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I got this email from the Blue Parrot in PDC. I heard the Peter Greenberg interview again this morning. Looks like we're still set to leave on Wednesday...woohoo! Greetings to All Friends of The Blue Parrot! First off, thanks for all of your thoughts and wishes directed to us during this crisis. We truly appreciate it. "Its Not An Epidemic...Its An Infodemic." After saying that today on CNN, travel authority Peter Greenberg announced that he was heading to Cancun this week, citing some of the lowest airfares in history, including $150 USD (pre-tax) Round Trip airfares to New York-Cancun! This has been one of those "good news--bad news" scenarios. The good news is that--hour by hour--the recent Influenza outbreak is appearing to be much less threatening than has been endlessly speculated in the press over the past week. The bad news is that the travel and hospitality industry has been devastated by the doomsday scenarios discussed ad nauseum in the tabloid news media. It was particularly bad coming on the heels of the last media drama--the threat to tourists posed by the Mexican Crime Wave. Needless to say, no tourists were harmed during that round of media hyperbole either. The reality is that Playa del Carmen--and for that matter the entire Mexican Caribbean--is healthier, safer and more affordable than ever. There are no "epidemic" face masks, there is virtually no crime and people are still kissing on the street and partying the night away on the beach at the Blue Parrot. So, if you've been hesitating about following through on a trip, or considering booking one, we'll give you an additional 15% off of our already low Low Season rates--just to give you a little more incentive. Write to or call Angela at [email protected], or call Toll Free from US or Canada: 1-888-484-0161 to check availability and qualify for this Blue Parrot Insider discount. Hope to see you! Tom
Quote: Originally Posted by ltl_leah Hello everyone. I still plan on leaving for Mexico tomorrow morning as planned. Out of the 12 of us that were going, only 2 aren't able to go due to the outbreak. My FH parents both suffer from health problems and the doctor strongly recommended they not go. Luckily, they took out the insurance and will get a refund. It is sad that they can't be there to see us get married. I had a better day yesterday. Still on the fence as to how I feel today. I just got a call from work saying that I can't come back to work for 7 days from when I get back. I'm not entirely mad because I work for the federal govt. and I'm sure it's coming down from DC. I am a bit irritated from it, though. I get to take sick leave, so that's good. Well, I guess I get an extended vacation out of all of this! I reflect on if I should have just kept our original date of Sept. 10, 2009 for our wedding and wonder if things could have been better that way. Then I think, if our wedding was in Sept., we probably have our wedding ruined by a tropical storm or hurricane! I guess I can't win either way. There's no sense in thinking about all the "what ifs". I'm so sorry to hear about all the brides who have cancelled their weddings. My heart goes out to all of you. I was not going to bring my laptop to the resort, but since I know many of you would like to hear what's going on while I'm there, I will bring it along. Good luck to everyone and wish me luck while we're there! Hey Leah! Can't wait for an update. I hope everything is going great for y'all!
Quote: Originally Posted by bumbles My budget was tight, so I didn't plan on making OOT bags. Now I am! However, I never would have guessed 10 months ago or a week ago that my OOT bags would include: - N95 face mask (from Amazon) ! - Hand sanitizer (still need to purchase) - Airborne (still need to purchase) In case someone does get sick in Mexico, what happens? What is yourplan of action and what is the plan of US/Mexico government? I don't mean to make anyone anxious, but it's always good to be prepared! Bumbles - Here is the email I sent to my guests. I talked to the CDC personally and luckily picked up my Tamiflu Rx yesterday! I hope this helps! "Greetings Again! I wanted to let all of you know that I just got off the phone with the CDC. I wanted them to clarify "non-essential travel" as it pertains to our situation. As of now they would not recommending that we cancel wedding plans as we have invested a lot of time and money in planning (therefore it is essential to us). I do understand that many of you have families that are your number one priority and that our wedding is not considered as essential to you as it is to us. Please know that we are monitoring this very closely. I will call the CDC back in a few days and will give you another update. A lot can change in 7 days. The CDC did make several recommendations for those that still plan on traveling: 1. Call your doctor and tell them you are traveling to Mexico. Request a prescription for Tamiflu for Relenza to take with you. You will have it on hand should you start to develop any symptoms which will drastically reduce your infection. If necessary ask for several disposible masks to take with you (these will be great for pictures!). 2. Call your health insurance provider to make sure that you have coverage in Mexico should you need to visit a doctor or hospital. There is a doctor on-site at the Royal, but I have also be provided you with the information for the closest hospitals in Playa del Carmen below: - Clinica Medica del Carmen - Medical Service in Playa del Carmen Hospital services: 984-873-0885 Location: 25th Ave. between Calle 2 and Juarez - Hospiten - Medical Service in Playa del Carmen Full hospital with all medical and emergency services: 984-803-1002 Location: Hwy 307 on the North bound side near the Playacar entrance 3. Take all regular precautionary flu measures (i.e. wash your hands often or use antibacterial lotion (with 60% alcohol or more), sneeze into your sleeve, not your hand and don't shake hands with a lot of people, etc). 4. Monitor your health for seven days after your return. For those that haven't already done this and plan to go to Playa, please register your travel with the US Department of State (https://travelregistration.state.gov/ibrs/ui/). Registration allows you to record information about your upcoming trip abroad so that the Department of State can assist you in case of an emergency."
