done after the ceremony (which is at 3pm) on the beach... then take pics, mingle with guests... then head off to take photographs... then head to the reception for dinner (at 6pm). Once that is complete, head off to the disco and get the party started!! What is your take on that plan? do-able? Thanks again for sharing your wedding pics... Im eager to see them Agirolamo
  3. Hey Misshh, Thanks for this awesome post. It helped me emmensly. Im glad that you enjoyed your wedding, and it sounded like your guests had an awesome time as well. I am getting married in Feb, so just around the corner in order to make final decsions... one being the a la arte restaurant. We were thinking of the Mamma Mia one too, and from the sounds of it, you enjoyed that one very much. Would you reccommend that one, or another one? I like how they gave you a head table.. I was wondering that myself. We have 40 ppl with us... you think they'll charge me extra (cause it states room for 20ppl) Where did you get married? was it in the gazebo? or the Yuppa (as they call it)? Then did you have to ask for a first dance after the ceremony, or was that just provided? Did you have a song that you wanted them to play? That was another worry of mine... that there wasnt going to be a 'first dance' unless you got a private reception or something. We are staying in the platinum suite also, glad that it wasnt affected by the explotion, and that it didnt affect your time at the resort. As for the WC... I have Mara also.. I will be sure to go much further in detail about the rooms, and spa arrangements... thanks for the heads up. If there is anything else that you would like to mention, I am all ears! Congrats on your wedding... Agirolamo
  4. Gujarwala - Im so pleased to hear all your comments about the resort and your awesome looking wedding! Thanks for posting all your thoughts about it.. as well as the pics The WC has informed me about the Gazebo, and that it may not be up and running by the time we get married in Feb... and provided pictures of the alternative location (the yuppa) which is where they situated your ceremony. It looked beautiful. We have 3 bridesmaids and groomsmen on each side, which should give us enough space if need be, but I like your idea of having them stand outide the 'box' lol. As for the 'rehearsal'... did they not provide you with one? Or did you not ask? My Mother-in-Law has been wondering that and I have no answers for her. How long was the ceremony anyways? Our time slot for the wedding is 3pm Ceremony, and 6pm dinner. We opted out for the private reception as it was too much money for us, so we are having a dinner at the a'la carte resturant instead. Which I would like to ask...... did you eat at any one of them? and if so, can you reccommend one that is 'reception-quality'?? I was thinking the Momma Mia one (or something?) What do you think?? Must tell your bride that she looked incredible and chose beautiful bridesmaid dresses..! Yellow was my second pick. I went with orange instead. Nice contrast against the ocean and sand. thanks again for posting pics, and comments. Im glad that you had a wonderful time, may this be the beginning of a wonderful life for you and your wife! Cheers, Agirolamo
  5. Hey AlbertaCarrie, Indeed we should! Feel free to join the party... the more the merrier! We'll be there sharing the week with you and your husband; since you'd already be married by then! I should meet up with you before hand so you can give me some tips for my day..... lol Wow, and here I thought I was the only picky person when it comes to pictures! haha, we have something in common. It must be worse for you since your a photographer! I love pics so much that I do it as a hobbie myself..... help out with a friend of mine with his business. Fun stuff! ChristaMichelle - I agree with AlbertaCarrie... mark it URGENT and things should happen for ya! Good luck.
  6. Hey ChristaMichelle, If you have an email address, I can send you all the info Mara sent me in regards to the Gala Recepetions, and choices of food... and even the Thai Beach Reception, or Private Beach Reception.... I can just forward you the email... let me know. The RSVP's were a big deal only because if your travelling with the group, the travel agent needs to know how many ppl they're booking (deals and such) I sent mine out a whole year in advance only because I wanted to give ppl enough time to save; and try and make it. I sent out invites on Valentines Day (since that is when we're getting married) and asked for them back by April/May.. gave lots of time. The deposits for the trip were due end of May in order to get the awesome deal we did... honestly, it depends on when your wanting to book the trip (to get the best rate) and figuring enough time to get responses, and desposits! That is the key... You'll find that is the most difficult thing to do, ppl committing and booking a trip for 30+ ppl! (or however many ppl you invited) The Beach Reception is the only one that get a dance floor; or so Ive heard. But like you said, you can just make room !! ps. Be very persistant with the WC... they prolly have lots to deal with, but the more you write them, the quicker they are at getting back to you. If you have anymore questions, dont hesitate. Send me your email so I can give you the documents on everything you need to know... just in case, mine is [email protected]
  7. Hi AlbertaCarrie, Thats awesome. We'll be at the GSP during the same time as you! Our wedding in on the 14th of Feb, but we're there from the 10-17!! We have about 36 ppl with us. Im guessing that we'll end up doing an a la carte restaurant also... then partying it up at the disco or something. The only thing is my fiance and I wanted to do first dance, and speeches, and stuff... but I guess we'll just improve it during dinner. As for Photographer... we're actually bring one with us from Toronto. She specializes in destination weddings where she'll travel with you and take pics throughout the week! Its expensive, but that was my wedding present. Im obsessed with pictures.. lol The only reason I didnt want to use a photographer there is because you pay roughly the same amount and only get them for an hour... and then pay extra for pics. A girlfriend of mine did that at Los Cabos... GREAT pics, but expensive for an hour..... Good luck. PS. If your not doing anything on the 14th... haha,... you can party with us for our wedding!!! Ciao for now
  8. Gujarwala, enjoy your wedding. You must be thrilled to be leaving shortly. Cant not wait to hear all about it when you return home. AlbertaCarrie - Im going to GSP in February too... when are you going to be there? When is the wedding date? I'll be there from the 10th - 17th and the wedding is on Monday. Maybe we can join forces and take over the resort.. lol Where is everyone getting hitched? Did you chose the beach cermony? or the gazebo? I think we're doing the gazebo.... Also, my fiance and I are debating where to have our reception.... we have 40ppl coming and not wanting to spend the extra for a beach reception; however I would LOVE TOO! But going to an all-inclusive, its kinda of silly to pay 'extra'... mine as well get married here in town. any suggestions??
