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Everything posted by doblauvelt

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by jo&delo2010 Are you doing the catholic ceremony? I had to fight for that date because she booked me for the wrong day and I almost had a heart attack! The priest (who is very nice) said he would do 2 weddings that day and thats the only reason I got it. Those people in miami office have driven me nuts! I live in miami and told her I would be more then happy to come in person and discuss since I save all my email corr. frm her...lol What package did you pick? I chose the diamond one but I am really considering hiring an outside photographer? No, we're having a civil ceremony. I guess that's why I couldn't fight for the 17th? I originally got the Emerald package but after some consideration, we decided to switch to the complimentary package and do some add-ons. We have a photographer and it would just be weird having two photographers at the wedding.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by caribbeanLover We named him Budwiser (lol) Budwiser is so cute!
  3. These are my boys: This pic was taken a day after they met (last August). Cody's on the left and Eli is on the right. My oldest, Cody, he'll be 4 in December. My baby Eli.. although I shouldn't call him a baby anymore.. he's 1.5 years old! My situation was the opposite. Cody's a very laid back kind of dog. We got Eli because Cody would just mope around the house (we think its bc he was lonely), now that we have Eli they play a lot, which helps keep Cody active. I have to agree with the livingroom wrestling match. My boys are small but they can totally knock things over when the jump and chase each other.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by echo2_62 We're just getting the last of our invitations out (gotta love when you don't get addresses for people that you need to invite!) so while everyone has received the RSVP link in an email, they might not realize what it is just yet! Oops! I put up a little quiz/poll on our website just to get people a bit involved and I'm glad that I did! So far it's the only evidence I have that our friends have started to check out the site! There are about five places that I've asked people to leave messages and comments so hopefully as we get closer, or as more people start booking etc. we will see more activity. I hope the same goes for you girls! I also left a quiz and a poll on my website. I also have an RSVP link and a guestbook. Although there's only a few responses on each, at least I know people are looking
  5. Aww Shannon, how cute!! I love the name for your dog and the Gabbana for the future dog. My mom has a black and white shih tzu named Oreo, when we got him a brother (white bichon frise), I wanted to name him Milk but no one agreed
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk your puppy is ADORABLE!!! what breed(s) is he? what's his name? i am dog-obsessed.. seriously. since my FI has a daughter, i joke that my dogs are my biological children. wow, it sounds even more pitiful when i type it out! My puppy is a yorkie/maltese (morkie). His name is Eli and I have another dog, Cody who's also a yorkie/maltese with some shih tzu in him too. I treat them like they're my human children, which makes them spoiled rotten!! If I never have children, I'll be completely content being a dog lady haha.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by shan13 Hey Ladies...I'm Shannon..I was a June Bride..been bumped up to April!!! Here is my post from the other April thread...like you ladies I am in a weight loss time crunch...I have been working out 2x's a day, following Atkins program and trying to make it work before my BD shoot...I am trying to lose at least 30-50lbs PRAY.FOR .ME..LOL!!!! Here is my update... Hi Shannon and welcome to the thread! April brides are so much cooler anyway, glad you crossed over haha. So how is the atkins program working out for you? I wish I had the motivation like you to work out 2x's a day; I take the lazy route and use my wii fit board, although I haven't used that in awhile either..this is scary, 6 months can do so much for your body (in a good way) and I can't find the drive to do anything
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by jo&delo2010 Hey I'm getting married april 17,2010 - moon palace I saw someone post that they are getting married there the day before !Guess I'll see you there! We are doing the catholic ceremony...and the rest I have no idea! So thats why I'm here to get advice! That's meee!! I originally wanted to get married on the 17th but my time slot was taken... it's alright though!
  9. I got my dog through an ad on Kijiji... he's the newest love of my life! And I agree with working out, I hate it but it has to be done... although I haven't gone in over a year
  10. I'm lucky my FMIL is savvy with computers. But my mom on the other hand needs a little help. She's gotten better over the years but like Michele's mom, my mom wants me to book her room and flights for her too. I figure my dad can handle that stuff. They can worry about the booking, that's the least they can do... I will worry about the rest of the wedding!
  11. DW are as stressful as local weddings! FI and I wanted a DW bc we thought it would be less stressful too. Hobbylobby- Is that like a Michaels? I wonder if they have real-touch, bc when I look all I see are silk flowers...
  12. On top of having an outside photographer, I have a photographer offered in my wedding package. Did anyone have 2 photographers on their wedding day? How did this work out for you?
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk so my flower lady just put together a trial centerpiece for me (since my own trial was an epic fail) and i LOVE it! she said the vase needs to be bigger (hers is an 8 in. cylinder vs. the 11 in. square i have) so just imagine more space in there! plus i'm adding the floating candles too. what do you think? Erin, where did you get your flowers from? Also, are they silk or real touch and how is the quality?
