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About NYCBride1024

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  1. It is totally blown out of proportion! You are going to go and have fun and those who are supposed to be there will and those you are not won't. You can do something when you get home with those who did not come. Enjoy every minute of the wedding and all the events that weekend! I know it is easier for all of us with a wedding farther away to say but we are getting married in hurricane season and EVERYONE wants to put their two cents in. Wether it is swine flu or hurricanes, its all about acceptance. Chin up and ENJOY IT!!!!!!!
  2. I am October 24th in Isla Mujeres! I am SCARED to death of a hurricane to say the least! I know it is towrads the end of the season but this is the 3rd wedding we have planned because my fiance started to freak out shortly after we picked the first date because we had moved across the country and he had started law school and couldn't take all the stress, the second was in the state we live now and we don't like it so we are moving back to where we are originally from and so it made no sense for everyone to fly to Minneapolis for a wedding when EVERYONE would be coming from NY. SO now we decided same weekend but in Mexico. I booked the date without really doing alot of research and now I am locked in and scared to death! HELP!!!
  3. I just booked our wedding this weekend in Isla Mujeres (Cancun) for Oct 24th so not only are people freaking because of swine flu, but that it is during hurricane season and they are predicting more activity than usual! Here is the thing I have come to realize (not on my own of course but with the help of my friends). Who ever is meant to be there will and those who don't come, don't come! No big deal! You have a dinner or something when you get home. It's about you and your husband, not the guests (I realize easier said than done)! But go, enjoy, and let the only rolling around in the hay be in the bedroom! =)
  4. Ok so I am OBSESSED with the hurricane season because I just booked our wedding the weekend of Oct 24th 2009 and I am terrified that we are going to have swine flu or a hurricane. Has anyone been in Caucun in October to tell me what it is like? I have such anxiety!!!!!
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