  9. Thanks for the update. Im glad to hear the GSP is up n running and service was great. I gaurantee with the media, that hotel has to be on its best behaviour.. lol. My guests have come to realize that there are travelling away from SNOW, so dont matter to them anymore on the 'drama' of the hotel... they're just happy to be travelling with the entire family. Gujarwala - If you do hear anything from that travel agent in vancouver, please post. Id be happy to hear any good news about the GSP resort. I wonder if GRP (sister hotel) is closed still?? That is where the father of the groom booked with his wife. To any of those who have went there in the past week or so, and have pics to share of the resort.. please post. Thanks in advance...
  10. Trinamh, that is great that you were able to switch over. .... Glad that your guests are relieved also. Our Wedding is at the GSP in Feb 2011, and Im hoping that everything will be A OK by then. All final payments towards the trip were paid by Dec. 1st, and we ranked in 36 guests out of 46, so 10 dropouts werent so bad. I wonder what the status is on that resort right now? Open? Closed? I am not worried in the least, if they need to re-locate us, then so be it... Im just happy to get married in the hot sun, and leave Canada's snow for a week! lol... Whatever happens happens, as long as my Fiance and I are together, we can take over an obstacles... To all those getting married... CONGRATULATIONS!
  11. It would definitely be a shame, however, IM STILL GOING!!!! Its not so much on the 'violence' but more so on the recent explotion to the resort we're staying at.... Any news on that, or when it will be back up and running.... Today is the final day for payments... we were at 46 ppl, and now down to 26!!! Huge bailout. Whoever does not make it.... its all on them! I know I will be swimming in ocean waters, sipping tequilla, and partying all night long! Thanks for the heads up though.. its nice to hear that its 'normal' down south!
  12. I am currently in your situation regarding wedding guests cancelling due to this circumstance. In all fairness, I can see them being scared to travel, as I am.... but to cause stress amoungst the bride n groom; who should be getting nothing but excitement from their guests on all travelling to a destination to share this intimate ceremony... thats just not right. My mother in law mentioned to us that we should re-schedule our wedding as well. We have been engaged for 2.5 years, and we have gone through thick n thin to plan a trip for over 40ppl.... there is NO WAY Im backing out now. I have spent alot of time arranging this destination wedding, not to start from scratch. I live in Toronto Canada.... you dont think there is crime, drugs, or mobs here... ??? Then you aint living in the real world. Things are going to happen here, in the States, in Mexico, in Cuba, in Jamacia or the DR..... things happen, and the media blows everything out of the water....... Like my Fiance said 'think of it as lightening, it will only hit there once! Now its free'sailing.....' haha, I try to think that way. We have 73 days until our wedding in Feb/2011... Im just hoping that it will be up and running before then. The funny part is; my entire guest list booked on the Sunset side... the only person really screwed is my Father in Law because his 'current' wife didnt want to be with the Mother's family....... so they booked on the Rieveria side... LOL... sucks to be them! Lighten up... its your wedding. As long as your groom is by your side, thats all you should care about. He IS your family now..... the only people who will fee regret if your family who chose not to stand with you during your wedding day! Hope this helps. Adriana
  13. Has anyone booked this hotel for their wedding during Valentines Week? How expensive is it?? I love the hotel/resort.. but nervous about having guests pay over $1600... any requests?