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by KimmyG Hi everyone! I haven't been able to get on the forum much lately but i'm baack! I'm struggling... I've heard every excuse under the sun of why people cannot come. We sent out over 100 STD's in August and the only people that have booked so far are FI and I, and one couple that's a family friend. That's it. It crushes me that I have to explain to my friends one by one that it would mean a lot to me for them to attend.... all they hear is $$$$$$ and say they can't afford it. We picked Mexico to make it affordable for guests!!! Did I do something to piss everybody off!!! It's bad timing b/c a lot of friends in our circle are planning their weddings or buying houses, so they have excuses out the wazoo. I shouldn't have to beg people to come.... Not even my former college roommates are making arrangements. I hope my bridesmaids actually make it... they've been iffy too. Super bummed right now With that said, 100 invites, no clue about who will actually attend... how do you purchase things for OOT bags? I don't want to buy for 20 people if 40 come, or buy for 40 if only 10 come.... ahhhh! Kim, I feel your pain. When my STDs were sent out in June/July (I forget what month exactly) I got a lot of, "Oh, I dont' know.. it's too much money" But now I'm getting, "Of course we'll be there!". I think it just takes time for people to evaluate their financial situation and take into account your feelings about them being there. For example, my cousin kept saying, "If we have money we'll go". Well, he just got married 2 weeks ago. I flew out to OH to see him get wed... we all had a blast. Now he's asking me how to get in contact with my TA bc he understands the importance of having family at a wedding. The sad thing in my case is that none of FI family will be there. I mean, yea his parents and sisters will be there but no Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, etc. whereas most of my family on both sides will be there. My FI will be the first male to get married out of only 2 on both sides of his families! I don't understand that at all. Patience is key I suppose.
  15. I put a link of my dress in my siggy for those who can't find the thread. Thanks for all the compliments guys! And yes, I do love my dress. It fits me well and makes me look good haha! 50 guests? You guys are lucky to have that many people attend. I only have 13 booked so far, hoping for more but you know how that is.
  16. welcome suzy! i hope that you find this forum very helpful as it has for the rest of us michele, congrats on sending out your invites! people better start booking bc now they have no excuse! meghan, good find with the led lights! gotta run! FI cousin's getting married today... We were complaining the wedding is on a friday. We kept saying, "who gets married on a friday?!" Apparently, FI and I do lol..we LOL'd so hard when we came to that realization. BTW, I posted pics of my Maggie dress!! Check it out when you can
  17. My dress came in last week and my mom went to go pick it up (she's my seamstress hehe). It's a Maggie Sottero- Michelle in diamond white with glass beads. What do you guys think (fyi, the dress wasn't tied on too tight for these pics)??!
  18. Hello! My wedding is set for April 16, 2010 at 5pm. We chose the Emerald package (which seems to be the least popular so far lol), but we both love green! Anyway, we haven't decided on a gazebo or anything like that as we haven't heard from a WC yet. I did recieve this .pdf file of the gazebos if anyone wants to check it out. CEREMONY LOCATIONS FOR MOON.pdf
  19. Erin- LOVE LOVE LOVE the centerpiece! I love the added touch of the stones, I may have to steal that idea.
  20. Michele- have you thought of custom stamps for the invitations? zazzle.com allows you to make your own, i don't know if they do them in $0.64 though. Christina- I think it's awesome your county is holding a $20k incentive for people to start buying homes. I hope they accept your bid! Goodluck! mskimmy- Welcome! Don't worry about where to start, this forum can help you with that. At least you have the time and place ready lol. For the longest time FI and I had no idea where or when we wanted to hold our wedding. Overall, I think DIYing any project is a good idea. It does take a lot of time but the difference in price will justify any DIY project. I am just starting to gather ideas for my DIY invites and AHR invites. From the looks at the pricing so far, it'll come out to about $2 per invite, wo0t!! It also helps that I have a lot of the tools I need from making my STDs As far as RSVP'ing, I just kindly asked in an email that people start booking. Some took me serious and others didn't (but I eventually got them to book lol). My parents and FI parents still haven't done a damn thing though lol.
  21. I'm with you! I have 6 and 6, 1 FG, and 1 RB...
  22. congrats taratoons! i know what its like to replace wedding planning with house buying/planning. my fi and i were in your shoes in may... and now months later we are finally 90% moved in (last sat and sun we moved in a lot of our furniture!). the other 10% we will have to get to this weekend or the next couple of weekends, we have a million things to unpack now! erin- congrats on your ring being done! did you design your ring? i'm curious how that whole process went bc we have our rings and mine doesnt exactly match my engagement ring. i was contemplating using the metal and diamonds from my wedding band and somewhow incorporating it with my engagement ring.. but that'll mean months w.o seeing both rings, letting alone wearing my e-ring. my mom wants me to have a shower but fi and i have decided on a no-gift policy... is anyone else doing this? how is a shower possible with no gift giving?
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