So My FH and I have known each other since we were 14. We've been dating for 3 years, but have been engaged for 2 of those years. In this time we lived in the same city as his family for 2 and a half years, and my dad lived in that same city (but I don't have a very good relationship with him). We decided to move to another province (we lived in Ontario and moved to Alberta to further our careers) and everyone knew for a long time. No one threw us an engagement party or anything. Which whatever, I don't really care but now we wont have a bridal shower or anything like that because they all live in another place!
I would at least like SOMEONE to acknowledge the fact that we are getting married next year. The parties were a little bothersome, but I got over it. What sent me over the edge was last night.
We were at my FH's company summer party and every single person that hasn't met me yet kept saying "Oh, is this your girlfriend?" I know for a fact when he talks about me he calls me his fiancee, because I've heard him do it a million times. So is being engaged not important? Do people just assume that you are either boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife and nothing else exists in between?
Thanks for reading my "venting".