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Everything posted by caroline0277

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by ncarolinadaisy You didn't offend me at all...it's not what I consume it's all the calories that my little man does. I was just commenting on your post. Oh thank you for responding... I was feeling really bad for my post! I have heard that little ones can certainly take a lot out of you (literally and physically! - so fun though)! Enjoy your day and congratulations!
  2. A diet is just a way of life... in regards to what you consume. I was just offering up something that has helped me maintain a healthy lifestyle - nothing more than that. Not at all meaning to offend.
  3. Hi girls! My husband and I got married at EPM in May and I loved referencing this site to get as many details as I could. So helpful! I have hesitated in sending this out... but I know I am always looking to see what is working for people in regards to losing weight. I wanted to share this before I get too far removed from the wedding and this site. Right before our big day I really hurt my back which was not great for working out and trying to lose weight so I would want to be in a bathing suit. I am not usually one to send out emails, but I had success with this product and wanted to pass it along. This site promotes a 90 day challenge for weight loss. Since I wasn't working out at the time it was a great motivator for me and resulted in weight loss, too! It's a shake/meal replacement product (along with other supplements based on how aggressive you want to be with your weight loss). I have really enjoyed using it and feel it has been better than any SlimFast/EAS thing I've tried. I have been using it as breakfast and even lunch on days when I don't have a lot of time. While you're taking the challenge there is a website that you have access to which allows you to track your diet and also gives you shake/menu ideas. All in all, I just feel like it has made me more conscientious of what I am eating since I start my day tracking calories. Even if I miss a day or two I am usually right back to it since (at least for me) it keeps me disciplined. If you're thinking of trying something out, I recommend taking a look at this. Like I said, I am not usually one to send out a message about a product, but I am fan and feel like brides to be are always looking for ideas. Check it out... and let me know what you think! There are links to details (like nutritional facts, etc) in the link below. If you have any questions or insights, just PM me. http://sweetcaroline.myvi.net EPM is an awesome place... Yamina is wonderful! You all will love it! Best of luck!
  4. I thought the photographer that came with the package, Juan Navarro, was great. I will see if I can attach his packages. I thought he was quite reasonable.
  5. Hello ladies, We got back from our wedding just a few weeks ago and had a really great time! We had 44 people with us over Memorial Day weekend and I think our guests had an amazing time. It was definitely a busy weekend for the resort but they did a great job overall. Get to know the staff (and tip upfront) we felt it really paid off. If I could say one thing about Yamina... it would be that we all pick destination weddings for one reason or another... and the greatest benefit of a destination wedding is that you can trust someone else to take care of the details. I sent her ideas (and to be honest over-thought so much of it) but she did an incredible job. I didn't go into any of this with a super-specific idea in mind- I just wanted it to be nice and to have a great time- what I realized as soon as we got there was that Yamina is more of a quality person than her emails could ever describe... she has high standards so no matter what you ask for I am sure she will do her absolute best to deliver. I will post pictures tomorrow but if I could change two things, the first would have been the timing from the ceremony to dinner. We had our ceremony at 5:30 and tried to dinner at 6:30... it was way too soon. We should have done dinner at 7pm. And the only other thing to keep in mind is that unless humidity is your friend be cautious about how you do your hair. You know how your hair behaves best and let that drive how you do your hair. I would say... all in all - don't worry - you will have a wonderful time!
  6. Congratulations! We get married the weekend right after yours. Good luck! I am sure everything will be beautiful!
  7. I think any fruit option (like strawberries or raspberries) with cream cheese frosting would be delicious!
  8. Here are the flower options I have received from Yamina... I only know of the cake flavors I haven't seen any pictures yet. They are: vanilla, vanilla filled with chocolate mousse, vanilla filled with natural fruit (the fruit of your preference), cheesecake, carrot cake, chocolate. Hope this helps! FLOWER_ARRANGEMENTS.pdf FLORAL_ARCH.pdf INCLUDED_BOUQUETS.pdf GOLD_BOUQUETS[1].pdf CENTERPIECES.pdf
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by ButterflyR12 Hi...we have been to EPM and absolutely loved it! We seriously did not have 1 complaint. I've also been to Cancun at a resort on the strip, and while it was nice...it just didn't compare to EPM. Especially the service, food, and since EPM is a bit secluded...it just seems perfect for a wedding / honeymoon as well. Just my two cents... Rebecca Thank you, Rebecca! It definitely helps to hear perspectives of those who have traveled in the Cancun area. Thank you for taking the time to respond.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by ButterflyR12 Does anyone know how much it is per person after 20 guests? I thought it was somewhere in this thread...but I can't find it... Thank you! Rebecca I think it's $45/pp after the first 20 people
  11. So I know I have asked this question before... but have any of you been to EPM and other resorts in Cancun for a basis of comparison. I thought EPM was beautiful when we were there but I am wondering how it compares to other Cancun resorts. Any thoughts?
