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Everything posted by doblauvelt

  1. sweet quote mctoasty. mrsm109, i wish u all the best!
  2. I agree with everyone, cute dress! Have you found the perfect pink shoes yet?
  3. This is a great thread! I've been on and off smoking for about 4 years now ever since meeting my then boyfriend. We just felt it was a good start to a great relationship. But nope, every single time either I would fall or he would and we would start right back up again! It's frustrating like all of you know but I am tired of the craves but at the same time am so scared that I will start gaining weight. I have to say I've put on about 10lbs since this whole quitting and starting up again, btw. I've tried Chantix 3 times. Each time it's worked, but again either I or my FI would fall of the wagon. Chantix worked the best for me (aside from the patch) but it made me very nauseous every single time I took my morning pill, one time I had to call out of work 3 days in a row! Anyway, I never completed the recommended 12 week program. Usually by my 8th week I can go without cigarettes no problem and this would last for 6 months. I'm ashamed to be a smoker and I hate the smell, but I constantly need one. HELP!! I will check back for support. Best of luck to everyone!
  4. I'm in the process of having painful laser tattoo removal. I got a butterfly tattoo on my left breast when I was 18... now that I'm 25 and getting married I think it's a bit too much. Plus I don't want to have to worry about covering up the tat with makeup (and it rubbing off on my dress). I'm down $780 so far and I have more treatments to go!
  5. My cousin's daughter will be my flower girl, she'll be 4 next April. I'm also having a ring bearer, my Uncle's son, he'll be 5. It's totally up to you, though. I only included them because before I decided on which resort to have my wedding I asked my cousin if she wanted to bring her daughter. She decided yes, so I had to find a kid friendly resort and that's why I now have a flower girl and Ring Bearer.
  6. I'm having a green and brown wedding.. so I thought, Apple Martini's would be perfect!
  7. You're getting married tomorrow! Congrats and great flowers!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by HotTamale My girls decided to go with the Victoria's Secret Convertible Dress and they (we) love it! My girls are wearing black with chunky turquoise necklaces. Can't wait! Oo I really like this one. I haven't gone BM dress shopping yet, still waiting for the weather to get warmer
  9. Oo a cruise wedding, how nice! Good luck with dress shopping and congrats!
  10. Welcome and let us know what happens!
  11. Welcome and happy wedding planning! This forum will help you a lot along the way
  12. I'm really sorry that this happened to you. Try to enjoy your stay while you're there, I really hope the best for you!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by michellek03/10 isn't April 3rd Good Friday you might have trouble trying to get married on a religious holiday Sorry that wasn't clear enough, I meant the third Friday.. the 16th
  14. Thanks for the review! It was so thorough and really puts me at ease. Congrats on your wedding
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by NicoRuskies That is so exciting that you ordered your dress!!! I have a try on date set and am nervous because I don't know how many "destination" style dresses I will find that I like! As for the flights, the travel agent I saw said that they wouldn't come out for a couple months. She did say that the dates from last year will be pretty close to the dates this year. So maybe you can find out when the flights went out last year to give your guests some sort of answer? Hope it all works out!! I did search for flights around this time for next year to give my guests an idea. I honestly hope airlines lower their rates even more due to the economy (I'm evil I know) Good luck dress shopping! Once you find the perfect one you'll know!
  16. I took this into account as well, however, still decided to have an April wedding- 3rd Friday. I hope I will not run into this problem, but as TA Jill mentioned the higher end resorts discourage spring breakers from booking rooms at that time of year.
  17. I wasn't considering boarding passes before but now looking at yours I might have to reconsider! They look great!
  18. Good Morning Brides, Our wedding date is April 16, 2010 at Moon Palace. We got engaged in Dec/08 and had to wait several weeks for the 2010 package at Moon Palace. Things are finally start to roll for us now that we have quotes for 3-night and 5-night packages for our guests. The problem we have now is the flight schedule... nothing is out for the month of April 2010. Have any of you 2010 brides have quotes for flights yet? It's driving me insane bc my guests are asking for flight info and I can't give them any. Anyway, other than that we are still at the beginning stages of our planning aside from having the date and location set. I ordered my dress yesterday! It should arrive in 20 weeks. I can't wait this is such an exciting time for all of us
  19. Hello and congrats! I wouldn't worry, your wedding is a couple months away.
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