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Jenn K-W

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Everything posted by Jenn K-W

  1. Beleive it or not... I am having a very hard time finding these resealable badge holders. The sellers I have found on ebay do not ship to Canada, and I can not find them at any office supply stores. My friend even manages a store and has never even heard of them! Just wondering if any of you brides might have some extras? I am looking for about 20 of them. Thanks!
  2. I am making 12. We are allowd 2 peices of checked baggage as well so if I delegate, then we are good to go! I cant imagine spending $700 on extra baggage Wow. I hope to spend less than $50 on each bag... but I got the bags at Old Navy and they were almsot $10 each right off the bat. Gor some FREE sunscreen with my Shoppers Optimum points, a few things on Vista print... and still on the prowl for more goodies!
  3. Wow, great bags!!! Your guests are going to love them (and you!!!). That is a lot of free stuff! How'd you manage that? Ordering it slowly?
  4. I just got started on my bags this weekend and have been on the hunt for good deals and great ideas. This thread has been awesome - Thanks everyone! So far all I have are bags (got them at Old Navy for $8 each) and sunscreen (used my points at the drug store so they were FREE!!!!) I also plan to order travel mugs from discount mugs. The rest... who knows! I need some DIY projects to keep me on budget! If anyone has any pics of their luggage tags, I would love to see them!
  5. Our wedding is 4 months away and i have been shopping like a mad woman trying to find nice stuff for the guys (who do NOT want to go to the mall)! RW & Co. has some great spring stuff out right now - I found some light linen bled suits that I think I have decided upon. Also found some nice linen pants at Le Chateau!
  6. Wow, I just read this whole thread from start to finish and wrote down so many ideas!!! I sw some cure sayings on another thread for the door hangers. But I am wondering how you all made them?? Someone said they used rack cards. Then what? Cut a 2 inch or so hole in the top?
  7. I heard that there was 48 hour rule! I'm confused! But regardless... I also heard that that was not really enforced. My origional plan was to arrive in the DR on Sunday afternoon and get married Tuesday afternoon and both my TA and coordinator at the Magestic said it would not be a problem. It DID make me a bit nervous though.
  8. Wow, I can't imagine how stressed you must be! That is really terrible news. I always say that everything happens for a reason, even though you may not know why right now. The Sun Village Resort just wan't meant to be. I must sound cheesy right now! LOL I really hope you find another resort that you love. The resorts that the others have suggested are all great looking places. Good luck!
  9. Awww, that was so sweet! It's a lovely video! I bet you have been watching it over and over... I really love that song, too. I've never heard it before. Does anyone know who sings it? (I'm inside a small box that only contains country music... LOL )
  10. Ladies, these pictures are sooo hot and so awesome! I didn't book a TTD session, but I am wondering if I should have!!! I just didn't think we would be comfortable doing that! Did you guys find it difficult, especially with friends, family and strangers watching I guess I'm just shy...
  11. Very pretty dress. Similar to my own! Not sure if I am gonna do a TTD session or not...
  12. A few days?? Wow, Congrats! You must still be on cloud 9!!! It is a daunting task, for sure. I was very overwhelmed at first but feel much better now that we have chosen a resort and averything is booked. My advice - get a Blackberry if you dont already have one! LOL So much planning and coorisponding is done though email and my blackberry has been my lifesaver!
  13. Welcome, and congrats! Playa Del Carmen is a fun place... I was there earlier this year. I'm sure you and your guests will love it
  14. Ohh, I love this idea! I think I will make these for sure... just as soon as I have enough points to get the template! And the prices on e-bay for the card holders are very reasonable! Thanks, Geralyn!
  15. We had not really thought too much about having an AHR until a few family members told us "we can't make the wedding, but we'll for sure come to the reception after..." Ummmmm, OK... reception after... note to self! LOL So now I am pondering this thought but am affraid to bring it up to my fiance, as I know he will not be impressed about the additional cost. Its a hard, HARD decision to make! I would love to celebrate with everyone after! But do I really need the stress? I have just nder a year to decide so I'll keep reading this thread for a while!
  16. Thats a great website! Thank you!!! I have been wondering about the wording for the sand ceremony, and these options are perfect!
