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Posts posted by michelle6114

  1. Who is the one pressuring you to purchase a package, before the pics are even taken yet? It is impossible to know which package you will want, before seeing the results. I will probably end up getting the $1200 package, the 8x10s and the CD. I can understand them wanting money upfront for other things but that is absurd.

    If you are getting a basic wedding-moon package (free with the 7 nights I think) then you are entitled to a free 5x7 and not obligated to purchase anything else.

  2. Whathuh.gif

    I am getting married at Beaches in 2 months, and have had the WC (Barbie) try and pressure me into getting a package over the phone, but I was never told what you were.

    I made it clear to her that until we see the pictures, we will not be deciding on anything and it is ridiculous for them to expect otherwise. Since she told me that 1. I cannot know who whill be shooting that day and 2. no I cannot see any of their work, as it is their personal property then they have a lot of nerve expecting me to give them any $$$ before the pictures are taken. Oh the nerve of these Resorts!!!

  3. Girl I feel your pain. When we started planning this a year ago, we had about 20 people claim they were coming. We even picked the resort and location based on the guest list (6 small children)

    Now that the final count is nearly in (6 adults and NO small children) I wished we had planned it in Hawaii, like I wanted. But all those traveling balked at the 12 hr flight.

    The absolute worst is my FSIL who's husband makes over 150k a year, has been on 4 vacations since we announced this destination wedding a year ago. She has decided she "can't afford it" and now will miss her ony siblings wedding. If only they realized how stupid they look posting on facebook how their latest purchases, vacations, cars ect...cost $$$$. What a joke!

  4. Ok I am pretty speechless after reading some of these replies. There is no gracious way to ask for money. Wishing wells, money trees, poems, ect just all shriek """""GIMEEGIMMEE"""". If I got any invite of the kind, I would show up with a tacky plastic frame just to prove my point. It is not the guests responsibility to donate toward a house payment, honeymoon, or anything else. Some guests take pleasure by shopping for a wedding gift for a married couple, they feel they made a heartfelt choice in picking out what they did.

  5. As favors for the guest who are going to Jamaica with us, I got them each a seashell bookmark (will come in handy on the plane rides) a matching magnet frame, and yankee candle votives, coconut scented. They also have other tropical scents.

    The seashell magnets and bookmarks are each in a clear box with a ribbon. I got them from Wrapwithus.com and I think they were about $1.75-$2.50 each. I am also doing OOT bags

  6. I am getting married at Beaches Boscobel, and had the same questions. All their rules are the same. You can only use their photographers, who will remain nameless and/or portfolio-less until you arrive at your hotel right before the wedding. The only way they allow outside photographers is if you will pay for their 3-night stay at the resort.

    I have debated trying to sneak a local photographer in, but will not now due to the amount pre-wedding stress it will cause. There is a thread about this on the Sandals/Couples board.

  7. I'm not sure about this. I think if your wedding party wants to donate anything, then it's up to them. If you are in the position to get them a nice gift to show appreciation for being in your wedding then I think you should do it. Maybe not a beer mug, but a gift card to a nice restaurant? Then they can always donate to a friend or family member who could use it more then they could.

    You cannot assume anything about a couple's financial situation. When someone is having money problems, they do not usually shout it out to the world.

  8. Thanks for the input everyone!

    I just spoke to "Barbie" the WC there. She told me for a CD alone of all the photos, is $2000.00. I was thinking of trying to sneak my own photgrapher in but have decided not to due to the amount of stress it would cause.

    Almost every question I asked her was replied with "no, we don't do that". They will not even allow me to speak to their photographer until the day of, even though she was trying to get me to commit to a package over the phone today.

    Oh well, I am just trying to relax a little but the big day is zooming in!!!

  9. I love Drysol. I think in the US though you need a presciption for it.

    Word to the wise, do not use drysol right after shaving! The first few times you apply it, use it sparingly and rub it in with your fingertips. It can make your armpits a little irritated at first, but it will go away.

    I use it a few times a week , and regular deoderant every day. The combination works great. Drysol is clear liquid (like alcohol) and goes on with a spongy applicator.

  10. I always envisioned my "little girl" being my flower girl when I got married.

    Well, my little girl grew into an 11yr old tween who I decided to make my jr bridesmaid. She will wear the same dress as my sister, just in her size. I did try and stuff her into a flower girl dress but it just didn't seem cutesy anymore. It is hard to stick with a traditional wedding party when you have to count on them to travel so far.

  11. Has anyone used a numbing cream beforehand? My daughter had a big wart removed on the side of her toe, and I had a presciption for some cream that I had to put on 1 hour beforehand. I guess it worked because she barely flinched.

    I had laser hair removal on the back of my neck....ouch ouch ouch!! Feels like electric shocks. I guess there is no painless way to get around hair!

  12. I found a thighmaster in the garage from about 10 years ago. I have been using it a couple times a day and I am impressed with the results. Definite reduction in the jello action down there. I use it while on the computer or lying in bed. Do they even make these anymore??

    Anyway, if anyone can dig out one of these from their rubble, you may want to re-evaluate it's handyness.

  13. Wow, thats horrible. I would ask her to pay you back for your share of "her" dress (for the record, my sister and I have been bridesmaids many times and no bride ever offered to help us with any expenses) at the very least. Then if you remain friends with her, brag about your wedding and shove pictures in her face every chance you get after you return.

  14. Ok I will be honest, but one of the best things you can do is become friends with someone who works in law enforcement. Then they can give you a courtesy card, which you can hand over to the cop with a smile when you get pulled over. It is an unwritten rule within them to let the female friends and wives go (unless they are doing something totally dangerous) with a warning.

    My fiance is a sergeant for the sheriffs department. I havent got a ticket in 3 years lol.

  15. Personally, I think my future SIL is just crying poverty because she knows we are crazy about her kids and want them there. I bet she is hoping her mom will pay for her and the brood if she puts it off long enough. I hope no one lifts a finger or not one dollar to help her selfish behind.

  16. Jessners is a medium depth peel. I think the one that is the strongest is a TCA, which runs close to $1000 and I'm told is similar to laser resurfacing. There are lots of sites about chemical peels, and the jessner seemed to be the one that would help me best. I was pretty scary looking yesterday and the day before but now that the top layer has peeled off (eww, I know) I can definitely see the difference. My main goal is to feel comfortable NOT wearing makeup. I am definitely happy now but can imagine how thrilled I'll be after a couple more of these.

    Oh, just FYI the plastic surgeon said stay away from do-it-yourself kits. People have literally burned holes in their faces with those.

  17. Oh my god I am so happy I did this!!!

    I was going to have Fraxel laser resurfacing done....for $3000!!!! Then I posted on this board, read the replies....and cancelled it. I decided to look into peels instead. On Thursday I had a Jessners peel done for $90.00 and I am SHOCKED at the results. I cannot say enough great things about this procedure. My usual, acne scarred skin with the enormous pores (can you tell I hate my face?) is now soft and as smooth as a baby's butt. And this is only after one treatment. I am going to have 2 more done before the wedding....but....all I can say is WOW.

    And on the plus side, I am now $2900 richer!

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