Quote: Originally Posted by Adlergray So I am soooo pissed right now!!!! I called my Dr. yesterday to get a prescription for the tamaflu or the other one saying that I am going to Mexico in 2 weeks (for our site visit) which is what the CDC has told travelers to do. So I get a call at 8:15 this morning (which I know is not early for some but my daughter and I don't get up till 9 soo already pissed at whoever is calling before I need to be up! Anywho, Its my dr. who proceeds to go yooour gooing to Mexico? you know there's a travel warning out. NoI called you for the prescription because I wasn't aware there was something going on. " You know you probably shouldn't be going, Well if the situation gets worse you should not be going ect, ect yes I'm aware. Oh my god it was so frustrating to have her sit there and act like I'm totally incompetent or dumb for considering going! However I found out after all this madness that while the CDC has told us to all go to our DR for a prescription to take with us. The CDC has told Dr's not to give it out unless you are exposed or have it because to many idiots who don't need it right now made a run on. Thanks panicy people everywhere! Sorry for venting but there are reported cases in Chicago so whats the difference? I just really hate being treated like an idiot. Jillian - If it helps I got my Rx at a Walgreens Take Care Clinic. I'm not sure if they have them in your area, but CVS also has something similar. Many of our other guests have also said that the MD is not giving it to them...worth a shot! The office visit was only $30. Good luck!
Quote: Originally Posted by MarieSam Hola my beautiful and fabulous "Swine Flu" Mexico brides!!! Yep, I'm determined to turn this damn circus of a media freakshow into something positive So we will now be regarded as fabulous Swine Flu brides Anywho....just wanted to share an email I received yesterday from some good family friends who live in Playa del Carmen. They along with their two young daughters will be attending our wedding and we know they would be completely honest with us if our health and safety was in question by going to Mexico. Reading his email made me feel much more positive, but also very sad that the people in Quintana Roo are being victimized by all the media hype. They own a transportation/tour company and I know they are losing a lot of money down there because of this along with so many others who rely on tourism for their income. * He sometimes has a funny way of translating from Spanish to English just an FYI AN UPDATE FROM THE RIVIERA MAYA: Hola Mariesam We thank you for your prayers guys, we are fine thank you god, in Cancun, Playa del Carmen and Riviera Maya we have no problems with the Swin Flue, the situation is that our President send an order to the country to avoid meetings or group of people any where, the economy is stoping cause the water parks like Xelxa, Xcaret, Tulum, Chichen Itza, Tulum etc., are closisng doors, Canadian, Europeans and Spaniards stop coming to Canc?n Airport for the warnings they have in their countries, like a said in this area there are no Swin Flue problems, you know that the media makes a little situation in a big situation, i don`t want to say that i minimize the problem but we are (like you say in the message you send us) thousands of miles away from Mexico City, so is some thing that our goverment is handleding, i checked with some travel agencyes clients about the situation and they toll me that every thing is going to be normal in 1 month ( i hope). We call a friend in Veracruz (he is a Hospital Doctor) in he toll us that the situation is real in Veracruz, Mexico City, San luis Potosi, Estado de Mexico, Oaxaca (here is where the swin flue start), Chiapas. I will inform you about how the situation is moving in this area, if you decide to move your wedding area let us know please. We send you a lot of love and ones again thank you for you prayers Silvia & Ismael Ismael Sauceda General Manager Sauce Vacations S.C de R.L Travel and Tours Experts ¡¡ MarieSam - THANKS SO MUCH FOR SHARING THAT EMAIL! I've now had my MOH, flower girl, one groomsman and MY DAD cancel. My dad recently had surgery and he's also one of those that got the "company email" stating that no employee should travel to Mexico. I know it's just protocol, but do they not realize that it's just as close to them in the states as it would be in Mexico...ridiculous! We're still moving forward as planned because trying to rebook everyone that didn't buy trip insurance would be way more hassle in my opinion...or if we did it at home they'd be out all of their money. Just as I thought things were looking up...I got all those calls yesterday.