  17. I was just stressing over these same issues. UUGH. Seems like my TA keeps getting new quotes every week or 2. Feels kinda like we are all playing the stock market, doesn't it LOL Will they go up...or will they go down? I got a new quote this week for Sunquest which I felt wasn't bad. $1410 plus taxes for July 2010. I feel so bad for my guests... I just want them to have the best rate! This is so hard... My parents feel this is far to early to book, but I've been watching prices for a few months, and this one is not bad. What to do, what to do.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by QCbride Hi Jenn!! Thanks for your response!! Just to clarifiy, when you said that they "offer coverage only" does this mean they send you home with the DVD? My understanding was that the Elite package (3 hours) that I was considering includes an album with 1 set of 50 pictures (or something like that). I didn't think about the shipping at all! I prefer having pictures than a DVD but then again the shipping costs for the pictures will probably be substantive as you said!! Thanks so much for your input, Jenn!! Exactly! I got the 5 hour coverage package, it was $1400 US. I forget how many photos they estimated they would take during that time but it was quite a few. I want to say 400-500 maybe? They do the edits and give you a CD. I dont think the CD will be availible to us before we leave, but I have read that they are FAST! After I have the CD I was hoping to find a photographer locally to put together a nice coffee table album or something for us. The estimate about $150 US just to ship the album which I thought was money I could easily spend elsewhere!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by QCbride Hi brides!! Has anyone heard anything good about Photo Souvenir? I'd be really grateful if anyone has any feedback, good or bad! Does anyone else find the idea of hiring a local photographer a bit scary (because u cant meet them in advance)?? I just dont have the funds to pay the travel costs for a Canadian photgrapher. Thanks!! Everything I have read on here about photosouvenier has been wonderful!!! The only complaint (from others, not me) is that they have been taking a few weeks to answer emails. I have not had a problem though. When I have emailed them I have got a response witnin a day or 2 at the most. After reading a few reviews on here, and looking at their website I was sold! I booked them for our wedding in July, 2010 and am VERY excited!!!!! Their prices are pretty reasonable, too. They offer coverage only which I liked because I don't want to have to pay hundreds of dollars to ship albums to Canada once they are complete. The prices are not posted on the website, but when you inquire about them they will be provided. I can send you them if you like. Jenn
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Jefiner Hey Jenn KW - so your the bride that stole my July 20th date! LOL! Just kidding! I had originally asked for the 20th and then we were going back on forth on times. When i replied with 3pm they told me that 20th is now booked by another bride! So now i have asked for another day that week for 3pm and am not getting anything back from the WC. Jefiner... I'm Soooooory!!! LOL I see you got a date confirmed for the next day? Congrats!!!!! I had a really hard time getting a date confirmed as well - it was a very long and frustrating process!
  21. Congrats to everyone on thier upcoming wedding!!! I am adding myself to the list of Magestic Brides! I am surprised I am the only one in July of 2010 on the forum so far. I had a really difficult time getting a date in July, and I gave them a 3 week time period!!! What a releif now, though... and very exciting!! JULY 2009 Greg and Kat - July 29, 2009 AUGUST 2009 Melwhip- Aug 3, 2009 OCTOBER 2009 Angela139 - October 29, 2009 khomac - October 22, 2009 cgf - October 27, 2009 NOVEMBER 2009 lscilley- Nov 16, 2009 andime85- Nov 24, 2009 majesticbride - Nov 24, 2009 DECEMBER 2009 *~Tara~* - December 7, 2009 SunnyCherries - Dec 8, 2009 xcandilkx-Dec 31, 2009 JANUARY 2010 mskcard77- January 9,2010 lisab - January 12, 2010 CityDryms - January 2010 chicpea - January 18, 2010 trance angelxOx- Jan 19, 2010 FEBRUARY 2010 newbride - February 3, 2010 karldettmann - February 12, 2010 MARCH 2010 Anna_C - March 26, 2010 APRIL 2010 livinlife - April 20th, 2010 tiggerulz - April 20th, 2010 liujessicam - April 22nd, 2010 QCbride-April 28th, 2010 MAY 2010 MexicoBeachBride2010 - May 18, 2010 ali0284- May 26, 2010 JULY 2010 Jenny K-W (Jenn and Dave) July 20, 2010 NOVEMBER 2010 Rhiannonbs - Majestic elegance, November 27th, 2010
  22. I emailed them Sunday aftrnoon and got an email back within a few hours. A few weeks seems very odd...
  23. SO SAD!!! I've been researching resorts and have had my mind set on the Magestic Colonial. It loosk so great and I have heard so many wonderful things. I just found out they can't accomodate me any time within the 3 week window (July 2010) that I provided them. I'm pretty bummed right now... Back to the drawing board I go....
  24. Thanks for all the WONDERFUL info everybody!! This thread has really helped me narrow down my search. I'm pretty sure I will be getting married at the Magestic Colonial in July 2010 as long as there are dates availible for me! *fingers crossed* Thanks again, everyone!
  25. Good to know I'm not alone! Some girls are so good at planning and organizing and paying attention to every last detail... NOT ME!!! Thanks Tammy and Jennierin for the advice. Jenn
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