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Everything posted by mich11

  1. Here Here Jaime - I live in the UK and due to fly on 23rd May - cut off date for changing destination is 22nd May so we don't know if we are even getting married at this point. If our Foreign Office do not change their advice, they will cancel our wedding in Mexico BUT when!!!!! Its so frustrating especially when swine flu hasn't even hit the news at all today on any channel. We want to go to Mexico still but have a 1yr old so bit worried about him but this is a joke!!!! Rant over hehe
  2. mich11

    Newbie from UK

    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone - I'm from Hampshire. Getting very excited now - we picked up our rings at the weekend and THATS IT - there is nothing else I can do till we arrive on 23rd May!!!!!! However bit freaked by swine flu!!!
  3. Hi ev1, I'm a newbie on here. My name is Michelle, I live in the UK and my h2b and I get married on 1st June 2009 at Gran Bahia Principe Riveria Maya, Mexico!! Our WC is Karla and she is Fab
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