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Everything posted by michelle6114

  1. Oooh oooh oh here is another one (this thread is awesome)!! My sister's best friend got married last year to a man she was only dating for 3 months. Not being known for proper ettiquette, she sent out her own shower invites a week before the date, demanding cash to "help them with thier honeymoon expenses" Cut to day of wedding, bride is wearing a 3000$ wedding gown that she made her mom buy her (nothing at DB was good enough for her), wedding venue is half empty because everyone including family is tired of giving to this ungrateful gift-grabber without any appreciation in the past and bride refuses to play music because she dislikes traditional receptions. Guests are made to eat in silence while new bride and groom stay outside, chain smoking and drinking with a few of their friends and virtually ignoring everyone inside. Bride trashes dress with spilled alcohol and melted chocolate, and has a "Nightmare before Christmas" cake topper, specifically to get back at her mom for taking control of her wedding plans. Did I mention mom is on a fixed income and is raising 4 grandchildren alone? What a sweet daughter. No we never got thank you cards, and yes they were married less than a year. What a waste of time and money for everyone.
  2. We registered for about 10 things at BB&B. I check it every week to see if anyone has got us anything (can't help it, it's addicting). So far only one thing has been purchased...our wedding is in 3 weeks. I've had this registry up for 3 months. I probably sound like a jerk, but this is upsetting! I think people feel in my family that I am having a destination wedding, that I am not entitled to the fanfare that all bride-to-be's in my family have gotten in the past?? I"m not having a shower, but we are having a big ahr that everyone has been invited to. This sucks. Sorry if I sound like a brat. But nobody seems to care that I am getting married since they wont be there.
  3. Another I went to, I was embarrased for the bridesmaids. None of them were skinny (to say the least). These girls were busting out of their gowns to and fro, most apparently didnt see the need for undergarments to "support" These gowns looked like the knock off version of victorias secret lingerie. They were uncomfortable and I swore I would never make my bridemaids wear something they didn't feel comfortable it.
  4. Thanks! I got the idea from the white treasure chest boxes they sell in the wedding aisles. I bought a treasure chest box from Michaels and covered it in padding and seashell-themed fabric. The hardest part was trying to convince FI to cut out the opening in the front with his big saw, lol. I think it looks nicer in person. I love AC Moore and Michaels. I can spend hours searching in those stores!
  5. I went to a wedding on the other side of the country (most of the guests had to fly to get there). The ceremony was beautiful, however after that all 200 guests were led to the churches mildewy basement where were listened to a static-ish radio station and were fed paper cupfuls of peanuts. The real kicker was when groomsmen kidnapped the bride for ransom money. We didn't even have chairs or food and they want MORE from us? Tacky as H%#@!!! The MOG was so mortified that she offered to take us out of towners all to an elegant steakhouse for dinner. That was the best part of the wedding
  6. We are paying for all of the destination wedding and AHR ourselves. The total for everything is about $13,000. My mother is on a fixed income and we never expected anything from her. I know that most couples these days pay for everything themselves. My FI's parents are quite "well off: (for lack of a better term). They know we have been struggling the past few months. So far they haven't offered to help pay for anything, and FI refuses to ask them. But it makes me mad when we are all together, and they brag about how their latest purchases cost $$$$$. All of these things trivial and pointless. $900 on 24k christmas ornaments. And they spent over $60,000 on their daughters wedding. It makes me sick to listen to this all while knowing my mom can barely afford food. I am just wondering if anyones future in-laws have offered to contribute to the costs of the wedding. Am I wrong for resenting that they not offer anything? We have never said anything to them but they know we are struggling and will be till after Christmas.
  7. Wanna hear something else? My fmil bought a dress the SAME COLOR as my 2 bridesmaids!!! Doesn't she know the bridal party is supposed to stand out in the photos
  8. That's gorgeous!! I love it! I wanted to make a tiered box too, but couldn't find round boxes that would look like that!! Your guests will go crazy over it!!
  9. I think the design is really nice. Is there a way to add a pic of you and your FI? That would be a cool way to give everyone an updated pic up the 2 of you as well.
