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Everything posted by doblauvelt

  1. OMG it's so beautiful! The dress compliments you very well and I love the train! Congrats on the weight loss, it already looks great on you and it'll look even better!!
  2. Tracy- The clear stones really do bring out the colors of your flowers. Your BM bouquets are beautiful. Again, I'll hve to agree that the green ribbon will make your stems look like a big stick. A simple bow will suffice to hold it all together. Congrats on your remission! I know nothing about crohn's but I work in the pharma industry and I know about the resistence of diseases and cancers, but I'm really happy for you! Michele- I can't wait to see your dress!! Have you posted a thread with pics yet? It looks like the April brides' dresses are starting to come in now. It makes the whole wedding come together doesn't it??! I have my pics on my camera that I need to upload too lol. I will do that soon! Erin- I moved after first grade, lol. I told you, it was long long ago that I've lived there. I used to visit every christmas/thanksgiving to see the rest of the family but now that my brother and I are older my parents have stopped visiting. I guess they figure if we wanted to visit Cincy we would do it on our own.. which is pretty much how it happens now lol. At my cousins wedding they had the drowned flower in a vase centerpiece. From the looks of it they just dunked a flower into a vase filled with water. I guess there is more to it because even before everyone was seated at the reception I noticed air bubbles on the stems/flower... it wasn't pretty lol. Is this what you are referring to, with it be tougher than it looks?
  3. Thanks for the review.. the petals really add a nice touch to your photos!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by echo2_62 Okay this is silly, but since we're all April brides I'm sure you can relate (especially doblauvelt!)... In exactly 7 months today I'm getting married!!!!!!!!!! I felt the need to make the declaration since it's the first "x-months to the date" moment, having just secured our exact date a few weeks ago lol... i had this moment not too long ago too
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by tiffani1980 Does anyone know if MP will give the option of cupcakes instead of a wedding cake? Oo good question, I've thought about this too.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk tonya, i am working at a client in mason right now!! i grew up in west chester (and my parents still live there) which is right next door to mason and i live in ross which is basically in the middle of nowhere! i went to miami university too (hence eb'redhawk')... when did you live around here?! good luck with your dress tonight!! omg, i lived in west chester when i was there!! you know the main street where all the stores are now? well, i lived a block away from krogers. did you go to hopewell elementary? that's where i went before moving to nj.. tracy, try the clear stones. i have to agree that they will make your flowers pop even more in color.
  7. Loved the slideshow! I got a lil sappy when you guys saw each other for the first time, those pics came out really nice!! It's cool how you got a flame thrower/tosser, not sure what they're called lol. It looked like a really nice time, congrats!!
  8. Thank you all for the pick-me-up. It's much appreciated and you're right, I shouldn't stress so much about the similiarities. It's just hard to not think about it with the fact that my wedding is pretty much the next one any of my family members will be at. I just gotta shake it off! Echo- I went horseback riding during my cruise not too long ago and my crotch hurt like hell. The idea is nice but I don't think I'll ever get on a horses back ever again LOL! As far as the dresses are concerned they're already a diff color and the style will be different as well... at least thats one thing I'm not worried about.. Di- Congrats on the house!! It'll feel even better once you start decorating and making it yours. FI and I just had our new hardwood floors refinished/sanded... now we're homeless for a week bc of the drying time and smell. The speech idea is funny, but they can win the baby race lol. And nice job on sending the invites!! Michele- thanks for the reassurance about the Moon Palace, it made me feel a lot better knowing that you've been there and can vouch for the place And yes, I did win a photography contest (I forget sometimes lol)... Erin- I forgot that you were from Cincy..the wedding was in Mason, are you around there? that area has changed so much since i lived there, long, long ago... Love the centerpiece idea but sorry I can't help with the type of flower! Christina- good luck house shopping!! and how's the transition from student to full time employee going? i bet you miss going to school now that you're working huh? OMG, 1 more hour til I see my dreSS!!!