  14. Hey 2011 brides... you think there is plenty of time.. but things move SUPER fast! I got engaged in 2008, and our wedding is taking place in Febraury 2011... its good to take it easy, but it will soon be time to make all those decisions... We started looking at locations and resorts first... recently got all the invites out (wanted to give guests a year to prep) with all the information. THEN when it came down to pricing for the guests.. we found out the the hotel we chose was riddiculously expensive!! Too much money to travel during Valentines week in February! Thank goodness we still have time to 'change out resort'.... basically, there is no such thing at 'too soon' to start planning... in cases like this!! Happy Planning.... its fun if you let it be... but it car get pretty stressful if you let it also! CHEERS!!!! ~Valentines Day Bride!
  15. Hi Everyone, Just sending out a post to all who have travelled (or is travelling) during Valentines Day week/Reading Week in February. Our wedding is Feb. 24th/2011 (our travel dates are feb 12th - 19th) and my budget for guests to travel is $1,500-$1,600/person. If anyone has travelled to Mayan Riveria (which is where my fiance and I want to go!) and had their guests pay between that amount, and have GREAT hotels to reccommend... it would be GREATLY appreciated to hear all input. We are wanting no less than a 4 star (if that can even happen) Our original destination was Moon Palace G&S Resort in the Mayan, but when it came down to start planning travel.. Travel Agents were mentioning that it was $2,200/person. There is absolutley no way I can have guests pay that amount... ~A Valentines Bride in need of help!!
  16. HI.. definitely think of Price first... and prices for guests.. That was a HUGE thing for me... especially knowing that the time of our wedding would be during Valentines and Reading week for students.. price would be at a HIGH! It came down to basing my decision on that. I want nothing more than to have alot of ppl coming.. and so knowing that I would choose a 4-5 star resort for under $1500 would be ideal. Then choosing 3-5 hotels off that judgement. I started singling out hotels with that didnt offer 'free wedding packages' (anything to save money!) Then from there I was down to 3..... Then my next search from those 3 hotels left where deciding on beaches... food.... and extra curricular activites. You will never REALLY know how a resort will be for your wedding until your there... just think.. to get married to the man (or women) of your dreams in Mexico alone is something special.... no matter where in Mexico you are... you and your guests will have a blast altogether! Happy hunting!!!
  17. Hi... just popped in real quick because we may have to switch resorts for my upcoming wedding (Feb 2011) We orginally booked the Mon Palace, but we have been having complications regarding this hotel. First the price (2200/person during that time) and the confusion of dates and times within that hotel. Seems sketchy already.. and expensive. Acouple questions... 1) how expensive was the hotel for your guests? 2) was the wedding packages good, and the corrdinators good? 3) would you reccommend this hotel for a wedding? 4) I heard that the food was the only let down... and comments? Thank you for your help...
  18. Hey TinaM2B...I checked out your wedding site, which is fabulous by the way. Can I ask how you made that?? ~A
  19. Hey, I was told that you had to pay extra for the wedding 'reception/dinner' true? Is it per guest? Was it an expensive wedding/vacation for you brides? Also, did most of you ladies do a wedding package , or plan your own?? which do you perfer? Thanks...much appreciated. ~Adriana
  20. Thats awesome, Congrats Camie!! Thats where I am planning on going. Havent nooked it yet because of this flu stuff... Should I go for it? Any idea on the golfing? was it good? Well anything you'd like to share, suggest, inform me about that place, please let me know. Also, if you had a coordinator that you could suggest, even better! Congrats newlywed...
  21. YUP Indeed...its pretty awesome Thanks a mill Jamie wants to join too...lol
  22. Thanks eveyone... I hope to learn this forum alittle better..lol Its too much for me..haha. My fiance Jamie was wanting to join also...now I can tell him another males joined...He thought it was just brides.. Well...Im off to explore this site...wish me luck ps. I think Im heading down the MOON PALACE rd. in mexico...any suggestions?
  23. My heart goes to you. I am debating on changing my mind from Mexico to Cuba (2nd choise) because of everyone's hesitation on this matter. My wedding isnt until 2011, but thinking of my guests freaking out (which they already are) it makes our lives worse. There are going to have virus's everywhere in the world...just stay healthy and wash your hands....thats all you can do! Good luck, and stay strong for your guests. They need you to be positive...
  24. I hear ya. I dont think there is anything to worry about. People die from Viral infrections all the time. Just because its situated in a different country, all hell breaks loose. Your on a resort...just wash those hands. It makes me feel alot better, Im not the only one who's freaking out, and my wedding isnt until the beginning of 2011. I guess the guests would just have to get over it. (lol) Your wedding will be a trip of a life time.... ENJOY every minute of it!!
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