Quote: Originally Posted by ball4402 Air Mexico! It was canceled because of the Flu... Its been really hard to find other air! From my understanding most of the Air Mexico flights connect in Mexico City which is I'm sure why they canceled. We're on Continental and haven't had any issues so far. Regardless, that completely sucks and I am so sorry you have to deal with this! At least you have a little time to rebook. Best of luck to you and please keep us posted!
Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne Morgan ~ That's pretty funny because that is MY email to my guests!! (which I posted earlier in this thread ~ I did borrow the CDC part from another fellow BDW bride on here who had personally contacted the CDC) Glad to see it has spread!!!! Just out of curiosity, where did you find it? That's awesome Unfortunately only 2 of my guests responded to my email! Hoping they're all doing ok with this, but you know what - that's kind of out of our control for now! FYI wanted to keep y'all updated, this is what we just put up on our wedding website as of today: JaimeLynn- Thanks for the footnote...the first half of that email was from me! I actually talked to the CDC again today and they really had nothing else to add. With the recent posts about SF cases leveling out in Mexico my fears are really starting to subside. But unfortunately we've already lost 7 guests including my MOH and her daughter, my flower girl. As of now we're on for our wedding next Saturday! I seriously doubt the US govt will issue a travel ban (the only way we won't go). And there's no way they're closing the borders...our economy would crumble to pieces. So all you late May and summer brides just keep your head's up! I have faith that this will all be fine in a week or two.
Best of luck to you, your fiance and guests! Thanks for keeping us posted. I'll hopefully be there on Wednesday! You have a great outlook on this. There's no way to predict the future and when you're given lemons, make lemonade! You can only control so much. I just try to take a deep breath and keep laughing. It is what is is, right? Gosh I hate that saying...but it's so true!
By the way, I've been trying to stay strong throughout this whole fiasco. So far we've only lost one couple and a toddler out of 56 guests. Everyone else is waiting until Sunday to make a final decision on canceling. I just got an email from a friend of a friend that is at the Royal now. She is freaking out since Canada implemented their travel ban. Apparently they are sending flights to pick everyone up and if they're not out by May 4th they may be stuck in Mexico until June. What if the US does this? I'm not necessarily worried about catching the SF, but I am worried about being quarantined in Mexico. I hope the US would do the same thing and give us a few days to get out. I mean, they have news in Mexico so we can stay updated. Any thoughts?
Summer - No reason to cause yourself extra stress with a baby on the way. December is a long way away. I guarantee your TA wants the business...just wait and see. That's what we're doing and we're supposed to be leaving on Wednesday! I'm sure it will all blow over in the next few weeks...it will be fine if your invitations go out then.
I know how hard it is to take what everyone is saying (including family) with a grain of salt. But remember this is you and your fiance's day. No matter what I'm down at least 4 guests (old and young), but most of the older adults that are going are over 54 (but under 60). We also have 4 pregnant girls coming (one of which is a bridesmaid) and they're all getting different answers from their doctors. They just need to do what is best for them personally. And all you can do is support their decision. My MIL suggested trying to have a backup wedding somewhere else, but I just don't know that I have it in me to plan a second wedding from scratch! We got our marriage license today so the plan is already in motion. Unless this flu starts doubling or tripling in cases overnight, we're going. Good luck to you and your planning. Don't answer your phone if you get a phone call that might piss you off...that's why I like email! Michelle
I know. Crazy, right?! They have an 800 number and my doctor recommended I call. I talked to a girl for probably 15 minutes. Below is my post on the Swine Flu thread. Hope it helps! "I am new to the group and getting married in Playa next Saturday. I called my doctor this morning and she recommended calling the CDC. I talked to them and below is the resulting email to my guests. I hope it helps! PS - They are recommending that people that are younger than age 7, older than 54 or have a pre-existing medical condition not travel. Greetings All! I wanted to let all of you know that I just got off the phone with the CDC. I wanted them to clarify "non-essential travel" as it pertains to our situation. As of now they would not recommend that we cancel wedding plans as we have invested a lot of time and money in planning (therefore it is essential to us). I do understand that many of you have families that are your number one priority and that our wedding is not considered as essential to you as it is to us. Please know that we are monitoring this very closely. I will call the CDC back in a few days and will give you another update. A lot can change in 7 days. The CDC did make several recommendations for those that still plan on traveling: 1. Call your doctor and tell them you are traveling to Mexico. Request a prescription for Tamiflu for Relenza to take with you. You will have it on hand should you start to develop any symptoms which will drastically reduce your infection. If necessary ask for several disposible masks to take with you (these will be great for pictures!). 2. Call your health insurance provider to make sure that you have coverage in Mexico should you need to visit a doctor or hospital. There is a doctor on-site at the Royal, but I have also be provided you with the information for the closest hospitals in Playa del Carmen below: - Clinica Medica del Carmen - Medical Service in Playa del Carmen Hospital services: 984-873-0885 Location: 25th Ave. between Calle 2 and Juarez - Hospiten - Medical Service in Playa del Carmen Full hospital with all medical and emergency services: 984-803-1002 Location: Hwy 307 on the North bound side near the Playacar entrance 3. Take all regular precautionary flu measures (i.e. wash your hands often or use antibacterial lotion (with 60% alcohol or more), sneeze into your sleeve, not your hand and don't shake hands with a lot of people, etc). 4. Monitor your health for seven days after your return. They did not say that pregnant women should not travel. What they did say is that should you decide to go you need to take extra precautionary measures (have antibacterial lotion on you at all times and possibly wear a mask). If you happen to contract the virus it would be worse for you than others considering some people have had 103 degree temperatures. Please consult your doctor and make the best decision for you and your family. For those that haven't already done this and plan to go to Playa, please register your travel with the US Department of State (https://travelregistration.state.gov/ibrs/ui/). Registration allows you to record information about your upcoming trip abroad so that the Department of State can assist you in case of an emergency."