  9. good news! my dress came in and my mom just went to pick it up! i can't wait to see it when i get home from work!! bad news- over the weekend i went to ohio for my cousin's wedding.. and guess what? his ceremony is exactly like mine!! there's was lakeside in a gazebo, mine will be beach side in a gazebo. the bride came in a horse-carriage, i will come in a horse-carriage...they had a violinits and guitarist, i will have a harpist...i don't want to look like i'm copying them and i'm sure i can re-arrange/change some of my wedding package but WHAT AM I GOING TO DO??!! i've already paid for my wedding package but do you guys have any ideas on how to make things a lil different? i was really excited about the horse-drawn carriage ride with my dad and the gazebo/beach ceremony, too needless to say it was a beautiful wedding but now i'm kind of bummed bc i wanted to see myself in that situation, that sounds so selfish but it's true!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Scubadiva BM dress shopping was easier than I thought. Sticking to a color theme and letting them pick out a dress was so much easier. I have a BM who is a size 2 to a BM that is a size 22. I know if I picked one dress it wasnt going to look good on all of them! Good luck ladies and have fun last sunday i went BM dress shopping with 3 of my 6 ladies. i originally wanted each of them to choose their own dresses for the same reason that one dress may not look good on another with the fact that i also have a size 2 BM all the way up to a size 14.. well, my MOH chose her own dress and the other two BM chose the same dress and love it! they haven't ordered yet and i believe we will be dress shopping again but these two dresses are on the top of our dress list. now it looks like the MOH will be the only one with a different dress while the other 5 have the same dress.. speaking of dresses mine was supposed to come in on the 4th.. with labor day just a few days later i'm thinking that's what delayed my dress arrival. i still have no word of it yet i hope it comes in soon!!!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk di, i totally feel the same way sometimes. i actually keep two wedding lists together.. one at work and one at work. the one at work is the messy one where i just type anything that pops into my head. then once a week or so i open up my one at home, go through all my stuff from work and organize it and edit whatever crazy things i thought of during the week. it makes it much easier to keep myself from going overboard and keep all of my thoughts straight. i think at one point i had 3 different "to do" lists... not so great if you want to get anything accomplished! hehe, I do the same thing! Except I have 3 lists, one at work, one at home, and one on my iphone. The iphone list is the one where I just type anything that comes to mind. The work one is the budget calculator and the home one is ideas... I really need to combine them one day lol. I also leave post-its lying around... esp. when I don't finish my lunch and decide to have it for dinner. I'm always playing with my phone so I leave a note on the back to remind me to bring home food for the night. We all have our inner dorks ;P
  12. echo2- yay for date twins!! yes I do have my dress and it should be arriving next week don't worry, it took me forever to find a dress don't be discouraged. miss di- love the hugo boss suit!! looks like FI and I will have to hit up Macy's now lol. what's the style # btw?
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by shortnsweet7675 Ebredhawk , We are cruising to the Eastern Caribbean with stops in Half Moon Cay, Bahamas; St Thomas, USVI; Grand Turk, Turks & Caicos; and San Juan, Puerto Rico. We will have two days at sea. I am pretty excited about it! I just got back from an 8-day Carnival cruise leaving from NYC. We pretty much had 5-days at sea in between three days of ports. We stopped at San Juan, St. Thomas, and Grand Turk. FI and I loved Grand Turk but a lot of the island (and the other two) were ruined by Hurricane Ike... above the turmoil the islands were really nice. I hope you have an awesome time! Saturday I went MOB dress shopping with my mom. She ended up buying two dresses, one for the wedding and one for the AHR. She and I both love her dresses!! Speaking of dresses mine should be coming in sometime next week!! I can't wait to see it! For my groom I was thinking of having him wear a white button down with khaki pants... for the groomsmen I want them to wear a green button down with khaki pants... Where are you all going for the groomsmens attire?
  14. Hey all! Eek, I missed a lot while I was out. Cruise was fun, there was a wedding onboard before leaving port. I didn't see the bride until late that night in one of the clubs. She looked so happy, it was cute. I have more guests booked and calling for rates everyday One thing though, only 2 of 6 groomsmen have bothered to book their rooms. I'm trying to get FI to pester them but what can I do? He told me to stop being a bridezilla lol. One of the groomsmen is even planning a "Peru treking trip".. a hiking trip through Peru 2 weeks before my wedding. He sent out a mass msg and asked if FI and I would like to go, I wanted to respond, "Sorry, can't. I have to save hours for the WEDDING taking place two weeks after". UGH! Sorry, I just had to vent. I'll have to catch up to all posts sometime next week.
  15. hey everyone! i've been MIA (again) so sorry! I've been busy rallying my bridal party to book their rooms. As of today I have two extra that made an attempt to book with my travel agent lol. I've also been busy packing for my cruise tomorrow, so excited Quote: Originally Posted by cruisebride0410 I'm an April 2010 bride too! I am going on the Carnival Sensation cruise and getting married on April 9 in Nassau, Bahamas on the beach! I sent out save the date boarding passes last week, but so far no one has booked. How long did it take most of your guests to finally commit? Answer is FOREVER! I learned that I had to push people to start booking, if I hadn't no one would be booked. Erin- That sucks to hear about your car and your missing items. At least it wasn't stolen right? I remember my first car, I only had it for three weeks and one morning it vanished. Michele- How was your job interview?? Welcome to all the new April brides!! Sorry for such a quick reply but I gotta run and tie up some lose ends at work before I get out of here...
  16. I've been looking for real touch flowers too, no luck yet. Sperger, let us know how Shavon's sample bouquet turns out. Guess what? I have 7 guests booked, my email worked (for some... not all) lol.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by RedHeadBride WOW! Thanks for including so many details for all of us! I am having trouble viewing the pics - do you think you could upload your templates? Great job all around! Sorry! I've been lagging, I will get to uploading my templates asap!!
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