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by s_katrese Hey what projects are you working on... I am trying to send out invites by the end of next week. I know I know its really sad that I am just now getting them in the mail, but I sent out STD in October and I already have an idea who will be attending and who will not. I also keep debating on where I would like to marry on the beach or in the gazebo. Anyone else confused I like the idea of the gazebo (I think the max is 42 people) but the beach would be fun too. I like that it is off to the side of the resort so that there aren't people walking around during your ceremony.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by s_katrese caroline777 what type of modified menu did you come up with? We're thinking of doing a tasting menu... smaller plates... maybe 5-6 courses but much smaller portions. We'll theme it in some way- their recommended dishes, our favorite dishes, or a cultural focus. It's been a thought we've had but sounds possible on their end.
  14. Hi Girls, I have been reading your discussions for a little while now and am sorry I haven't contributed sooner. We are getting married at EPM on May 29th this year. We took a trip there in October 2009 and thought the resort was beautiful. We only there for a short weekend but we had a wonderful time. Neither of us have ever been to Cancun so we didn't have anything to compare it to... so there is a small part of me that wonders how it compares to other Cancun resorts. Any thoughts there? We did meet with Yamina and like all of the girls have said- she seems great. We are hoping for somewhat of a larger group (40 or so guests) and anything that we've asked for seems possible. We requested a modified menu and Yamina said that it would cost an additional $5 per person which I didn't think was too bad. We decided on a destination wedding to save on the cost and decision making. I am hoping that at least the cost piece is true because I definitely feel like there are just as many decisions to make. I suppose I was just naive. Thank you all for sharing what you've been doing. I will be happy to share anything that you think might be helpful as well! Happy planning! Caroline
  15. Thank you everyone for your initial responses! I am off to other threads to continue my search for advise.
  16. I love your post because it is exactly the same way I have felt for over a month now. I am picking Cancun over Jamaica or other islands primarily because of the cost of airfare and the travel agent I am working with said your money goes a lot further in Mexico- for both you and your guests. I have read great things about the El Dorado properties and Excellence properties... but if you want a kid-friendly place they won't work for you. But as I'm sure you've seen, there are a lot of posts here about kid-friendly resorts. Good luck!
  17. Hi everyone! It is my plan to have a May 2010 wedding! I have yet to book a place but am thinking somewhere near Cancun. Can I ask how big your groups are that are coming? Ensuring that the guests have a great time is extremely important to me (which is why I think I can't decide). haha Congrats to you all to being well on your way!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Shura I am looking at several possible locations on the RM and would love to hear comments on anyone who has already done site visits and had their wedding there. Possibilities include Secrets Capri, Eldorado Maroma, Excellence Riviera, Iberostar Grand, Ceiba del Mar. Any other advice would be great. Important to me are: Food, Wine, Beach, Understated Elegance and of course price for family to attend. Hi Shura, Have you already picked a location, and/or had your wedding. Your post sounds like exactly what I am looking for and I would love to get your thoughts on what you decided.
  19. Gina- If you have the time... I would love to hear your thoughts on the different resorts you went to. I don't think I will be able to swing a site inspection before we book something. I am excited for you that you were able to see the place you decided on.
  20. Thank you for the warm reception to the site! I recently started talking with a travel agent who recommended the El Dorado Royale. My fiance wants a nice beach so the sand bags aren't going to cut it. I am now looking at the Excellence properties (any thoughts on these properties would be very helpful)... but I hate reading the bad reviews of these places on TripAdvisor. I know that no place is going to be perfect. I really do need to decide and get back to the having fun part! We are a laid back couple but like everyone else who is posting we want the place we pick to be a great experience for us and our guests.
  21. Hi everyone! I have enjoyed reading so many of these posts and figure now is the best time to jump in. My fiance and I have been engaged for over a year now... and after a year of going back and forth of where to get married and how much we should spend (while still being responsible) we've decided that an island wedding would be the way to go. It sounded so easy but I have been looking at places for over 3 months now and still haven't been able to make a decision. First I was looking into Jamaica but am currently focusing on the Riviera Maya area. We are planning on 50-60 ppl and would prefer an all-inclusive option so our guests know what to expect. Any thoughts would be soooo appreciated! And I apologize for my initial ranting!
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