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Everything posted by steph13

  1. Hi Ladies, I have a spa menu that Marialma e-mailed me from the resort, I can e-mail it to you if you'd like, I don't know how to post on here . I'll be using the dj from the resort in December, so I can answer any questions after that if you have them!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by dawnandjeremy09 Hi- I am the bride, or was the bride from Leah Stafford's photographs. We were married June 19th. The chargers were free and part of the package. We did the private reception with the Carribean buffet @ $40 a person. The food was good. The centerpieces were $50 each. I didnt have to pay any service charge for Leah because she was a guest of the resort. I did pay for her to eat dinner, which is normal at any wedding. The reception at the beach club was really windy which was good to cool down my guests but bad for all the tea light candles I brought which wouldnt stay lit. I also made a bunch of luminary bags which the decorations were blowing off of because it was so windy. I would definitely bring covered candle holders if you want candles. If you have other questions you can email me @ [email protected] Dawn, your pictures are beautiful, thanks for sharing them. My engagment ring is almost identical to yours!
  3. Those pictures are from the beach club I think. I have some more info from Marialma too if anyone would like it. The prices and options may be a little different because they're for 2009.
  4. Hey Everyone! I'm getting married at the Occidental Grand this December as well. Sarah, I'd love if you could e-mail me the information that Marialma sent you. I actually already have the date booked, but don't have all the arrangements taken care of. Good luck with the planning everyone! my e- mail address is [email protected]
  5. Hi! I'm not 100% sure, but I think that you'd be right in the midst of hurricane season in September... sorry
  6. I'm having a lot of trouble choosing a resort! I think this is my new front runner. We were originally looking at February 2010, but now I think we're considering December. It is almost half the price to travel in December vs. February! How long did it take everyone to confirm their wedding date at this resort? I get so impatient waiting for all the information!
  7. How are you ladies going to get all the stuff to the resorts? It seems like a lot to carry.... would it be ridiculous to have some stuff shipped?
  8. Does anynone know if they have someone at the resort to do hair? It's so hard picking a resort! So many decisions! Has anyone looked into Cozumel at all?
  9. Hi everyone, I'm also looking at the BBGE for a wedding in February. Has anyone looked into prices for the swim up suites? Also, does anyone know about the dinner options for dinner on the beach?
  10. Hi, I'm looking at getting married at the Royal Decameron in January as well. I haven't found a lot of info on it yet for weddings, but I've been talking to a travel agent, so if I get some more information I'll be happy to share!
  11. Hi, my names Steph, and I'm looking at getting married Jan or Feb 2010 at the Royal Decameron Panama, but I don't have a lot of info on weddings there yet.
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