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Everything posted by leastpond

  1. Just a note with GOOD NEWS!! The CDC has officially removed it's travel advisory warning against non-essential travel to Mexico!!! Check out the link below! Novel H1N1 Flu and Severe Cases of Respiratory Illness in Mexico | CDC Travelers' Health
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by pixystix No problem Lisa! I know I like to have as much info as possible so I am happy to share everything with you. I'm glad you mentioned Marco not emailing you back because Viviana told me when she was speaking with on the phone that his wife was in an accident and he has been out of the office. So, if you need fast answers I would email or call Viviana until he gets back to you. I think she said he would be back in the office today but he probably has a ton of emails to respond to so it may take him a day or so to get back to you. I'm so glad you guys are planning on going though! When do you depart from Cabo?? OOhhh, that makes me feel better - poor guy! Thank you for that info! So, if all goes well, I will be on the beach in Cabo the Wednesday before our wedding - we're staying through the 18th at the Sheraton. How about you guys? I was heartened to hear that the Sheraton is working with you. My nerves are pretty rattled and my patience is a bit low right now. But, am hopeful that Sheraton will work with us. I will let you know what they say.
  3. Hi Shawna, Thanks so much for your response! It's very appreciated. We are working with Marco, but he's been out of the office. He is supposed to call us, but hasn't yet. Yes, I am very happy that they have the clause! The main issue is with our guests who have booked at the hotel who are now on the fence. They need to decide by next week or else they will be forced to pay the entire amount of their stay (assuming we move forward - which is our current plan). We are worried that they will just cancel to avoid the penalty whereas if the Sheraton does work with us, then they may stick with us. For us, this event is about being a party for our friends and family, so we really do want as many people there as possible. We are actually getting married at Cabo del Sol but are planning to do the welcome dinner at the palapa! Since we are one week before you, I am more than happy to email you and let you know what it's like when we are there (hopefully!!) Thanks for your response! Lisa
  4. Does anyone have any experience with the Sheraton Hacienda del Mar - in Cabo? They have a cancellation policy for guests who booked through the wedding block of rooms. According to their policy, if guests cancel within 30 days, they will be financially penalized for their entire stay. Our wedding in on June 13th and while we are hopeful that we can go forward, we wanted our guests to have as much time possible to decide whether they feel comfortable going - without being financially obligated more than they already are with their flights. We just learned that the Sheraton is NOT adjusting their cancellation policy!! This seems ridiculous to me that the Sheraton is being so inflexible. And frankly this may lead to us cancelling or wedding entirely!! We are worried that - if forced to make a decision in the next few days - our guests will cancel rather than assume the financial obligation. Just wanted to know if anyone has any insights in working with the Sheraton. Thanks!
  5. Hi all, Just wanted to let you know that most news I've read does highlight her chronic medical conditions. The lead sentence in the article on msnbc.com says "that Texas officials say a woman with underlying chronic health conditions died earlier this week". Plus, based on the normal flu - people die - as previous articles have pointed out. I am still optimistic that this will all pass soon. Also, not sure if this helps anyone, but one of our guests is an accomplished infectious disease researcher. He's still planning to attend our wedding in Cabo in June! He says that based on what they know about this current form of the virus, it's milder than normal flu and not as virulent -- he said "I'll be there without any reservations".
  6. I like the 'rainorswine' sign in name. I too am getting married in Cabo - albeit in June. Even though we have time, my FI and I have been struggling with the same question. We know we CAN go based on continued flight service…but are we being naive or irresponsible in going? Given all that I have read this past week – a lot of it here (THANK GOODNESS for this forum!), I truly believe that (based on what we know as of today) the risk is no greater now than a month ago or six months ago. - There are currently more cases here in Los Angeles / SoCal than there are in Cabo (based on what I heard from my WC this morning). - The LA Times article today highlights that this flu strain seems to be milder than the seasonal flu (again, based on what we know about it thus far). - CNN highlights that the danger from seasonal flu is much greater than that of SW Therefore the risk *seems* to be the normal risk one would take when one travels anywhere. That said, things could change for the worse (gulp) or get better (please). My FI and I have decided that WE are comfortable "taking the risk". Our family feels the same. We plan to survey our guests this weekend. And although we recognize we may lose some guests, if our "core" group of guests feels the same, then we will continue forward. Our belief is that our guests can make their own risk assessment – which is a personal decision. If they decide to come, it will be based on that personal decision. I hope this helps – if you DO go – please come back to this forum and post about your experience. It’s really helped me to hear from brides/grooms who are in Mexico now!
  7. Hi all, I just wanted to introduce myself. I was supported to get married in mid-June in Cabo. I've been following this forum since Monday and decided I needed to join - to offer my support and to be able to share info with you all. You all have been so VERY helpful over the past two days. It's comforting to know that there are others out there grappling with similar issues and stresses. Thank you for your support and for making me laugh! For those women who have had their wedding cancelled, my heart goes out to you all! But I hope that in a few months (ok maybe years), we will all have great swine flu wedding stories to tell. For those women - like me - waiting and seeing. Well, we will wait and see together. In the spirit of sharing, I found this article interesting - it discusses the facts and fiction of swine flu. Sorting fact from fiction about swine flu - Swine flu- msnbc.com Here's to everyone's health!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by MegaShay Congrats and welcome! Keeping my fingers crossed for you and the other May/June Mexico brides! Thanks!! Well, if I do delay - we may become date twins! I've already started working with my wedding coordinator about avails in November.
  9. Hi all, Am posting for the first time! Am meant to get married in Cabo on June 13 - but with swine flu, may need to delay. These discussion formus have been a GOD SEND and so wanted to be able to support other soon-to-be Mexico brides! Wish us all luck (and all the best for everyone's health!)
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