Shannon - I've edited my profile and added a picture. I will be on the lookout for y'all! You're getting married on Thursday? We're set for Saturday the 9th at the gazebo. After talking with the CDC this morning my fears have really subsided. All I can do is give the information to our guests and let them make the best call for them. If you get a chance to post once you get down to Playa let me know! Safe travels and hope to see you! Michelle
Hi All, I am new to the group and getting married in Playa next Saturday. I called me doctor this morning and she recommended calling the CDC. I talked to them and below is the resulting email to my guests. I hope it helps! PS - They are recommending that people that are younger than age 7, older than 54 or have a pre-existing medical condition not travel. Greetings All! I wanted to let all of you know that I just got off the phone with the CDC. I wanted them to clarify "non-essential travel" as it pertains to our situation. As of now they would not recommending that we cancel wedding plans as we have invested a lot of time and money in planning (therefore it is essential to us). I do understand that many of you have families that are your number one priority and that our wedding is not considered as essential to you as it is to us. Please know that we are monitoring this very closely. I will call the CDC back in a few days and will give you another update. A lot can change in 7 days. The CDC did make several recommendations for those that still plan on traveling: 1. Call your doctor and tell them you are traveling to Mexico. Request a prescription for Tamiflu for Relenza to take with you. You will have it on hand should you start to develop any symptoms which will drastically reduce your infection. If necessary ask for several disposible masks to take with you (these will be great for pictures!). 2. Call your health insurance provider to make sure that you have coverage in Mexico should you need to visit a doctor or hospital. There is a doctor on-site at the Royal, but I have also be provided you with the information for the closest hospitals in Playa del Carmen below: - Clinica Medica del Carmen - Medical Service in Playa del Carmen Hospital services: 984-873-0885 Location: 25th Ave. between Calle 2 and Juarez - Hospiten - Medical Service in Playa del Carmen Full hospital with all medical and emergency services: 984-803-1002 Location: Hwy 307 on the North bound side near the Playacar entrance 3. Take all regular precautionary flu measures (i.e. wash your hands often or use antibacterial lotion (with 60% alcohol or more), sneeze into your sleeve, not your hand and don't shake hands with a lot of people, etc). 4. Monitor your health for seven days after your return. They did not say that pregnant women should not travel. What they did say is that should you decide to go you need to take extra precautionary measures (have antibacterial lotion on you at all times and possibly wear a mask). If you happen to contract the virus it would be worse for you than others considering some people have had 103 degree temperatures. Please consult your doctor and make the best decision for you and your family. For those that haven't already done this and plan to go to Playa, please register your travel with the US Department of State (https://travelregistration.state.gov/ibrs/ui/). Registration allows you to record information about your upcoming trip abroad so that the Department of State can assist you in case of an emergency.
Moments - Thanks for the PDC update. I am not too worried myself, but our guests who have kids are worried they could pick up something and bring it back. I just got off with the CDC (by recommendation of my doctor) and she said that a wedding is considered essential travel and do not recommend for us to cancel. I'll leave my guests to make the best decision for them and their family. A lot can change in a week! >fingers crossed< Megan - I have read all through that thread...thanks! Abbie - I'll definitely keep you all posted upon my return! Thanks again, Michelle
My name is Michelle Connell and I'm getting married next Saturday, May 9th at the Royal Playa del Carmen. I'm not sure how I haven't found this site until now, but I need all the help I can get. The swine flu is freaking ALL of my guests out and I don't know what to do. We are leaving a week from tomorrow. Any suggestions? Thank you!