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Everything posted by xxashleyxx007

  1. We're getting Josh the linen suits that everyone has been raving about here on BDW. $99 for a custom linen suit. Linen Suit - 8 Colors [Linen Suit] - $99.00 : Studiosuits.com, Custom Suits | Designer Suits Here are the reviews from the ladies here on BDW (the last few pages have pictures and reviews): http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ts-99-a-39694/
  2. Erin - Thanks for those!!! I'm glad the wedding canopy option is cheaper without flowers!!! =)
  3. Well we could get together one weekend in November and then again in January? How does the weekend of Nov. 14th & 15th work for the ladies who can make it in November? Either than weekend or the weekend of the 28th & 29th are the best for me.
  4. There are so many videos on Youtube that can help you and very many blogs you can follow. My favorite blog/youtube videos are from this wonderful girl named Kandee the Makeup Artist!! She's amazing. She even has what colors in what brands she uses and tutorials by video of how she made it happen.
  5. Thanks again for that review lp!!! I'm so happy for you! =) Erin - Thank you for sending that stuff!!! =) You are all so marvelous!
  6. So when does everyone want to get together? October, November (I take it December is really busy for everyone with X-mas) or January?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Tam BTW, I STILL have not received my flowers... really starting to think I was taken Oh no, I am so sorry!! Did you pay through Pay Pal or anything so that you could confirm a non-delivery??
  8. Thanks for the advice Nat, I emailed and booked my reception location (has to be the big terrace because we are going to be having so many damn people coming LOL). They have it saved for us!!! =) Getting married at 6 PM on the beach Cocktail hour is from 6:30 - 7 Dinner starts at 7! YAY!!!
  9. Thanks for the advice Nat, I emailed and booked my reception location (has to be the big terrace because we are going to be having so many damn people coming LOL). They have it saved for us!!! =) Getting married at 6 PM on the beach Cocktail hour is from 6:30 - 7 Dinner starts at 7! YAY!!!
  10. Oh I am so excited to see these pictures!!! I have also been having a heck of a time getting on lately. Maybe it's just what everyone has been saying about flooding of info. I hope it's resolved quickly!
  11. It's being "reported", and it says pictures to come... what do you think?? I think they are adorable together so the best of luck to them!! Claire Danes and Hugh Dancy Married: Wedding Photos Coming? Right Celebrity
  12. Welcome Katie!!! Glad to see another Canadian bride getting married at DPC!!!! Congrats PynkLemonade !!! That's so excited!!
  13. Toya - Thanks for the info! I wasn't sure they would be able to accommodate the type of cake we want. You are awesome! Well we've been together for 3 1/2 years, engaged for 2 1/2 and so he just said to me yesterday "I'm tired of waiting". He's right, we're exhausted LOL. I mean I will marry him today, tomorrow, in a year, or in 5 years. Makes no difference to me, I will still love him if we can't get married until we're however old. He said that getting married on the same date, just a year before would not only be less complicated because of all of the paper work, but it will save us about $1000 (he researched it and everything!). Now with that said, it's really appealing and what not... but at the same time I know that our parents dislike the fact that they wont be here if we do that. I just don't know what to do now!!!!!! It feels like it's always about everyone else and pleasing them or accommodating them. However, I feel like this is one decision I can't make without my parents in particular being behind us, because everyone will be paying all this money to watch us "get married" (although really who goes to a wedding to watch someone sign the marriage certificate?!) and if we get married now it's like a waste of their money (does that make sense?) So I'm torn. I have to make up my mind in like 3 weeks (otherwise we loose the Oct. 15th significance) and right now I have no idea where to start. He really wants to do it so he's left it "in my hands now". Sorry for the thread hijack.
  14. So I have some news.... I think we are getting married in 3 weeks at the court house. EEEEEKKKK!!!!!!!!! We will still be going to DPC, but we will not be having a civil ceremony. I will let you know more details when we know for sure what we are doing!
  15. I forgot to mention... where did you get all of your stuff from (Advil) I am also in Canada and having a heck of a time finding them!
  16. I just finished using Plus White 5 Minute Bleach Whitening Gel! I've been using this every day for 10 minutes since Saturday and my teeth look sooooo much better. The trick is to buy the tube that looks like this: and use cheapo sporting mouth cards so the gel stay right up against your teeth. I bought the gel for like $7 at Walmart and the mouth guards for $.99 each. (I got an upper and a lower piece.)
  17. Congrats and welcome to the forums!! I hope you can find the resources that you need to decide on your ceremony location. Have you taken a look through the Jamaica section of the forum? It's great to see another Canadian bride on here!!
  18. Congrats and welcome to the forum!! You are really going to love it here, there are so many helpful threads and templates that these wonderful ladies post!
  19. I confess that I just ate an entire bag of Smarfood popcorn.... no wonder my clothes don't fit anymore.
  20. Congrats and Welcome Chantelle!!! You are going to learn so much from these wonderful people, as I have! You will find many resources, and if you have a question, feel free to Private Message someone and we will try to help you out! Good luck with your planning!
  21. I had never heard of this until I came to all of the wedding forums! Personally, we won't be doing one. I would like to see one done at a wedding though!
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