  10. Personally, I think it's taseteless to advertise where you are registered. If people really care, they will ask you or your family. Putting it with the announcements especially, is tacky. This is nothing personal, sorry! But when I get a wedding invitation with registry info, it just seems to me like a grab bag and takes the excitement out a notch.
  11. Aww, that is sweet that you want to do something nice for her. I remember when I was pregnant, I always felt "yucky". So maybe a GC for a massage, or facial? Or to get her hair cut at a salon? Ooo ooh ohh heres one...a Bath and Bodyworks certificate so she can pick out some awesome smelling soaps and lotions? I wish someone would have got me something like that!!
  12. Maybe they really cant afford it? They probably got a furniture store credit card. And a cell phone is a not a big deal, you pretty much HAVE to have one). I don't know what their financial situation is. When we looked at having a destination wedding, we considered all the people who we thought "needed" to go. My FI parents are pretty well off, his sister is as well, and my mom and sister said they would save up and never miss it. Anyone else going is an added bonus. But I would never expect anyone to go without necessities just to be able to see me get married. I know it sucks that they won't be there. But aside from paying their way, there is not much you can do.
  13. Why does he think YOU should have to put more of an effort in with the parents. These are his parents, therefore, his mess to clean up. If you have done nothing wrong, then it is up to him to tell his parents that you will be his wife soon and that they need to apoligise to you and welcome you to the family. They are in the wrong, not you. You havent disrespeceted them in any way. You can make the first effort if you want, but frankly I think this is between him and them to make right. Best wishes!
  14. Yankee Candle has a lot of tropical and island scents. I got small jars of the coconut for each of the guests, as well as a few "little" favors. I don't know anyone who doesnt love a Yankee candle!
  15. Hi Jennifer, We are already booked in a 1 br suite at Boscobel. Do you think they would let me use the upgrade for my mom?
  16. Hi Jamie. Have you been to a dermatoligist? There is only so much topical skin care can do with cystic acne. It sounds like you may need an anti-biotic to reduce flare-ups. I have been on them for years. If you have insurance, they should be covered. I started with Doxycyclne and am now on Solydn, and am starting Accutane in a week. I definitely noticed a huge improvement with antibiotics, but have been on them since a teenager, which is why I am giving accutane a try. Also, the only face cleaner I use (and feel like my face is actually clean) is clean and clear foaming face wash in the pink tinted bottle. Sorry if this is TMI, I just feel your pain though. Good luck!
  17. Depends how badly you want to get rid of them, and your buget. The newest treatment is Fraxel Laser resurfacing. I got it for my face (4 sessions, $3,000). They were trying to convince me to do all my stretch marks too, but I would have to take out a second mortgage. A stretch mark is actually a tear in your bottom layers of skin, so I don't know how well creams will work. I looked at some before/after pics of laser treatment and there is a pretty good difference. Again, depends on how much $$ you are willing to spend.
  18. I got mini-maracas for the kids at my reception, from Oriental trading company. They have a beach-sunset theme painted on them and came out to about 1$ each (min order of 12). Just figured this would be helpful for non-mexico brides lol.
  19. Barbie (the WC) for Sandals keeps calling and asking for $$$$. The most recent being that I cannot pre-book my hair and makeup appt on my wedding day, unless I give her my credit card to charge now. Is this true? All these last minute expenses are adding up so this will be a crunch month. Will they really have nothing available if I wait until I get there to make an appt? She makes it seem like everything has to be done now.
  20. Actually, the restaurants aren't owned by Gordon Ramsay. The restaurant offers a 1 year contract to the HK winners as a kitchen employee, after the year is up they do not need to keep the winner. From what I know, there is only one HK winner who was offered a full time position in the restaurant after the year was up. I don't know who it was though. I don't know why they lead the viewers to believe the finalist will "win" their own fancy place. Oh, and they also get 250k.
  21. It's called Forelletto, in the Borgata basement. Just a hint, eat a snack first and bring $$$$. It is expensive as heck, and the menu is small and a little confusing. We saw a lot of people ordering just drinks and desert (which we wish we could have done). The head chef is Steven Kalt, who I guess has been on lots of cooking shows.
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